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Service Release 3 - Beta testing has started!



Sword Fighter

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Post 06 Aug 2008, 12:07

5 TPR: works good now
6 TPR:
:arrow: Northern stone mountain is partially unrechable for the stonemasons (they left two 2-square stripes)
:arrow: Attacks:
First attack of dark green enemy was ok, but they took some additional troops from base.
---few minutes---
First attack of lime green enemy - like above
---some more minutes---
BOTH enemies attack at one time

In my opinion they shouldn't attack so often (only few minutes between first attacks of both teams, as in 4 TPR) and not at the same time (it's really hard, I lost the fight - lime green also took almost all his soldiers :evil:).

Generally, I think the second storehouse in this mission is totally misplaced (too close to the enemies' villages).

Take also a look on mission 2 TPR: maybe I'm wrong, but I noticed that enemy isn't attacking our brown ally (I mean they're allied). Not a serious bug, it just looks a bit weird, doesn't need to be fixed quickly (we need to protect only our soldiers).


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King Karolus

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Post 07 Aug 2008, 22:18

5 TPR: works good now
6 TPR:
:arrow: Northern stone mountain is partially unrechable for the stonemasons (they left two 2-square stripes)
So you mean that when the stonemasons were no longer able to cut the mountain, there were still two stripes of stone left? If that's the case, it will be very difficult to fix as the mountain is elevated quite unevenly. Don't think I'll venture there.
:arrow: Attacks:
First attack of dark green enemy was ok, but they took some additional troops from base.
So was their defense radius too high? Or did you position your troops too close to their base? Or was this some strange bug?
---few minutes---
First attack of lime green enemy - like above
---some more minutes---
BOTH enemies attack at one time

In my opinion they shouldn't attack so often (only few minutes between first attacks of both teams, as in 4 TPR) and not at the same time (it's really hard, I lost the fight - lime green also took almost all his soldiers :evil:).
Hmm... Maybe I should slightly decrease the recruit count of the lime green enemy and increase the recruit count for the dark green enemy by quite a lot? It would make the mission easier if the lime green attacked earlier and the darker green team quite a lot later.
If it still turns out way too hard, well it is possible to add manual delays between each attack. This would make the attack script a lot more complicated however = possibilities for more bugs :cry:
Generally, I think the second storehouse in this mission is totally misplaced (too close to the enemies' villages).
Well, blame the original level designer :P. I won't do changes like relocating a building.
Take also a look on mission 2 TPR: maybe I'm wrong, but I noticed that enemy isn't attacking our brown ally (I mean they're allied). Not a serious bug, it just looks a bit weird, doesn't need to be fixed quickly (we need to protect only our soldiers).
This is the way the AI works in The Peasants Rebellion. They have no interest at all in attacking your allies, they concentrate on whiping out you instead. :D


Sword Fighter

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Post 08 Aug 2008, 15:34

Look at my buliding and army placement and delay between attacks (warning - delay can be different when loaded many times):
Saved game state, 1st slot
Wrong stones can be also noticed here.


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King Karolus

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Post 10 Aug 2008, 20:20

Beta 3 has been posted. Notes to previous beta testers:
- Mission 4 TPR is no longer completely visible from start

I'd also like to point out that I haven't checked whether the formatting breaks on all of the changed messages. Actually, I have only checked the rewritten English tutorial at all resolutions and the first message of mission 3, 4 & 6 TPR plus the two warning messages in mission 7 TPR.
Also, many of the suggested English messages did not fit within a message and parts of them were therefore cut.


Sword Fighter

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Post 11 Aug 2008, 16:38

Beta 2 report, haven't checked in beta 3 yet.
The very annoying mission 6 TPR:
:arrow: (again) green's radius. When placing a watchtower as in screenshot (they attack that right one), trying to defend it will result in all-troop attack.
Screenshot 1
:arrow: Recruit limit for brown, they got stuck near the inn - another screenshot describes it best:
Screenshot 2
(if having problem with accesing files save it via right mouse button or copy address, click and when it refuses to load paste it into the address bar)
:arrow: Green enemy attacks 2 times normal, 1 time extended (all-troop attack), 1 time accidental (due to the run-and-leave-position-troops bug) and 1 time mixed (run on the map and take all soldiers)
Dark-green enemy attacks 2 times normal (+ some groups, but not all) and 1 time accidental.
I know that accidental ones are very hard to fix and it's game engine bug, but I've also noticed that situation can go back to normal after defeating "drunk" soldiers.

That were all attacks. After that, they ran out of... gold. But I don't know should its number be increased, because I almost run out of stones (with almost not using watchtowers).

I'll test it some times again, as there were new changes.


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King Karolus

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Post 11 Aug 2008, 17:20

Well, the defense radius of the green team is 15 currently (decreased from the 20 used in beta 2). To 10 I could decrease it, but lower I won't be going. And a recruit limit will be added.
What did you think about the difficulty of the mission? IMO it could be slightly easier (it's only the sixth mission).
What might help against the drunk soldiers bug and simultaneously make the mission easier is to make the attacks of the enemies smaller and slightly increase the recruit count.


Sword Fighter

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Post 11 Aug 2008, 18:52

Difficulty? It's not so hard, you can set a bit less soldiers, but not too much. Recruit timers can also be increased, but weapons in the second storehouse helps with early attacks.
I thint that the "drunk soldiers" bug is a game engine bug - I haven't seen it ever in TSK (game, not only campaign).

Do you plan to change something in 1 TPR? That mission was always strange for me, especially because of all the misplaced buildings (including invisible second storehouse with goods). You were talking that mission 6 should be easier. In my opinion mission 1 is too difficult for the first mission. What do you think about removing the unused buildings (=more recruits at the start) and adding missing wares into 1st storehouse (or barracks - there are only weapons)?

I'm tired with testing 6 TPR, will test 4 TPR b3 now.


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King Karolus

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Post 11 Aug 2008, 20:59

Difficulty? It's not so hard, you can set a bit less soldiers, but not too much. Recruit timers can also be increased, but weapons in the second storehouse helps with early attacks.
Well judging by what you wrote previously the mission sounded very difficult. But I'll let it remain as it is.
I thint that the "drunk soldiers" bug is a game engine bug - I haven't seen it ever in TSK (game, not only campaign).
Yeah but I haven't seen it in the TSK campaign when playing it using TPR either? The bug is a complete mystery.
Do you plan to change something in 1 TPR? That mission was always strange for me, especially because of all the misplaced buildings (including invisible second storehouse with goods). You were talking that mission 6 should be easier. In my opinion mission 1 is too difficult for the first mission. What do you think about removing the unused buildings (=more recruits at the start) and adding missing wares into 1st storehouse (or barracks - there are only weapons)?
Actually, I like the idea of just making this misplaced storehouse become visible as the resources it has should be a great help. I won't be removing the other buildings as they give the "fortress" effect to your base. I know about the stupidity of the recruits, but the mission should be quite winnable this way.


Sword Fighter

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Post 12 Aug 2008, 07:12

Well judging by what you wrote previously the mission sounded very difficult. But I'll let it remain as it is.
When you're attacked by two enemies with big army, especially after losing many soldiers at the beginning it is difficult. As I said, I haven't tested B3 yet.
Yeah but I haven't seen it in the TSK campaign when playing it using TPR either? The bug is a complete mystery.
If I remember correctly it didn't appear also there. Maybe I should try to run this mission in TSK to check is this version affected?

Partially tested 4 TPR: attacks and radius seems to be ok, no "drunk soldiers" noticeable during first 3 hours (not tested later)


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King Karolus

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Post 12 Aug 2008, 13:17

Hmm... I wonder whether this attack TYPE 2 could be the cause of these drunk soldiers? It's used only in the missions in The Peasants Rebellion campaign.



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Post 12 Aug 2008, 16:55

Probably not, since in TPR the drunkness can also be found in the TSK-levels.(which don't have that command)


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King Karolus

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Post 12 Aug 2008, 18:25

Oh, I didn't remember seeing this happen. I do remember that one team within the walls in mission 20 TSK completely messing up but IIRC they didn't do these sudden charges.
But I guess the missions in the TSK campaign were just better by design which is why this bug occurs more rarely.


Sword Fighter

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Post 12 Aug 2008, 20:03

Attack type 2 doesn't work in TSK engine - it works like type 0. The only difference I noticed is the delay - type 2 supports it. But I don't think it's causing the bug - single missions doesn't have any attacks coded and it happens there. At the momment I can blame game engine and F8 fast mode (yeah, it's so addictive).


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King Karolus

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Post 13 Aug 2008, 17:59

Which brings up the question, should max soldier limits be added to the single missions? It does happen without F8, as a matter of fact I've never noticed any side effects caused by usage of F8.


Sword Fighter

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Post 13 Aug 2008, 20:15

Of course it should! That missions were sometimes unplayable because of this.

I don't know is that was caused by F8, it was similar to the "drunk soldiers" bug, but not so annoying. A melee group couldn't stand in place - they were going 1 square up and 2 squares right, and back, without end. They weren't running.

By the way, has anybody noticed that bug in TSK engine?

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