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Iron Production

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2013, 16:44
by Daniel
Few questions about iron in multiplayer.

whats the correct ratio of buildings? 1 iron mine to one iron smithy to one workshop?

how many of each should I have to hold a decent army?

Re: Iron Production

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2013, 17:01
by Vatrix
Every time I have:
2 iron mines
3 iron smelters
1 iron weapon maker
2 iron armor maker
7 coal mines

I dont know if it is correct, but every time after pt I have min. 30 swordmans (For player like me is this amount ok)

I use it in combination with 6 farms, 4 pigfarms, 2 tanneries, 4 leather armor makers, 2 weapon makers

Re: Iron Production

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2013, 17:11
by pawel95
Every time I have:
2 iron mines
3 iron smelters
1 iron weapon maker
2 iron armor maker
7 coal mines

I dont know if it is correct, but every time after pt I have min. 30 swordmans (For player like me is this amount ok)

I use it in combination with 6 farms, 4 pigfarms, 2 tanneries, 4 leather armor makers, 2 weapon makers

You could/should go for at least a 3th weapon maker (leather).
With iron it depends on the map, when you are able to make 3 or even 4 ironmines its cleat that you should also make 4-5 iron melters and also like 2 iron weapon makers.....

Re: Iron Production

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2013, 17:51
by Bence791
If 2 iron mines, then 2 smelters, 1 weaponry, 2 armor smithies. If 3-4, then 3 smelters, additional 1-1 smithies for faster swordspam, usually you need 1 armor smithy plus. And if you have 5 (or even more, but I doubt that) then 4 smelters, 2 weaponries, 4 armories. 1 coal mine / coal using building + 1 to have continuous coalflow.

Re: Iron Production

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2013, 18:35
by dicsoupcan
3 ironmines, 3 smelters, 2 armorsmitties, 1 weaponsmitty (swords)
3 ironmines, 3 smelters, 2 armorsmitties, 2 weaponsmitties (pikes.xbows)
for coal i always do total of coal needing buildings + 1

Re: Iron Production

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2013, 20:32
by Vatrix
That´s my universal building technique, of course, when I can make more I do it :O

Re: Iron Production

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2013, 13:37
by Ben
If possible, always make three iron smelters and four iron mines for swordfighter army.

Re: Iron Production

PostPosted: 09 Sep 2013, 14:33
by Esthlos
Measured in a test map: (thus in a real game ratios may be slightly off, depending on the efficiency of your serfs and road system)

To work at full efficiency,
- 1 Iron Smithy requires 1,37 Iron Mines and 1,41 Coal Mines
- 1 Iron Smithy can serve 1,16 Weapon Smithies or 1,45 Armor Smithies.
- 1 Weapon Smithy requires 1,22 Coal Mines and 0,86 Iron Smithies
- 1 Armor Smithy requires 0,97 Coal Mines and 0,69 Iron Smithies
- 2 Iron Smithies + 1,16 Weapon Smithies + 1,45 Armor Smithies require 5,66 Coal Mines and 2,74 Iron Mines
- 1 Weapon Smithy produces the same amount of wares as 1,25 Armor Smithies
- 1 Armor Smithy produces the same amount of wares as 0,8 Weapon Smithies
- Personally, I prefer Pikemen and Crossbowmen over Sword Fighters :P

Re: Iron Production

PostPosted: 10 Sep 2013, 13:52
by Ben