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Release candidate



Moorbach's Guard

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Post 10 Aug 2014, 19:00

Re: Release candidate

i have no idea why, but when i try to playtest a mission using the ai as puppets trhough the debugging menu the replay breaks. well at least i think it has to do with the debugging menu.
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Post 11 Aug 2014, 01:59

Re: Release candidate

i have no idea why, but when i try to playtest a mission using the ai as puppets trhough the debugging menu the replay breaks. well at least i think it has to do with the debugging menu.
Thanks for reporting. I really want to fix all of these problems that cause the replays to break, so any information like this you can give me is very helpful. Did you give orders to the AI team while you had them selected? If so, what orders? I have a suspicion that using x300 speed can also cause problems with replays... but I am unable to reproduce these bugs :(


Moorbach's Guard

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Post 11 Aug 2014, 08:21

Re: Release candidate

Well i was preparing a replay of AEd07 by how the mission should be scripted (it's a fight missoin). so yes i controlled up to 4 ai's (player 1 being me, player 5 being ai #4) i ordered myself trough the map and ordere the ai to attack me at certain points. every replay is guaranteed to break(it broke 6 times out of 6 times i tried), but they do break at different points in the map. if you like i could upload the map and replay.

at first i thought it was because i tabbed out of the game, but then i did a few runs without tabbing out of the game and it still breaks, which is why i suspect controlling the ai broke it.
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Post 11 Aug 2014, 11:45

Re: Release candidate

The biggest problem with the replay breaking bugs is that I have never been able to reproduce them (follow a set of steps that will always cause the bug to occur). There has just been reports where the bug occasionally happens after 1 hour of gameplay, but when you're trying to debug it, it never happens (as you saw when you helped me to try and reproduce it).

If you have a map where you can reliably make the replay break I'd love to see the map and steps for breaking it :)

Thanks again!


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Post 11 Aug 2014, 12:55

Re: Release candidate

I know it's a very hated question, but when will be RCII out? I want to have fixed all these RC1 bugs.
I fixed The Shattered Kingdom and The Peasants Rebellion here!


Moorbach's Guard

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Post 11 Aug 2014, 13:17

Re: Release candidate

well i was just trying to make myself a replay, but probably i kept producing the bug. this is the best replay i created so far and gave up making a new one.

you should be reproducing the bug if you just control the ai like i did, blue = player 2, green = 3 white = 4 and yellow = 5 in the ai controls debug menu.

with a small bit of training and good x10 timing you could do the entire map in just 8 minutes, good luck and i hope it helps.

the time of breaking differs though, it could break at the start or around the end, more often then not it broke around the start (right after killing the convoy).

*edit* it would be handy if i actually upload the file ofcourse.
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Post 11 Aug 2014, 15:13

Re: Release candidate

I know it's a very hated question, but when will be RCII out? I want to have fixed all these RC1 bugs.
Having the serf glitch alone would be useful, actually. Makes Town Merchants aggravating to play! :P

But that's beside the point :p
I used to spam this forum so much...


Sword Fighter

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Post 11 Aug 2014, 15:21

Re: Release candidate

I would like to play the fixed version of rc1 that unit picking bug makes me sometimes angry, the new rc should be RC 1b


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Post 16 Aug 2014, 13:56

Re: Release candidate

well i was just trying to make myself a replay, but probably i kept producing the bug. this is the best replay i created so far and gave up making a new one.

you should be reproducing the bug if you just control the ai like i did, blue = player 2, green = 3 white = 4 and yellow = 5 in the ai controls debug menu.

with a small bit of training and good x10 timing you could do the entire map in just 8 minutes, good luck and i hope it helps.
Thank you very much for your help dicso, after several plays I managed to reproduce the bug in my debugging environment using your map and after a few more hours of forensically comparing save files I figured out the cause of the bug and fixed it. The bug made the game outcome occasionally be dependent on what units you had selected when you played, so the replay broke because you didn't have the same units selected.

This fixes replay inconsistency errors, MP loss of sync crashes, and save files not matching. As far as I know the bug doesn't cause replay/sync errors in r5503 or r6157, but it can still cause save file mismatches (one of my changes to the AI after r6157 incidentally made the bug able to break replays/sync).

Hopefully this is the end of these issues that have plagued the RC.
I know it's a very hated question, but when will be RCII out? I want to have fixed all these RC1 bugs.
Hopefully tomorrow :) Most bugs are now fixed.

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