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Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2013, 09:06
by Menszu
I think the 'enemy points go down as I controll the castle' is best, I just realized I overcomplicated it as usual. To make things easier it's actually just standard control countdown, but with longer time required, but without reseting the timer.
It's advantage over standard countdown is - to short time will end the game right after first major battle after PT, and to long time might be terribly annoying when you control the castle for 19 minutes, and lost it with all that time going to reset.

And I think of 25-30 minutes of control at least with this system, this way the game should end around 2 hours (in case when one team doesn't eradicate the other just after PT) I'd give a lot of tension not just in the moment one team is 2 minutes away from claiming victory, but all the time since every second of control counts.
Even more it would be nice if players have some means to set the time themselfs :wink:

(!) Lewin: since you're the only one who downloaded 1.7 for now, I switched the downloads with the new one with the same version number 1.7. The difference is those biggest pine trees which came out to be uncuttable, and I didn't wanted to make 1.8 out of it, the numbers are already ridicilous : D Of course in the official release there's no need for any of those since everyone will get single, newest version (!)

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2013, 11:52
by Lewin
Ok, I redownloaded it.

So what you're suggesting is:
- Each team has a counter, starting from 25:00, shown on screen all the time.
- When that team is the only team with troops in the castle, their counter counts down towards 0
- The team whose counter reaches 0:00 first wins
- Any team configuration is allowed, even free for all if people really want that (the script detects alliances and generates a list of teams from that, so in FFA 8 teams would be shown).

I could modify the king of the hill script to do that fairly easily.

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2013, 11:59
by Menszu
Yep, sounds great. Just add what you mentioned earlier: controll of the castle is granted for team having minimum 30 units inside. In 4v4 or even 3v3 this amount shouldn't be hard to achive. Still - if you're going for a castle control victory you won't have those 30 soldiers elsewhere where they could make a difference.

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2013, 08:11
by Lewin
I wrote it: ...

Let me know what you think Menszu :)
You need version 1.7 which Menszu posted on the previous page. Is anyone interested in playing this today? I think it could be really interesting. I'll be on TeamSpeak, hopefully we can organise a game!

One thing I'm worried about is that people might always ignore the castle and attack each because it's easier/faster. And if one team has their 30 troops in the castle then the other team can just attack their mostly unprotected villages. I think there might need to be something to encourage people to hold the castle (some bonus maybe) or something to discourage them from attack each other directly (like narrower entrances).

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2013, 15:35
by Menszu
Thanks :)
I'll certainly give it a try as soon as I can. I'd love to play with you now but I have two exams tomorrow :?

As for your worries, well sometimes much stronger team can just anihilate the other, no helping it I think. The castle is just a way to encourage fighting in the nice space in the middle. The second team can allow enemy to stay there for 10 minutes gathering strength, but finally they'll have to make some bold drastic move to retake it.
Well, it's just theorizing, it just needs some test. It's also about peopleplay style. Complete anihilation of enemy is always fun, but storming the base battlements is always a risk, where holding a comfy castle is much safer. Maybe there'll be a need for decreasing capture time to 20 min, or even lower, but with lower I fear the game will consist only of first major encounter, and the second desperate one failing becouse of hurry. While with longer time the dominating team might for example have no means to feed their spam of soliders and might loose the initiative in the field.

Make sure to save the replay even if it won't be best match I'd love to see some player build bases ; )

Hey folks!
Just before release I made final adjustments to the map. The script is now fully implemented so you don't need to download Lewin's files separately. Apart from that changes are only visual, and very minor. The version number is no longer needed (1.8), hope it's a final product to be implemented in new release.

Can YOU claim it?

Here's a simple version without the script. Proper scripted map is on the first page (!)

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2013, 19:43
by Menszu
Have you missed me?

Participating in Mega Map project opened my eyes on few things about mapmaking.
That's why I decided to revisit my beloved child, and improve it, beeing suprised how ugly it was...
I present you: King of the Castle 1.9

- Entire map reworked visually.
- MAJOR BUG with stonemason on loc1, cousing crash - fixed
- Added some cliffs to separate locs: 3&4 and 6&7 for easier menaging base entrances in fewer than 8 player games, where flanks were to open.
- Loc 2 - reworked stonehenge and stone deposit generally. Many players poorly menaged previous setting, even leading to stone blockade.
- Loc 4 - Now only possible to build 3 iron mines like the rest of the players.
- Loc 6 - added more trees north of the stone deposit, making it most atracive area for woodcutting (rather than jungle to the east)
- Loc 8 - reworked coal deposit, mainly for aesthetics.

Please take a look, give feedback and have fun ; )

PS. The Castle (version without Lewin's script) updated in post above.

Re: King of the Castle - 8p

PostPosted: 25 Jan 2014, 17:38
by Menszu
The work around this map never ends, but this time this might be it, hope you'll be able to enjoy it. Unless in another month or so I come back and once again find out that it's terribly ugly and needs some polishing, hopefully not.

King of the Castle 1.95
- Once again visuals all around the map. And in extensive way.
- Loc2: once again Stonehenge, this time it was moved far away, it now serves more as a decoration, and stops beeing a troublemaker for the Player. Still, the strone needs Player's attention on this loc.
- Loc4: again the stone, it was moved mainly for aesthetic reasons, more snowy area.
- Loc 5: Major rework of the Golden mountain and coal near the warehouse, this loc seemed to be in disadvantage, reworked for easier town planning.
- Loc 6: Previously added mountain range, now closes up completly, reaching the river, minor movement of coal deposit, now it's a bit closer.
- Loc 8: Coal deposit shape reworked.
- Unlocked wineyards from the start, unorthodox, yet with low food on the map it might lead to some rarely seen builds.
- Loc 1 and 5, as most endangered Frontlines have been buffed with +10 wood and +10 bread at the start.

Download below this post and in the first post on first page.

The Castle (version of the map without Lewin's script).
All of the above, except minor changes to adress the Players who like more classical KaM experience:
- The building order was set to default.
- Bonus grain removed from storehouses, +20 bread and + 10 fish added as recompensation.

The Castle can be downloaded from the post directly above and from the second post on first page.

Feedback, as always, will be most appreciated.