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Kamykos's maps

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2012, 10:58
by Kamykos
Hi everyone! :)
I want to present you my maps:


Angry farmer
maximum number of players: 4

Short info: It is special map. Each team has 2 villages which give that team nescesarry goods. One gives wood, gold, iron and coal, the other gives leather, food and horses. You can take control under enemy's village. How to do it you can read in description. Have fun :)

Angry farmer.rar

Where is my house
maximum number of players: 6

Short info: Completely random tactic. Locations 1 nad 4 will always have the same units, the same for 2 and 5, 3 and 6. Town in the middle on the map is randomized too(compare screens number 1 and 4 below). At the beginning you will see short cinematic which is also random :).

Where is my house.rar


Deep in the mountains
maximum number of players: 8

Deep in the mountains.rar
Defence of the king
size: 144x144
maximum number of players: 6


Re: Kamykos's map

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2012, 12:50
by FeyBart
I really don't have any knowledge on maps, but from what I can see, it looks pretty much fun. Thumbs up!

Re: Kamykos's map

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2012, 13:11
by Da Revolution
You download link isn't complete. You need 3 files :D

Re: Kamykos's map

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2012, 13:23
by Mulberry
This dark hole near the center of the map reminds me about Sigmund Freuds psychoanalysis :) And hm... Snow near the desert looks kinda very unnatural :( I dont think it is a good idea.

Re: Kamykos's map

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2012, 13:42
by Kamykos
Thanks for opinions! Da Revolution what do you mean I need 3 files? And how can I get that 3rd file?
This dark hole is a cave :D.

Re: Kamykos's map

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2012, 14:02
by Leeuwgie
Hi Kamykos,

It works for me using 2 files, I had a close look at your map, this is what I noticed:
+ very good work on the mountains, must have cost you some hours.
+ enough resources
+ balance looks good (suthern maybe a bit better)
+ terrain types look good, I only don't like desert/snow on 1 map
+ no fancy buildings placed at start
+ plenty of fish
+ enough building space
- few sharp tiles/coal is not smooth
- the black hole looks very unnatural
- too few starting trees (top left players have least)
- overall heights on the map needs to be worked on
- 3 serfs, 2 builders is a bit too few to start with imo
- mid/right player has far more coal then the others
- the 2 suthern players have their storehouses placed too close to each other
- it's not the best bridge I've seen tbh

Good luck improving this map,

Re: Kamykos's map

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2012, 15:27
by Da Revolution
Tried it again with the 2 files, really doesn't work for me :(

Re: Kamykos's map

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2012, 19:25
by The Dark Lord
I see the download only contains the map and the script. This would be enough for TSK and TPR, but Remake also requires a .txt file. We can still open it in the editor though.

Re: Kamykos's map

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2012, 20:24
by FeyBart
I was thinking, though, that the north is supposed to be desertish. Now, deserts don't normally have very big rivers running through them. I guess you could say the river would run from the desert in the north, downwards to the cooler landscape in the south, but even then, your way would still not be very realistic. You have a big river running through it, with occasional stops in between, and a waterfall in the north, in the middle of the desert. Sketch:


Why don't you just make it more, like the river starting thin, and wobbly in the north, and make it wider and less wobbly, the more it goes to the south? Kinda like this:


Re: Kamykos's maps

PostPosted: 19 Sep 2013, 23:01
by Kamykos
Hey guys, I made a new map with dynamic scripts. Its called Angry farmer. Link and screens are in the first post. Read the descritption before you play!
Any suggestions, comments, bug reports are welcomed ;).

Re: Kamykos's maps

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2013, 19:44
by andreus
I remember our midnight game on DOTK :P
It was funny ;)

Re: Kamykos's maps

PostPosted: 08 May 2014, 17:49
by Kamykos
I uploaded new fighting map: Deep in the mountains. It's for 8 players. Link is in first post.
Soon I will make more fighting maps.

Re: Kamykos's maps

PostPosted: 08 May 2014, 18:01
by andreus
nice, but where's Behind the Trees? :P

Re: Kamykos's maps

PostPosted: 08 May 2014, 19:01
by woloszek
not bad :D

Re: Kamykos's maps

PostPosted: 08 May 2014, 20:20
by Kamykos
nice, but where's Behind the Trees? :P
I need to fix it first. Map doesn't look good enough :P.