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Archers Are Too Weak


Uncle Al


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Post 25 Sep 2017, 03:04

Archers Are Too Weak

I realize the TRUE problem is the player (myself) is too weak. Still, the weakened archers have made the game unplayable for me, There are a few scenarios where the enemy attacks quite early, and the player must repel the attack, then go on and build up his /her city.

Scenario 3(?) requires protecting ally lancers or the game is over. It used to be divide your archers in half, send half to protect the ally soldiers and the other half to protect your own town. Now, that doesn't happen. In 7, the enemy simply overwhelms me, as my archers do not kill the barbarians.

I believe there is a way for the individual player to adjust the strength of his soldiers?? For single player games this makes the game, once again playable and enjoyable.

Would someone be kind enough to post the name of the file and its location, so I may work with it??

Off Topic

There's a tank game called I believe Panzer General. The physics model was AMAZING!~! One could adjust the shell caliber,
projectile weight, and muzzle velocity. It was so good, the tank would actually skid backwards with the tread locked when firing one of my "heavy" loads. hee hee Hit a T-34 and the turret would go up in the air flipping like someone had tossed a coin. One dare not fire the cannon while the turret was moving or it would break the turret. just an unbelievable job of modeling.
Anyone else here familiar with the game?



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Post 25 Sep 2017, 07:09

Re: Archers Are Too Weak

In 7, the enemy simply overwhelms me, as my archers do not kill the barbarians.

I believe there is a way for the individual player to adjust the strength of his soldiers?? For single player games this makes the game, once again playable and enjoyable.

Would someone be kind enough to post the name of the file and its location, so I may work with it??
I'd suggest trying to overcome the challenge first, and only change that file as a last resort. :wink:
(Depending on how skilled you are, changing that file on your own may not be easy either by the way :P )

In the mission where barbarians attack you (I believe it's the 8th TSK mission), try rushing a few towers around your Storehouse. They help immensely, especially if their road goes the long way so that your serfs can safely refill them.
(Both Towers and Bowmen hit enemies more easily if they're busy fighting with your soldiers or attacking your Storehouse, so try to exploit that)

(If that's not enough, you can exploit the enemy AI: use a single Bowman to hit one of the attacking troops while they're coming, and then immediately tell him to run to the upper-left corner of the map; some of the enemies will follow, and so they'll be late to the attack :wink: )

(Also, make sure to never empty your School until after it is over - you might end up with no serfs, thus losing the map even if you managed to repel the attack)
Scenario 3(?) requires protecting ally lancers or the game is over. It used to be divide your archers in half, send half to protect the ally soldiers and the other half to protect your own town. Now, that doesn't happen.
I don't remember this map (but I'm quite sure it isn't TSK03)... can you please check the number? :$
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Post 25 Sep 2017, 14:51

Re: Archers Are Too Weak

He is talking about mission 5.
I used to spam this forum so much...


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Post 25 Sep 2017, 15:36

Re: Archers Are Too Weak

He is talking about mission 5.
Let's see, mission 5... oh.
Oh. :O
Ok... on this one I'll have to let someone else give advice - iirc when I replayed the campaign in the current release, I only won this map because I exploited the enemy AI to infiltrate its bases at the start, killed the serfs, and then waited for the soldiers to starve while doing my best to defend and make them waste time... couldn't win otherwise. :(
Just when you think you know something, you have to look at it in another way, even though it may seem silly or wrong. You must try! - John Keating, "Dead Poets Society"


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Post 25 Sep 2017, 16:41

Re: Archers Are Too Weak

Rutger was playing a bit of TSK campaign, maybe this would be heplful: Rutger's aka KaMRemakeFan videos.

As I can see at TSK05 he's not making a city, rather taking advantage of AI behaviour, but you might find some things from there useful for you. If not, I can play it and provide you replays how to manage your city and army in more old fashioned style :).
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Uncle Al


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Post 26 Sep 2017, 17:15

Re: Archers Are Too Weak

MANY THANKS to everyone who came to my aid & posted scenario 5.

I went back on my saved scenarios to look & I cannot pull any of them up. I found an editor someone had posted here some time ago, and changed the strength of the archers & crossbowman. NOW those files contain "unsupported modifications" (they have the intended strengths), and will not load. I have yet to try the game with the new changes, as my first priority was to respond to all you great folks who are trying to help me.

Anyway, as I was saying in the premodified version of TSK, scenario #5 was not tough as dealing with the initial attack was easy by dividing archers to both protect ally lancers and help your own soldiers protect your city. With the weakened archers, it seems we all have issues. Unfortunately, "misery loves company" is only a saying. I take NO comfort in knowing nobody else
is happy.

I will have to see how the ,modified archers perform and will post here.

Uncle Al


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Post 26 Sep 2017, 18:28

Re: Archers Are Too Weak

Follow up......

Well, by playing with the values in the file I was able to get by the first attack. Then the second attack wiped out my allied lancers.
I do believe that fair values could be set to make the 1 player scenario win able without being a walk over. My problem is I have no clue -0- what the values were in the original "from the factory version". One must remember the version we have has been modified from the original. I NOW understand why so many of the more knowledgeable folks here suggested battle strategy should be attempted first. The combinations of changes in the "dat" file are virtually infinite.

I believe for now I'll simply skip scenario # 5 , and move on. Again, I thank everyone who was so very helpful. It has been so
VERY VERY long since I have seen such a helpful group of folks.



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Post 16 Nov 2017, 08:22

Re: Archers Are Too Weak

I also had a lot of trouble with this mission but I came up with a solution.

How to win scenario 5:

1. The first attack is the most important one, if you survive that, you will most likely win the mission.
2. Take all your bowmen, lancers and axe fighters to help your ally. Forget about the cavalry that will attack your barracks for now.
3. Use the militia to slow down the attack from the west side. They WILL get slaughtered but they will hold enemy for long enough that you can safely deal with the bigger threat in the north-east first.
4. Once you helped your ally repel the attack, send the lancers to defend your Barracks.
5. Use the axe fighters and bowmen to kill the enemy axe fighters to the west.

While doing all that you can spam recruits in the school so you can make 9 lancers once the battle is over. :lol:

Using this tactic I only lost militia and had some minor loses in other squads. Also my ally had a lot of lancers left afterwards.

Later in the mission you should remember your west flank is safe, no attack should come from that side so keep your units to the north-east. A second cavalry attack will come soon so remember to position your lancers properly. Once I wasn't paying attention and my lancers started fighting too late and my ally got slaughtered. It's safer to put your lancers at the front.

In mission 7 you should be able to make at least 5 towers before the enemy attacks you. Your losses will be high but it's doable.

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