You're losing all of the fixes done by Pawel and me over the years, and also all of the testing that has occurred in previous Remake versions.
I found it easier to start from scratch, especially because these files are untouched. It really helped with some things and of course some things needed to be fixed again. Testing can be done again, it's not really hard to test things, but it needs some time.
You're also losing all of the improvements made to the TSK campaign by Litude and others in the fan-made TPR Service Releases
Same as The Remake I'm fixing TSK, not TPR. In TSK there were some things, which weren't in TPR. And because of that I'm working with original files and original game.
We usually edited the original mission scripts by hand so as to reduce the change of something breaking (rather than using the KaM Remake map editor which can cause some unexpected changes when it loads an original mission, especially in regards to the AI)
I haven't found any problems using Remake MapED, because of some new features it's better, at least I feel it that way. If you wan't me to fix it only by text, I can do so, no problem

Hopefully in the long term your fixes will result in TSK being much better designed for KaM Remake.
I will do my best! All I need is some testers. Most people played it and now they don't want to play it again, because they are more focused on multiplayer. It's really a pity that singleplayer part of this game has almost dissapeared. (I personally like singleplayer more, because I'm not very good at multiplayer
