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PostPosted: 04 Nov 2011, 22:48
by Ben
What do you mean by "You can't create a scenario like this"?

PostPosted: 05 Nov 2011, 02:57
by Lewin
We currently have the code to allow changing teams during the game, but I have disabled it because it is so exploitable.
The biggest problem is sharing line of sight If you change to the other team then change back you can see their whole base. Ben's idea of only sharing LOS when teams are locked is probably a good solution.

The second biggest problem is that you can exploit it so easily. Imagine I am fighting and I want to pull my units out of the fight. I change to the enemy's team, tell my troops to run now that we are "allies", then change back to my original team once my troops have moved back. Even if it shows a message "Lewin has changed from team 1 to team 2" there would still be people who do this in online play.
This could be overcome by using the original KaM system, where you are only able to set how you feel about the enemy, not how they feel about you. (meaning the enemy will continue fighting but your troops won't) This is still exploitable because it allows you to run away although taking some losses, but it's also very confusing to use, e.g. in a 4vs4 game if I want to change teams, I will have to change my allied status for all 8 players, and the other guys would have to change their status towards me. Then all of this information would need to be displayed somehow and it wouldn't be very nice to look at. (similar to the alliance grid in the Remake map editor) I like the simple teams system. Fully dynamic alliances is not user friendly and there are basically no cases where you want to be allied with someone when they are not allied with you.

If people have solutions I'm quite open to suggestions, so please feel free to discuss.

PostPosted: 05 Nov 2011, 08:36
by Juba
I think that if you want to ally with someone, you need to send a request to your enemy/team (of several players). Sending request won't change your ally status before enemy/team accepts it. Thus, in the middle of fight, armies would stop killing each other at the same time and only if the request is accepted.

If players form teams, there would be less messages when someone changes their allied status. Of course, there should be an option to lock teams at lobby.

E: Thanks, I'm glad you like my idea. :3

PostPosted: 05 Nov 2011, 12:03
by Lewin
Nice idea Juba :)
So all team members need to approve when you join their team, but you can leave a team any time you like. That should work well, I'll write it on our features list :)

PostPosted: 06 Nov 2011, 00:46
by Ben
Well said, Juba. Wisdom is well appreciated :)