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Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 20 Aug 2013, 08:06
by Strangelove
i didn't had much troops left xD
8 knights and all xbows
don't make it to hard, the most guys on the forum are better than the "normal" player.
i played your first mission to, the start was awesome but after 45 minutes it became boring, it would be nice if the waves would be bigger and a grand final i think
at the end i could still train 50 units and i had 40 units on the field.
and it would be nice to know what the lose/win conditions were
showmsg : we need to defend the inoccent villagers if 3 or more villages are sacked we have no hope
Thanks for your feedback!
Hm, the waves get bigger every 3 waves. I could increase the waves even more and maybe the Number of Barbarians Spawning. For the Final Wave i could spawn A LOT of Barbarians at both positions, so it might get a lil more challanging.
Sorry about the loosing conditions; i totally forgot about them! xD I will include them in the 2nd ShowMsg!
- Fixed the missing loosing-conditions (Included in 2nd Msg). Furthermore, the amount of lost Villages is shown in the HUD now.
- Waves strength increases with every 2nd Wave.
- Final Waves spawns 150 Barbarians.
Will upload the new Version in additon to the original one. (Check first post)
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 20 Aug 2013, 15:01
by Islar
I just played your first mission and i liked him very much. In the beginning it was easy, but in the end i had some trouble. Also i like the way you cannot know where they enemy is coming from. I cannot save the town in the south in the last wave but i managed to defeat the barbarians with some help from the other villages.
Here is my replay
Also i saw something unusual in your map. The waterfall in the north flows upwards.
But i really like the game and the map. I think this will be a great campaign!
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 20 Aug 2013, 16:57
by Strangelove
I just played your first mission and i liked him very much. In the beginning it was easy, but in the end i had some trouble. Also i like the way you cannot know where they enemy is coming from. I cannot save the town in the south in the last wave but i managed to defeat the barbarians with some help from the other villages.
Here is my replay
Also i saw something unusual in your map. The waterfall in the north flows upwards.
But i really like the game and the map. I think this will be a great campaign!
Glad you liked it and thanks for the replay again. I watched it and noticed that there are only Militia spawning. That is not supposed to happen. I refewed the script and discovered a bug. It seems that I accidently deleted some code while i edited the map to make it more challenging.
I will fix the bug and reupload the map. You must have a good eye. I didnt see the waterfallthingie. xD
EDIT: Uploaded rev0.3 and took the others offline.
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 20 Aug 2013, 18:12
by Skypper
i have send you a new PM
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 22 Aug 2013, 12:33
by Islar
I just played your new mission and i must say it is a very hard one. Because you need a good defence for your town because of the heavy attacks of the enemy and the enemy has a great defence with the xbows. I needed an big army because you cannot defeat the enemy with breaks because they arm their army very fast. I played like 4 hours and 30 minutes (of course with gamespeed) when i succeed to defeat the enemy.
Here is my replay:
What i didn't like was the short of ground for trees and corn and there are some mushrooms that make a tile unwalkable and unbuildable. But if want it to be a hard mission don't change that. Also the market was very handy, but i don't think its needed.
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 22 Aug 2013, 13:26
by Strangelove
Thanks for taking the time to play one of my missions again! (:
The map is intended to be hard, since I will be the last outpost of the Barbarians. After that they are defeated for good.
But you are right about the recruitment rate. I think I will lower the recruitment rate a bit, but leave the heavy attacks unchanged.
The limited amount of farmland is intended, but future releases will have the annoying mushrooms removed.^^
Also a big thanks for uploading the replay. I will check it out in a min.
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 22 Aug 2013, 13:49
by Skypper
islar very nice done
great tactic with that horse vs xbow
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 22 Aug 2013, 13:58
by woloszek
yes but he played too long game
, he had a lot of weapons but no recruits... personally I exchange weapons for gold and the game would have ended faster ;P
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 22 Aug 2013, 16:49
by Strangelove
yes but he played too long game
, he had a lot of weapons but no recruits... personally I exchange weapons for gold and the game would have ended faster ;P
Trading Weapons is blocked (atm).
@Islar: Awesome game!
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 27 Aug 2013, 18:14
by Strangelove
Uploaded a new Mission. Please test and give some feedback. Thanks!
(sorry about the double-post!)
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 27 Aug 2013, 19:19
by Ben
OT: No worries, strangelove, there is room in the rules for doubleposting after several days.
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 27 Aug 2013, 19:34
by Omigoshe
How I stopped worrying and love the fight maps.
I played only the fighting map, it was good! I loved how the enemy reacted as I came closer, it felt like a REAL ambush! I beat it after some retries, it was not a big one, also not small, so I liked it
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 27 Aug 2013, 19:37
by Strangelove
How I stopped worrying and love the fight maps.
Hahaha <3
Glad you liked it! I am currently working on the next revision. You just can pull the enemy troops too easy atm. Also some script improvements are needed.
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 30 Aug 2013, 09:22
by Skypper
my replay
Re: Strangelove's Campain
PostPosted: 30 Aug 2013, 09:39
by Strangelove
Thanks for your replay, and sorry for the stone-"bug".
Btw funny how you imprisoned the Laborer.