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I Am Making a Mission.dat Editor



Axe Fighter

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Post 29 Mar 2008, 16:38

Yea, i'm also sure.. it was a stupid question
from my side :)

Just saying that: I can't wait!
( I say it only for fun ).



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Post 12 Apr 2008, 06:23

A Long awaited news update...

Hi Everyone!!
I really should have made this post about a week ago. (the screenshot would have been the same) But I was so excited I wanted to continue programming and not let anyone know about it.
@MrVV: This should answer your question :wink:
It is mission 8 from TSK, in the upper enemy village. Any what's this? Hey, It's not a KaM screenshot, it's really in Lewin's editor!!! Thing to note:
- The roads flow strait!! (they are not just square blocks, they have corners) This took a bit more programming but I think it was worth it, don't you?
- It keeps the treeview and map in sync, (if you add a new item, the map gets updated) As far as I can see there are no real bugs! I have spent the last week ironing them out before I released this screenshot. Now all I must do is drag-drop, a section on the left for making villages (not just previewing them) and of course, all the other object types (units, etc.) I will do a beta at some point.
Also, the best new mission competition has finished. I am lazy and have not finished judging them yet, but I will tell you when I have. Maybe in a week or so I will have the reviews + results.
I have sent the text to be translated to the translators, so hopefully 0.5 will be released soon.
I must get back to programming now, feel free to ask questions.


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Post 12 Apr 2008, 07:45

I' m out of words :wink:
Look's nice so far!

Are you going to add objects, too? Would help very much, because then you can see if there is a tree or not! Help's making vities :D


Axe Fighter

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Post 12 Apr 2008, 08:57

Looks great!!!
I hope it will be released soon :D




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Post 12 Apr 2008, 10:57

Way to go, Lewin, keep it up! :D
If you're going to add objects they have to be re-indexed with every 99th byte from mapelem.dat (byte 0, byte 99, byte 2*99, etc) and the sprites from trees.rx need to have the proper index (so with the proper gaps)
Or you could just make the LUT yourself of course, that's more work though



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Post 12 Apr 2008, 12:37

Great indeed, but about the adding objects roTahCreM suggested, do you think that is possible since the objects are stored in the map-file and not the script-file?



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Post 12 Apr 2008, 14:11

He is loading the map anyway.. (with map2bitmap maybe? you could put the object in there)


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Post 13 Apr 2008, 11:16

Hi everyone,
Map objects shouldn't be too hard... I will do them at some point, but first I will add other mission objects (units, clear up, etc.)
@Harold: No I don't use map2bitmap, I use similar code internally. (although the editor will do large maps without crashing and map2bitmap won't, as the editor only loads what is needed at the time) The offset thing sounds quite complicated, but I will see what I can do. I will email you if I need help. I am right in thinking you add the offsets from the mapelem file with the offsets from the rx file, and that is the correct offsets for the images?
Drag and drop is becoming difficult, I might leave it out for now and come back to it later.
The Dark Lord and me are judging the missions! I have nearly done two. If you have a late entry please still upload it and I will include it. (we only have 6, I would like more if possible. Please tell your friends!) The editor will be put to one side while I judge the competition.
@The_Crow_ Could you please update the German thread? I am sure the Germans will like to see the screenshot too! BTW: How is the translation going? Did you receive it ok?


Axe Fighter

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Post 14 Apr 2008, 13:44

:idea: Can the !SEND_GROUP be graphical?
I still wait until your new release :D :D




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Post 14 Apr 2008, 13:50

The "offset" from mapelem.dat determines which texture to select from trees.rx based on the "object" value of a tile in the map - it has nothing to do with the x/y coordinate offsets for drawing, it's just an index
Pretty stupid that they didn't just make the value of the "object" field the right index really, but we can't change it now..


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Post 15 Apr 2008, 00:24

@MrVV Every command that contains an XY coordinate, or applies to a command that has a graphical coordinate (buildings damage) will have a graphical representation. This includes !SEND_GROUP.
@Harold: Ok, I understand now. This shouldn't be much of a problem for me as I am not loading the images from the RX file, they are included in the editor EXE. I am doing this so you can run my editor without having a copy of KaM installed. I will use it to work out the indexes though.
Thanks for helping.


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Post 16 Apr 2008, 14:22

Sweeeet :D


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Post 04 May 2008, 09:04

Map objects, competition and more!!

Hi everyone!
Here is a new screenshot:
It displays map objects (trees), team numbers on items and the options tab. The inn is highlighted because I selected it.
Hope you like it. I must still add all of the other objects. (units etc.)
The Dark Lord and I have finished judging the competition. However, I only had time to upload the winner. So you'll just have to wait to see what the other places are. :wink: Nothing like a bit of healthy suspense...
Here's the link:
Please test and comment on it.



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Post 04 May 2008, 10:54

Looking good

Units are worse, they're often not in 1 piece..


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Post 04 May 2008, 17:13

Very nice Lewin :)

There are a bit too much options on left panel for my taste, but you are the Boss :wink:

As for suggestions:
- can you make buildings more distinctible from roads, e.g. put an outline or something, it looks confusing now (if "2" means road ownership or house..)
- house/roads display on minimap is needed, so to estimate village locations.

When you need a solution for units or building flags - me and Harold will be happy to help :)
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