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bowman more ranged ??
PostPosted: 05 Oct 2012, 18:48
by cirox
Bowman should not have greater range than crossbowmen? like 1 or 2 squares futher ?
What you think about this ?
Re: bowman more ranged ??
PostPosted: 05 Oct 2012, 18:57
by Bence791
Shortly: Never!
Re: bowman more ranged ??
PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 16:47
by Luki
To be honest bow has beeter range than crossbow, its fact. But it will ruin balance a little, however for me 1 square more for bowmen is acceptable.
Re: bowman more ranged ??
PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 16:53
by sado1
I think that bowmen are already good enough, but that's a good idea to consider if we decide it isn't enough.
Re: bowman more ranged ??
PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 17:01
by pawel95
To be honest bow has beeter range than crossbow, its fact. But it will ruin balance a little, however for me 1 square more for bowmen is acceptable.
Yeah, that would be a compromis maybe. So you should go with your xbows 2 steps forward, and the enemy is shooting already.
However than, the balance and discussing about "so strong x bow" would be decreasing really