Post 08 Dec 2014, 13:17 by Esthlos
How are you supposed to actually build a town there without first checking the map in the editor nor exploring your surroundings with laborers?
What's wrong with exploring with laborers? If a map author like to show player all imporant resources, he would do that with fog reveal circle. There's probably a reason for limited view at the beginning.
Nothing wrong, I just thought it would be simplier to know where the resources are without having to check in the editor.
But I still see this script useful, just not for standard games, where you can easily check all you need in editor or with builders, but for some kind of special maps, where for example mountains are generated randomly around the map, so you don't know where you might find needed resources

. It's probably possible from now on with at least one way: having prebuild mountains and just adding tiles with resources using script.
Haha, you can do this with static scripts: It's already done in many of the "good" maps in the Remake. Though I personally don't like having much revealed from start as I like the feeling of "exploring" as your city grows.
But static scripts are map-specific, aren't they?

Just when you think you know something, you have to look at it in another way, even though it may seem silly or wrong. You must try! - John Keating, "Dead Poets Society"