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How good or bad is the multiplayer AI

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2014, 05:28
by Turbine
Hey, I'm new to KAM remake, I've been playing KAM since we picked it up in 1999.

The reason why I'm uncertain is because there's no difficulty setting.

I'd like to teach my girlfriend how to play and well.. it would ideally be nice to have incredibly stupid AI who rarely attack.

Re: How good or bad is the multiplayer AI

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2014, 07:38
by Ben
it would ideally be nice to have incredibly stupid AI who rarely attack.
Then the AI in the Remake is perfect for you :D

Right now, the AI is under heavy development. Even if you can't have an army in 3 hours, you'll still be able to win without any problems. I recommend playing on the map "Golden Cliffs." ;)

Re: How good or bad is the multiplayer AI

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2014, 08:37
by Krom
However differentiate: scripted AI in coop multiplayer maps is rather strong. Standalone AI on usual multiplayer maps (assigned in lobby) is just as Ben described.

Re: How good or bad is the multiplayer AI

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2014, 10:01
by Turbine
Oh wow, thanks guys. What a very quick reply.

That's good, when we saved the game for the night and left, the AI had trained twice as many people and just over 1/3rd as many buildings. Once the AI is being developed properly, it would be great to add notches of difficulty. Sometimes having and AI only defend and not attacking is a good way to learn to play the game.

She's enjoying the game, but the most annoying thing we're both having is the trees blocking building placements. It seems the original mechanics for removing trees is not do able. Would it be too much to ask for such a method of removal?

This game has really been improved enormously over the original.

Re: How good or bad is the multiplayer AI

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2014, 10:25
by dicsoupcan
i have no idea about what removal you are talking about, but if you place a vineyard tile to the south west of the tree it will disppear, make a road on top of it and you can make buildings.

Re: How good or bad is the multiplayer AI

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2014, 12:14
by Krom
That is correct, we have not implemented old mechanic for trees removal (preparing a house plan near the tree).