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PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008, 13:29
by Douwuh
Hey guys, I just downloaded the editor and made some changes (no drastic changes, only colours, troops and alliances)to a single map of TPR.

But when I went playing the mission, the button to the buildings were disabled, even as the statistics button and the button where you can change the maximum wares brought to a building.

So it was like it was a fight mission, and not a build mission.

My question is, how can I remake the mission a build mission?

Thanks a lot,


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2008, 17:18
by The Dark Lord
Search in the script for ''!SET_TACTIC'' and delete that sentence. That's all!

PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008, 00:27
by Lewin
Actually the bug is that if I load a non-encoded misison file with the normal load menu the editor will completely freak out and loading encoded missions after this result in strange errors and alike so a restart is necessary. I guess you forgot to unload something between the loads?
No, but I think if you load something without any commands in it (no !) then it will get very muddled. I need to fix that.
Map reveals doesn't sound like it makes much sense. Map revealers is better. But I see nothing wrong with just "reveal map"...
I think I'll use "Map revealers" then, it seems to be the most popular. The problem with reveal map is if you change it to plural "Reveal Maps" then it's hard to tell whether the maps or the whole thing is plural.
By the way, your fish look like socks. I love 'em! xD
He he, I suppose they do! I highlighted them so that they stand out, otherwise they are impossible to see in the water.
But there's only 5 of them... I guess one went missing in the wash.
My question is, how can I remake the mission a build mission?
The Dark Lords suggestion is valid, but it involves using the script tab. An easier method (in my opinion) is to use the treeview. Select the treeview tab on the left, then expand the "Generic" node. Under there you can see a "Mission Type: All Fighting". Double click on it and it will change to "Mission Type: Normal"
That should solve your problem.

Let me know how it goes,
P.S. In case anybody's wondering development is paused, because I'm busy doing stuff for SR3 and my real life. :wink:

PostPosted: 13 Oct 2008, 18:17
by kuba11100
New bug: after adding a player by the tree view, the alliances list in the other playes is wrong (there's no new team there, it appears after reloading the mission). And one mistake, maybe I reported it before: in Polish version, in the alliances place "Sojuszniczy" appears. It should be "Sojusznicy" (without the last Z).

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2008, 08:01
by Lewin
Today I opened the editor code for the first time in months.
New bug: after adding a player by the tree view, the alliances list in the other playes is wrong (there's no new team there, it appears after reloading the mission).
I have looked my hardest, but I can't see what you mean.
When I do it the new player gets added to the other players just fine.
Could you please explain exactly what you mean, I think I might be misinterpreting you. Also, are you sure you're using 0.8? If you're using an older version or one of the versions I sent to you during translation (one of the ones you beta tested) then that bug is quite possible.
But I probably just don't understand what you're talking about. :wink:
And one mistake, maybe I reported it before: in Polish version, in the alliances place "Sojuszniczy" appears. It should be "Sojusznicy" (without the last Z).
I don't remember you reporting it, however, in my working copy version of the translation it is correct, but in the one I distributed for 0.8 it is incorrect. I guess that I either used an old PO file or you did report it after 0.8 and I fixed it then.
Anyway, it should be fine in the next release.

Other things I've done so far:
- Added support for messages in goals (about time!) and with it allowed comments for goals. (could be necessary now)
- Made roads, fields and winefields store 4 commands per line, rather than just 1. (makes mission files easier to read and more compact)
- Limited team number to 8 in goal dialogue
- Added sanity checking so that if you open: "A) A file that is not a KaM mission B) A non-encoded mission via the normal method C) a normal mission via the non-encoded method" it will display an error message instead of killing the program. (same thing for if you load from the script tab and it is corrupt)

My plans for the next release: (probably 0.8.5)
- Add AI defence positions graphically
- Maybe add AI attacks graphically
- Won't add troops graphically, that will be for the release after :wink:
- Add support for more advanced goals, as Thunderwolf mentioned
- Add support for delayed attack type 2, (as in mission 1 TPR) reported by kuba11100
- Add ability to hide things (in options tab) by multiplayer starting resource section.

Any other feature request? Any bugs? I'd love to know...

PostPosted: 21 Oct 2008, 13:19
by kuba11100
Oh, I forget to say that it happens in Polish version, sorry.

PostPosted: 22 Oct 2008, 05:20
by Lewin
Oh, I forget to say that it happens in Polish version, sorry.
Sorry, that was partly my mistake, I should have thought of that. :wink:
Ok, the bug has been tracked down and fixed. It was just another of my famous "only works in English" bugs. :D
Turned out I forgot to make one of the strings loaded from the translation. It was hard coded to be "Team", so that means that unless you're using English it will crash, or do the wrong things.
Anyway, it was easy fixed so no point worrying.

One other thing that I noticed today: The "mini-map jumping" bug seems to have gone. I am now unable to make it happen. Strange, because I don't think I changed anything to fix it.


PostPosted: 22 Oct 2008, 07:31
by The Dark Lord
I am now unable to make it happen. :(
Ahh, poor you. :wink:

Anyway, nice improvements!

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2008, 05:16
by Lewin
Release 0.8.5 is in sight! I will be sending the translations/betas off to the translators/beta testers very soon.

Changes since last post:
- AI attacks are now handled properly and are more powerful
- Major update to the help file, adding game bugs page, (such as drunk soldiers) where to put mission/map files, update commands list, etc.
- Build tutorial goal now says "Complete build tutorial..." instead of destroy
- A new game play hint for while loading (you just have to wait and see what it is!)

I also plan to add an example folder, so that new scripters can learn by example rather than emailing me. :wink: But that will probably only be in 0.9

As for the game bugs that relate to mission making page, well here are the ones I have added:
- Goal/Message Limit
- Unit Limit/Drunk Soldiers Bug
- Unexplored Buildings
- AI Attack Type 2 Requires Fake Attack
- Fake Fog of War Bug/Flat Hills

Have I missed any? Of course I'm only interested in bugs that scripters will need to be aware of.

Now for the problem: Goals. Thunderwolf posted a while back to say that I was not allowing for lost goal 4 0 0 1, which is true. I can see where it would be used, although it's not really essential. The trouble is that I want newbies to be able to do goals easily. I often get emails from people asking why their goals don't work, only to find that they've used lost goal 4 0 0 1 without a lost goal 4 1 0 1 (retain such and such) So in 0.8 I forced people to only use the simplistic goals, which seemed to help the beginners. However I can see that advanced people will only find it frustrating, for there are times when you need to use the more advanced goals
I would like to ask your opinion on how to implement it. Not the actual code, I'm fine with that. I'd just like suggestions for how to display it nicely in a dialogue so that people can see what each goal type is for. I would be happy for a complete redesign, just as long as it's not too confusing.

Any suggestions on the matter will be most welcome. If no one suggests anything then I think I'll just leave it as is for this release, it's over due already.

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2008, 21:35
by kuba11100
Don't forget to put some "TPR only" information - AFAIK TSK doesn't support attack type 2 (reads it as 0) and drunk soldiers bug doesn't happen there.

About the goals, you can make some kind of "Advanced" box where you can activate additional functions.

PostPosted: 23 Nov 2008, 04:15
by Lewin
Don't forget to put some "TPR only" information - AFAIK TSK doesn't support attack type 2 (reads it as 0) and drunk soldiers bug doesn't happen there.
Yes, thanks for reminding me. I had mentioned the attack type 2 but I forgot about the drunk soldiers.
About the goals, you can make some kind of "Advanced" box where you can activate additional functions.
Not a bad idea, the same thought occurred to me.

I'll see how it goes...

I've implemented the advanced goals, and I'm fairly pleased with it. Thanks Kuba!!
I've also sent the translations/betas to the translators/testers. Please let me know if you didn't receive it. (assuming you're a translator)

0.8.5 will be released on Tuesday, assuming the translators are finished by then and there are no major bugs reported.


PostPosted: 26 Nov 2008, 03:10
by Lewin
Yes, 0.8.5 is here! Download:

- Added support for messages in goals (about time!) and with it allowed comments for goals. (could be necessary now)
- Made roads, fields and winefields store 4 commands per line, rather than just 1. (makes mission files easier to read and more compact)
- Limited team number to 8 in goal dialogue
- Added sanity checking so that if you open: "A) A file that is not a KaM mission B) A non-encoded mission via the normal method C) a normal mission via the non-encoded method" it will display an error message instead of killing the program. (same thing for if you load from the script tab and it is corrupt)
- AI attacks are now handled properly and are more powerful
- Major update to the help file, adding game bugs page, (such as drunk soldiers) where to put mission/map files, update commands list, etc.
- Build tutorial goal now says "Complete build tutorial..." instead of destroy
- A new game play hint for while loading (you just have to wait and see what it is!)
- Added support for advanced goals (editing of status)
- Added AI defence positions graphically
- Added the ability to hide things by multiplayer section

Probably also some other things that I forgot to mention...

Translation status:
- German 100%
- Polish 100%
- Dutch 95%
- Russian 84%
- Bosnian 63%

A big thanks to all the translators!
I am still looking for Russian and Bosnian translators. If you think you can help then please let me know. There is no obligation, and you can quit any time you like.

Plans for the future:
I am planning on releasing 0.9 next, and probably 1.0 after that. (although possibly there will be a 0.9.5, depending on how many bugs I find)
0.9 will have troops on the map, and just about all the other things I've been planning.
1.0 will be the final planned release (but I'll still fix bugs of course) and will have all features implemented and thoroughly tested and hopefully up to date translations. (and I'll try to get the help file translated too)

I'm hoping to have 1.0 out by early 2009, but we'll see. :wink:

Please report bugs and leave comments.

Re: 0.8.5

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2008, 17:05
by merchant_992

Translation status:
- German 100%
- Polish 100%
- Dutch 95%
- Russian 84%
- Bosnian 63%
Who is doing the Dutch translation at the moment?

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2008, 18:44
by Merchator
Aww the final version of 0.8.5 is out and Knights and Merchants isn't installed at my pc at all. What a pity :(

Re: Dutch translation

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2008, 02:02
by Lewin
Who is doing the Dutch translation at the moment?
The Dark Lord. I asked you a while back, and you didn't respond. I assumed you were taking a break so I asked TDL to do it for me. However, this time he didn't get it done in time for the release. (not really that suprising, I only gave him 2 days) He has done the past 3 or so releases for me.

If you would like to take over again then please let me know. (I'm sure TDL won't mind...)
P.S. Anybody got any feedback? Found any bugs?