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King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 07 Apr 2013, 10:55
by Menszu
Well, with the new candidate release editor my work speed up a lot. I want to present you King of the Castle *fanfares*

About the map, the main idea was to give players much space for fighting outside the cities - not just 20 tiles between two tower lines. There's a lot of ground for cavalry manouvering in the middle.
Two locs - 1 and 5 are placed more foward the enemy, but have good defensive positions.

Recommended teams:
for 8 players - 1,2,3,4 vs 5,6,7,8
for 6 players - 2,3,4 vs 6,7,8 - but a lot of other combinations look fun.

Also, the map might be good for scripted capture the points mode - but I'll need a help here as I have no idea how to add it XD

For recent 1.3 version of the map I gave each player a 20 corn for a start. On the other hand there's not to much food, maybe this would encourage to build decent food industry. Well see how this work out ; D Will it go for bread, swines, horsies or just traded for wood - up to you.
Also school, inn, woodcutters, stonemasons and grainfarm are unlocked from the start.

Update 1.1
-loc 8 - Desert was erased, that was a major bug, I wasn't aware a player cannot build at all upon it.
-Loc 1 - Reworked gold deposit so a player can build 3 mines.
- Food storage reduced even more. Bonus corn decreased to 20.

Update 1.2
- loc 8 (unlucky one) - Storehouse moved sightly north - closer to the stone deposit.
- loc 4 - Little more farming space - more shallow snow.
- Lot of aesthetics all around the map.

Update 1.3
- Now working for all releases of remake.
- loc 7 - Reworked gold deposit for easier town planning.
- loc 5 - Reworked north entrence to the base for better defence.
- all locs - Added more trees to the forest area of each player.
- Reworked swamp area near loc 8 (again) - now passable correctly.
- All mountains get visual attention to look more realistic.
- Few ruins around the map, and inside the castle.
- Terrain all around made less flat.
- Tiny visual details


Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2013, 10:27
by Menszu
Hey there. Version 1.4 is up, along with some promotion materials encouraging to check the map out.

Recent changes:
- Loc 1 - Little less coal. Additional gold deposit moved closer - also for better defensiveness.
- Loc 3 and 4 - reworked coal deposit, it's split up now.
- Loc 4 - Half the coal moved closer to iron deposit. Less stone - accessed more easly now.
- Loc 5 - Lowered far away gold and iron bouns deposits.
- Loc 7 - Iron deposit reworked for aesthetics and more chanlenging planning.
- All locs - All players have 90 fishes waiting for them around the map.
- All locs - balancing the resources.
-Some aesthetics as usual. More objects all around the map, woods in the center have more trees.

The deposit sizes shown here may, and are, a bit bifferent from actual. Now everybody have around : 90 fish / ~500 gold / ~430 iron / ~1000 coal / ~1000 stone.

The map: Image


Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2013, 10:58
by Lewin
Interesting map :) I think you could probably work on the terrain a bit more, for example there are a lot of big open flat areas which aren't very interesting (use special grass tiles and other tricks to decorate them, take a look at The Dark Lord's maps for examples)

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2013, 11:11
by sado1
Yeah, and the elevation isn't looking nice in some places. Try to use smaller brushes (both for elevation and terrain) and especially smaller speed of elevation brush, to make transitions look better.

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2013, 13:14
by dicsoupcan
the map looks interesting, but i am worried that loc 5 is a camploc since it only has 3 narrow entrances. I guess some testing will make some better conclusions. :D

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2013, 14:05
by Menszu
About visuals, I'm trying to improve with each new version. Of course aesthetics can always be better, but the map is huge, it takes time. Still at this point I'm satified in a way there are no major errors I can see, and small obiects are distributed around quite equaly.

The open space was one of the main ideas about the map, still I agree that flat, open space demands even more attention to make it more atractive. Most of the time I try to fill it with some flavor like chopped forest, some ruins, sand pit but I also try to avoid Skyrim syndrome - for those who didn't play it - I mean there's an epic architecture right next to other on every step.

As for loc 5, it's just like 1st. Further from the allies and closer to the enemy, so those locs are kind of redoubt, and will probably be the first under siege.(and sadly first to be destroyed :D)
That's why I even improved the loc 5 natural defence to the north - since the north-most bridge is even closer to the 2nd Loc - in tiles and city growth direction - where L2 will surelly be there becouse of iron and gold mines, and L5 will have to build north just to place defences - optionaly gain some gold and forest space on the way.

Honestly I find it the hardest loc (5) since it demands carefull city planing. It has little space, and middle bridge might be difficult to defend if the north alliance holds the middle of the field. - I'd even advise building the towers on the eastern side of the bridge since it's possible - and you can quite nicely close part of the map between the river and the cliff -> the space where road goes south straight to your allies.

Yep, I encourage to make a loooot of testing folks : D

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2013, 14:09
by sado1
Of course aesthetics can always be better, but the map is huge, it takes time.
Don't tell me... I know that pain :P Elevation is the easy part though, what I hate is the objects. Terrain also takes quite a bit time, but it's quite fun to do, while objects are really time-wasting and dull to place on a map...

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2013, 16:48
by Menszu
In my case it's quite the oposite, I like decorating with obiects. Well I can't tell that I don't like elevations. But there's a lot more work with them to check both visuals and gameplay issues like passabilyty and building allowances.

Speaking of which, I made some of this work, albo my testing indicated the map is quite challenging.
-You have to instal food industry quite fast unless you want to play it hardcore. I'm pretty satisied with 20 starting corn. So far I used it once for horsies + bread, once for ballanced, and once for swines only. It worked out cool.
-Quite a big distances to certain resources, or even more to defensive positions. And towering is advised. Especially for loc 1 and 5.

So, with voices of maps getting to easy with the new unlock, this might be fun with 60PT. For others I strongly recommend 70PT or even more - map is suited for big armies, and big, healthy cities.

So, version 1.5 is here. Hopefully it's final and next changes will be strictly gameplay sugested. It's time to make another map after all ; )

Version 1.5 changelog:

- All locs: checked elevations, especialy loc 2,5 and 6 - terrain more suited for building.
- All locs: little more trees
- As usual visuals, with special attention to elevations and mountain tiles (made more random)

Since I probablly wont try to script the map for some time, if anyone is willing and able I leave the map open sourced and encourage to make 'holding all 4 castle towers for 15 min' or something this way. In fact a Battlefield's point system would be better as I once sugested on facebook.

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 17 Apr 2013, 13:05
by Ben
Menszu, could you send me a PM with a link for the replay of the game that was played on this map yesterday? I am curious to see how players build on this map.

I'll give some feedback shortly.

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2013, 16:07
by Menszu
Instead of spamming daily versions, I took some time to prepare big new update.
The map has been up for some time and doesn't seem to be popular, but I still belive in it.
As always: please give your thoughts. Save any replays and send them to me. This may improve the recent map and more in the future I have plans for.

Version 1.6 changelog:

- All locs - minor forests added around, mostly for visuals, but someone can take advantage of them.
- Loc 2 - rearanged Stonehenge stone deposit - now possible to build two stonemasons inside the stone circle.
- Loc 3 - Iron mountains changed shape for more chalenging city planning.
- Loc 4 - Frozen lake moddified, added a cliff in the nearby forest
- Loc 5 - North entrence - gold deposit closing the beach allow to deploy the tower defence more closly. Southern Cliff prolonged to the river leaving only one entrance.
- Loc 7 - Minor coal deposit separated from the 8th player who usually took it for his own.
- Loc 8 - Minor coal deposit made much smaller. Added desert dune for more challenging planning.

- Visuals all aroud the map
- All mountains elevations reworked
- Coal deposits smoothed and littered with stones
- Reworked a cliff in the middle just outside Loc 5 base - easier to cross the bridge and tower the gap.

Apart from all that, a question for Krom and Lewin - any chance to implement the map in next CR?


Gl & hf

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2013, 03:48
by Lewin
Sorry for taking a while to reply. I think it's nearly ready to be added to the Remake. A few more comments:
- Trees next to the storehouse enterance (loc 6) are very annoying because they stop serfs coming out diagonally.
- You've used an incorrect tile below the waterfall in the bottom right which gives it a hard edge
- Location 1 has an iron mine in loc 5's area, at 9; 154 :P
- I think trees on mountains look bad (bottom right)

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2013, 20:58
by Menszu
Thx for feedback ; ) Shame it's now to late and it would have to wait for next candidate release.
The map seems to be very unpopular, so I've not been given any hints before. It's hard to take notice of all that little stuff on such a big map. Especialy since I made half of it in very irregular manner, in long period of time using old editor without brushes. So some parts of it have very old designs, which I always try to improve.
However there's no excuse for an iron mine on loc 5 XDDDDDD You just killed me. Yet it sadly proves noone played 1.6 version until now, myself included XD

Well, for now I improved all the issues you've mentioned, and made some easthetics (that's never ending work) I guess thre's not much need for changelog this time.
Enjoy 1.7 :wink:

Once again - I'm not into scripting, but always thought this map might get some of it, since even it's name refers to King of the Hill gamemode. I've seen you made scripting for Center Castle which is very similar idea. So I greatfully encourage everyone to implement scripting at will.

I have some tough time studing novadays, but be ready for something new this summer, and I'm not refering to King of the Castle v 3.789 :wink:

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2013, 03:57
by Lewin
Thanks for the update. Yes, this map looks like it would be well suited for a special mission. Maybe it can be something a bit different than the other king of the hill maps, like being required to have at least 30 soldiers in the castle for 5 minutes. That would be a fairly simple change from the king of the hill script. I might be able to find time to write a script like that if you want, it would be great to have more scripted maps :)

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2013, 07:51
by Menszu
30 soldiers might be cool, and in addition garnisoning them in all four towers for example, so enemy might just siege it using archers and throwing other team away from single tower preventing victory. And I thought more like 15-20 min holding just to make it alternative and a tool for inviting camping team into a field. So players would still focus on destroying each other bases. With 5 minutes only I fear the game will just end after first battle, and I always planed the map for bigger open engagements.
Not to mention longer time might greatly reward ability to feed your army, which I'd love to see. The building space is big, recomended PT is high, and little starting food and bonus corn are to encourage establishing food industry.

Another completly different approach might be system a bit like from Battlefield series. Both teams having for example 25 points. And rival team decrease that amount by one with each minute they occupy the castle. That way the victory countdown wouldn't be nullified each time the castle controller change. So you could once controll it for only 7 minutes, later for 15, so the next time you control it you only need 3 minutes to win - giving nice tension to opposing team ; D

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2013, 08:23
by Lewin
Those ideas all sounds interesting :) Something a bit different from the other capture the hill maps would be great. Which one do you think would be best suited to your map? (other people's opinions are welcome to)