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Results of multiplayer games



Moorbach's Guard

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Post 04 Aug 2014, 23:05

Re: Results of multiplayer games

koczis you bring shame to the yellow color, hereby i ban you to use the color of black!
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Post 06 Aug 2014, 18:19

Re: Results of multiplayer games

Boby <3



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Post 20 Dec 2014, 16:00

Re: Results of multiplayer games

hi guys,

today i played stalemate tournament, and there were some random players so the teams were really imbalanced.
i ended up having to do 1v4.
guess who won :D

stalemate tournament.rar
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Queen of the Iron Age

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Post 06 Jan 2015, 10:21

Re: KaM shoutcast topic

hello everyone. I want to share with you the replay from few days before. It was random game but You should all know 2 persons from.
Simke - Germany
Rex - Spain
LadyPauline - Polish
Reivolz - Polish
To watch it You need to download the map
I encourage you hot! Map is difficult really and have interesting battlefield
I recommend to test it yourself and accept the new challenge. And please read the description.
I hope you will enjoy it, please like, comment and subscribe :P

P.S Special thanks to Tiank for his support. You pushed me to use my skills in creating maps.

Edit: Warning, it was 70 pt game not just 60. speed 1,5
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Post 08 Jan 2015, 15:06

Re: Results of multiplayer games

Here's pretty nice game I'd like to share, shows different builds on this iron only map and pretty nice action, as we were fighting back and forth, so the gameplay was balanced :).
Cold Steel Mountains.7z

We decided to end it with stalemate :)
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Post 10 Feb 2015, 22:00

Re: Results of multiplayer games

I present the graph that depicts a camper's (or shall I say Kamper's?) game:


Actually you can see that it was defending, you can see a fight early on after PT, but nevertheless: defense is imba.
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Post 10 Feb 2015, 22:16

Re: Results of multiplayer games

Next time we play 1v1, I will be the one defending/camping haha now i lost 2 games in a row against you mainly because of you doong it hehe
Do you want to play with/against me? Just write me a PM :D


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Post 11 Feb 2015, 01:57

Re: Results of multiplayer games

Our games will become spina if we only defend :P

Though to be honest, I think I am defending because I'm always attacking (and losing) first fight xD
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Queen of the Iron Age

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Post 12 Mar 2015, 10:11

Re: Results of multiplayer games

Hello everyone! I have nice replay to show you. Played two days ago with nice players like Skeleton, Mandos, FireFighter, Vip Pff. Some kind of random game also BUT, we have Incredible Twists here! Just keep focus becouse there are insane fights on Two sides of the map! I hope you will enjoy it!
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Last edited by LadyPauline on 12 Mar 2015, 10:27, edited 1 time in total.


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Post 12 Mar 2015, 10:25

Re: Results of multiplayer games

Nice, your team played well together :).
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Queen of the Iron Age

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Post 15 Mar 2015, 13:47

Re: Results of multiplayer games

Result of I.G and EE Confrontation on New Horizon ;) Very agresive game! Enjoy!
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Post 16 Mar 2015, 01:35

Re: Results of multiplayer games

New Horizon is better for 3v3 games than Golden Cliffs, Shadow Realm or Across Desert.
Has the OLD build order and the formats to play it are: north vs south / west vs east / left diagonal / right diagonal

The battle areas are more interesting with many sneaky passages.
You cannot appreciate this at first sight if you think New Horizon "must and only must" be played as 4v4.

My suggestion for Thunder (the mapmaker) is to add +50 gold in every gold mountains, so you have 250 gold / 250 iron for each player. And then tweak the starting resources for adding more difficulty-> -5 timber, -food.
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Moorbach's Guard

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Post 16 Mar 2015, 07:57

Re: Results of multiplayer games

My suggestion for Thunder (the mapmaker) is to add +50 gold in every gold mountains, so you have 250 gold / 250 iron for each player. And then tweak the starting resources for adding more difficulty-> -5 timber, -food.
Well, maybe this isn't mapmaking topics, but finally somebody noticed that to most of my 4v4 maps has great chance to play 3v3 :)
When i added the resources to the locs I wanted a short goldage. Why? The answer is simple. Market. The players have to set their lategames very early with short goldore in the hills . So the lategame is start around at 90mins. Most maps has tons of ore in the hills so lategames comes rarely or just in long games. I really like the Across the Desert gold settings because of late game issue. 200ore is a great margin for the game setting. And maybe the most important is the players have to make qulity armies...I mean if waste your low amount of goldchest to only the players have to make quality armies. Still in the lategame have to focus to make qualities.
With tons of goldore the player won't hesitate to create lots of milities etc...

About the food setting. I think the map has normal setting which is mean enought to the normal start buildorder. I usually see starvations at PT almost every single game. :?
HArd to decide to the decresing the food in the storeH is a good idea. :? But I will check it in the future more times.

MAybe i will create a Hard edition of that map because seems to me the locs are realyl easy. I would like a more sperated coalfields and hills for the bases. We will see :wink:
And thanks Jero!


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Queen of the Iron Age

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Post 16 Mar 2015, 16:06

Re: Results of multiplayer games

Our playstyle is determined by the properties of the map. I really like when map requires thinking, using market. Good example for gold is 'across the desert' and for food 'rebound' (which is just awesome to play just becouse of low content in the storehouse). the maps should be (in my opinion) like that. action gives reactions. low food, other build system. It is up to you, makers! How we play depends on how you did your maps.


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Post 16 Mar 2015, 16:27

Re: Results of multiplayer games

When i added the resources to the locs I wanted a short goldage. Why? The answer is simple. Market. The players have to set their lategames very early with short goldore in the hills . So the lategame is start around at 90mins. Most maps has tons of ore in the hills so lategames comes rarely or just in long games. I really like the Across the Desert gold settings because of late game issue. 200ore is a great margin for the game setting. And maybe the most important is the players have to make qulity armies...I mean if waste your low amount of goldchest to only the players have to make quality armies. Still in the lategame have to focus to make qualities.
Huzzah! Huzzah! I wish To felt the same way as you on this matter, Thunder :) Imo, resources should start running out around 1:15-1:20 minutes in. Most games don't last past 1:30 so I think having 200 gold ore should be the "standard" and anything after that is a bonus. Being able to transition your economy into market-dependence in late game should be a vital skill in KaM, but it is rarely seen now since most maps have 300+ gold for each location.
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