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Re: Idea for Multiplayer Game

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2012, 14:00
by Da Revolution
Uhm maybe you could say you unlock something when you reach 100 bread. For example first you can only make militia, but when you reach 100 bread you'll unlock bowmen. Otherwise it wouldn't be competitive indeed.

Re: Idea for Multiplayer Game

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2012, 14:18
by Piko
Something like this is possible to do (using events). ;)

Re: Idea for Multiplayer Game

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2012, 14:20
by Kridge
Now, I can see possibilities with capture the flag. This is going to be a big what-if story, please sit down.
And yes, I can see how hard this would be to make.

What if there was like a flag (beacon/something else) that is in a middle of a map should be brought back to its own base.
Now how I see this: There is no building involved. There are no civilians, only military units.
[Maybe the Vagabond can be chosen to pick up the flag as a special unit for it?]
When a player picks up the flag with the unit, he has to make sure, the unit makes it back. He has some supporting units, to help defend the "messenger".
Other players need to make sure the "messenger" is killed, so the flag respawns in it original position, and the messenger of the "lost" player is respawned in the base of that player. Now the competition goes on.
When a player would bring the flag back, he gets a point. But, though CTF is about scoring such points, i still think the killed and lost units should be listed.
I think it is pretty good to loose as less units as possible. (somethings wrong in that sentence...)
So what if we would do a test? To see how it works? In regular gameplay maybe? We set something in the middle, someone needs to send a unit to pick it up, and bring it back to its base without losing it. You would have to have people who know what the rules are for the game, but I think it might actually work. I dont know. Tell me what you think, or how it could be improved.

Personally, I am not exactly sure what you mean when you talk about things such as killing spree, big battle, high time, melee/ranged, kingdom. I wouldnt know how the game would work.

The Defender idea could be cool, yes, but how would you disable the player to attack the attacker? I mean that would mean borders or something? 1-way tiles? I dont know what you mean with conversion, but if this was implemented and works, I think it would look like this:
The defender gets some time to set up his army as he likes. After a couple of minutes, the attacker should be ready as well. Maybe the attacker can use scouts (not the unit, the meaning) to partially see what he's doing?
But, I'd see this as something like: the defender has a small town or base with towers maybe. The attacker has its army. Maybe they could use siege machines, but a lot of people do not like them so I dont know.
The idea certainly has potential. Now it needs a strong structure, so it is a more detailed idea, with explainations how it would work, how the units are divided etc.

And I think these ideas could be implemented in custom maps/campaigns too, it shouldn't be mp only. Thanks for reading, i hope you enjoyed :P.

EDIT: And I really like the idea of unlocking certain thing by economy. I mean, you couldnt make troops if you dont have the food to feed the troops irl?

Re: Idea for Multiplayer Game

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2012, 14:52
by Piko
Capture the flag idea was discussed on Polish forum, it should be a women in her house, and take she to player's town would give point.

But serious - I think Yours idea is good, but there are two things to change:
- Sometimes at center of map is an obstackle, so it won't be possible to get this flag.
- After kill 'messenger', flag shouldn't respawn - it should lie in place, where stayed killed unit. It's because killing single unit is very easy.

Re: Idea for Multiplayer Game

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2012, 15:17
by Kridge
Capture the flag idea was discussed on Polish forum, it should be a women in her house, and take she to player's town would give point.

But serious - I think Yours idea is good, but there are two things to change:
- Sometimes at center of map is an obstackle, so it won't be possible to get this flag.
- After kill 'messenger', flag shouldn't respawn - it should lie in place, where stayed killed unit. It's because killing single unit is very easy.
True that two times. A sentence with only t-words, you see :P. Yes I agree. You are totally right. I can't read the polish forums, unfortunately. But yes, the flag shouldn't always be in the center. But it should be placed so, that every player has equal chances.
And something else i thought of: the "messenger" shouldnt be able to fight, in my opinion. He is only there to pick up the flag. The support units are there for fighting.

Re: Idea for Multiplayer Game

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2012, 15:59
by FeyBart
I have an idea. We could do Snake, so you'd start with a scout, and another scout, standing still, would spawn on the map. You'd have to run to it (just like in real snake, you can't stand still), and if you touch it, it becomes part of your line. You can't hit anything, or you'll be dead. We could make a single player version, but also a multi player version.

Re: Idea for Multiplayer Game

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2012, 16:13
by Bence791
That wouldn't work since troops in KaM don't move like Snake, so they'd hit the walls easily.

Re: Idea for Multiplayer Game

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2012, 16:27
by FeyBart
That wouldn't work since troops in KaM don't move like Snake, so they'd hit the walls easily.
We could change the controls.

Re: Idea for Multiplayer Game

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2012, 16:51
by Ben
I have an idea. We could do Snake, so you'd start with a scout, and another scout, standing still, would spawn on the map. You'd have to run to it (just like in real snake, you can't stand still), and if you touch it, it becomes part of your line. You can't hit anything, or you'll be dead. We could make a single player version, but also a multi player version.
No offense, but why in the world would would you want to play snake in the Remake? If you want to play snake then play snake. Not KaM.