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Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 16 May 2013, 15:37
by krisdw
Seeing as I can't make a new topic at this forum section, this thread seemed like the most appropriate one.

The main site is horribly out of date on a lot of sections. I always tend to think it's important to make a good impression on new players and the first thing new players will want to see is that the main site is listing accurate and up to date information.

Now I'm not posting this here to kick a stranger out of his chair and tell him to get to work. I'm here to volunteer to write some fresh content / update existing content for the main page. I could just make some text files and send them through to whoever can apply the changes. Or is it not that simple? I know (very) basic HTML for what it's worth.

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 16 May 2013, 16:08
by Ben
I moved this topic over here, Krisdw, because the previous section was for announcements, which is why only Admins can start new topics there ;)

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 16 May 2013, 16:20
by T*AnTi-V!RuZz
Can you give us some examples of outdated information? (I know there's outdated information, but it would be nice to be pointed in the right direction).
HTML knowledge isn't necessary.

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 16 May 2013, 16:54
by Ben
In the units section, ( ... characters) The scout is said to have a high line-of-site. In SR2 or one of the SR3 betas (can't remember which), the scout was changed to have twice as much LoS. because the Dark Lord is so whiny, it was changed back to the original LoS.

The Remake section ( ... kam-remake) has some funny content like " looks very promising!" (It isn't really "promising" because it has already fulfilled expectations ;)). Also, the last demo certainly wasn't on 10-16-2011. Maybe some new videos would be nice and perhaps some history of its development so people who viset and not can see how great the Remake has become.

As for TKE, it probably doesn't matter anymore, but maybe JBSnorro would like some recognition on the credits. But like I said, it probably doesn't matter anymore since TKE isn't being developed; at least as far as we(?) know.

That's all that I cared to look for. There's probably loads more of outdated stuff there :P

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 16 May 2013, 17:48
by krisdw
Can you give us some examples of outdated information? (I know there's outdated information, but it would be nice to be pointed in the right direction).
HTML knowledge isn't necessary.
Basic Multiplayer Strategy: ... r-strategy
Whoever plays with 12 builders nowadays is going to get his *** kicked ;) Pretty much the whole page is out of date.

Some good to know tips: ... -know-tips
Again, the 12 builders thing (though this article is for campaigns and in campaigns 12 builders might suffice)

Hints: ... tral/hints
-Point 1 doesn't work anymore.
-Point 6 doesn't make much sense to me. Destroying a house won't destroy the roads under it. I don't know if that ever did that?
-Point 7 is fixed

Units page: ... haracters/
If there is only one animation available, it's probably better to have no animations at all, rather than showing a "Not available" next to every unit :)

A lot of these points could be removed, and there should be a lot more mention of the Remake and its multiplayer functionalities so that people instantly see that there's an active community and an easy way to play the game online.

Walkthroughs: ... /the-shat/ ... lp/the-pe/
I've always found it a shame that the walkthroughs are so incomplete. I understand writing it takes a lot of time and effort. But maybe I can give it a try one of these days. I've just played through TSK and am now playing through TPR anyways so most missions are still fresh in my memory.

Don't know much on this field but I imagine a lot of these tools are useless since Lewin and Krom's combined map editor? Or are they all still being used? If they're no longer useful, best to scrap the page entirely, or just scrap the ones that are not useful anymore and, more mention of the remake's built-in editor ;)

Engine Remakes: ... e-remakes/
I do believe The Kingdom Expanded could be taken off there now that we're all playing KAM Remake.

I'm not saying, remove these downloads completely because they might still have a use for some people. But they shouldn't be listed so prominently because with KAM Remake, they nearly don't matter anymore. By showing them so promintently, it gives newcomers the impression that these are the only things there are for enhancing their KAM gameplay.

I've probably missed some things but I gave it a quick look-through!

Basically, what it mostly comes down to is to feature the KAM Remake more as the go-to place for KAM players. When I'm newly discovering (or rediscovering) the game, I need to come on those pages and be able to tell immediately: "oh wow, this game is alive and kicking, and there's even a fully functional remake where hundreds of players are gaming online!"

There should be guides detailing on how the game is played competitively in this day and age. KAM is played much differently nowadays than it was years ago. I know it is constantly evolving and two years from now, it will all probably have changed again, but well. I would like to make an effort to get things up to date.

Please, don't take this as a list that I'm shoving down your throat: "here, get to it and see that it's done". I'm really not expecting anyone to do all this work. I want to contribute where I can!
Also, anyone who wrote or provided content, that I listed here as being out of date: don't take it as criticism, because everything is excellently written down and it was undoubtedly correct information many years ago, it's just not holding up today anymore. So please don't get offended if you see some of your own writing in this list, it's the last thing I would want :)

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 16 May 2013, 17:59
by Ben
Keep in mind that many these points you brought up were made for TPR not the Remake. TPR is still played by some (People who want to player singeplayer campaigns that don't work in the Remake). Things like "only 12 builders" may be better in TPR since large groups of laborers were not efficient in TPR.
But I agree with you mostly. For example, I doubt more than a dozen people are playing TPR on multiplayer, so that section really could be updated.

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 16 May 2013, 18:04
by T*AnTi-V!RuZz
You should not confuse KaM Remake with original KaM. A lot of those points are still valid for original KaM.

But indeed, a lot of information is outdated. It should be updated with information for KaM Remake.

Edit: Ben was first :P

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 17 May 2013, 07:26
by T*AnTi-V!RuZz
Our website uses a CMS, which makes it easy to edit pages. It's all edited in a WYSIWYG-editor, but there's also the option to use HTML.

Are you interested in updating pages?

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 17 May 2013, 08:21
by Siegfried
Please don't erase all the old stuff. One the one hand, there are people out there that sill are interested in the original game. On the other hand, TKE should not be neglected, although there has been no news from them in quite a long time.

Updates for the new things are cool, but that does not neccessarily mean to erase all the old ones.

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 17 May 2013, 08:28
by T*AnTi-V!RuZz
Please don't erase all the old stuff. One the one hand, there are people out there that sill are interested in the original game. On the other hand, TKE should not be neglected, although there has been no news from them in quite a long time.

Updates for the new things are cool, but that does not neccessarily mean to erase all the old ones.
I never said we were going to erase anything.. :|

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 17 May 2013, 09:11
by krisdw
Our website uses a CMS, which makes it easy to edit pages. It's all edited in a WYSIWYG-editor, but there's also the option to use HTML.

Are you interested in updating pages?
I can give it a try! At least then I'll finally feel like I've contributed something, however tiny, to this fantastic community :) Plus, I really like to write :)

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 17 May 2013, 09:21
by T*AnTi-V!RuZz
Our website uses a CMS, which makes it easy to edit pages. It's all edited in a WYSIWYG-editor, but there's also the option to use HTML.

Are you interested in updating pages?
I can give it a try! At least then I'll finally feel like I've contributed something, however tiny, to this fantastic community :) Plus, I really like to write :)
I'll contact you through PM soon.

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 17 May 2013, 13:36
by Siegfried
I never said we were going to erase anything.. :|
You did not but the man who wants to do the work did.

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 17 May 2013, 13:48
by T*AnTi-V!RuZz
I never said we were going to erase anything.. :|
You did not but the man who wants to do the work did.
Users who wish to update our pages will be working under our supervision. That being said we also keep back-ups of our information, so it is never lost.

Re: Updating the Main Site

PostPosted: 17 May 2013, 15:22
by krisdw
Don't worry, I wouldn't just recklessly delete anything Siegfried. :) I was more thinking about splitting sections for the original game and for the remake. But as ViRuZz said, I'm going to submit whatever I do for his approval first and he can choose if it's good enough to go on the main site :)