Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
mission 12I have an idea for mission 12, I added script to block some wares in storehouses to stop those annoying traffic jams, but with this script cities look dead after some time, just some serfs moving, but most of them don't have work. So let's go to my idea for making script for infinite iron, coal or gold in mountains for these villages, that would mean no iron/gold/coal in storehouses and more serfs moving! Of course after some time this script stops changin tiles in mountains, so these resources will be infinite just for a while . Tell me your opinions or another ideas how to solve this problem .
And next:
Finally I'm at mission 14, where is still my biggest dilemma about AI's building. I know I'm speaking about it over and over, but please think about it for a moment. In this mission player can't see AI building it's village, so there is an option for me to build nice village for it (I don't like to do that, because I love when AI is building it's city in TSK) or there's second option, to let AI build it's own village, but for that I need special option for AI to set where it can build in THIS release. Second option means more work for Krom and Lewin and moving release date, but for me it means last TSK problem solved in very nice way. First option gives devs some rest for a while, but we won't have building AI for some time in this campaign. I tried to balance AI's supplies to make it build right, but in 7/10 cases it didn't work right. Any other ideas? I really would like to see fixed TSK campaign in Remake, what about you?
for npc 4 it's ok.
But npc 2 and 3 can be taken over, thus giving the player more resources.
mission 14
give the npc's a ready to go village for now.
the devs deserve some rest, and not a lot of people play the campaign.
so in the release after this one it can be fixed for real.
in my opinion the gains don't outweigh how much we need it.
i'm very happy that you are so dedicated
AI in missions 14-16 will temporarily have pre-built villages and after this release it will be turned back .
And last I want so say: I'm happy that you're happy.