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Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 07 Nov 2014, 19:50
by Vatrix
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 08 Nov 2014, 07:35
by zombie01
I admire your dedication to fixing the remake campaign to be as close as possible to the original.
Good luck sir. I'm looking forward to it
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 10 Nov 2014, 17:02
by Tiank
-Make harder to save left tower
-The yellow lances dont attack next building of human player, but the axefighters do
These two are the most important changes that should be done imo. Others are not that important.
Add roads to destroyed buildings???
I don't think it's necessary, it looks good as it is now
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 13 Nov 2014, 13:32
by Vatrix
Thank you.
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 13 Nov 2014, 14:47
by cmowla
Does the AI in your fixed TSK04 build up their army as time goes on as they do in TSK if you don't attack them?
For example, when I first started playing TSK 14+ years ago, I procrastinated attacking the AI, and around the 4 hour mark, I recall what seemed to be "hundreds" of troops attacking me. When I played TSK04 in the remake (not your version) last year for the first time, I purposely procrastinated to see if the AI would build up its army, but even after 4 hours, it only kept an army the size of its initial army.
Was this fixed when you set the recruit timer? (I'm not sure what setting the timer does.)
Also, I dreamed of the day when you would be the one fixing this campaign.
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 13 Nov 2014, 15:34
by Vatrix
Does the AI in your fixed TSK04 build up their army as time goes on as they do in TSK if you don't attack them?
AI player who is right across the bridge should start building his army after 65 minutes and after those 65 minutes he makes 1 soldier every 1 minute. Next enemy who is at the bottom of the map should start bulding his army after 105 minutes and he makes 1 soldier every 1 minute, too.
I tested it and it worked, so to answer your question - YES
(if it won't work tell me please)
Also, I dreamed of the day when you would be the one fixing this campaign.
Thats very nice from you, I really appreciate that
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 14 Nov 2014, 17:15
by Vatrix
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 18 Nov 2014, 19:55
by Vatrix
First 12 missions fixed!
I'm using original files from TSK so fixing is easier.
Here is beta download for those 12 missions (please start from the beginning, because I've made some changes after last upload):
Guys I really need feedback, ideas or memories to make this campaign work how we all remember it, so post here even trivial stuff.
Your loyal member - Sir Vatrix the First
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 19 Nov 2014, 06:37
by zombie01
First 12 missions fixed!
I'm using original files from TSK so fixing is easier.
Here is beta download for those 12 missions (please start from the beginning, because I've made some changes after last upload):
Guys I really need feedback, ideas or memories to make this campaign work how we all remember it, so post here even trivial stuff.
Your loyal member - Sir Vatrix the First
I'll have to play through both original and remake to spot the differences, but I'll get some results.
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 19 Nov 2014, 09:20
by Lewin
I'm using original files from TSK so fixing is easier.
Firstly let me say that we really appreciate any help to fix/improve the original campaigns in the Remake. However, if you're using the TSK files then you're losing all of the fixes done by Pawel and me over the years, and also all of the testing that has occurred in previous Remake versions. If you're using 1998 TSK files (not TPR SR3) then you're also losing all of the improvements made to the TSK campaign by Litude and others in the fan-made TPR Service Releases.
Starting from scratch (1998 TSK) to redo the campaigns for KaM Remake is not necessarily a bad thing, but it will require a LOT of testing to be sure it is working well. Certainly we won't be able include these fixes in the upcoming KaM Remake release because there's no time for them to be tested properly, and they are not just minor changes to the already tested files. Hopefully in the long term (for the release after this one) your fixes will result in TSK being much better designed for KaM Remake, since Pawel and my fixes have been mostly minor, and we usually edited the original mission scripts by hand so as to reduce the change of something breaking (rather than using the KaM Remake map editor which can cause some unexpected changes when it loads an original mission, especially in regards to the AI).
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 19 Nov 2014, 14:46
by Vatrix
You're losing all of the fixes done by Pawel and me over the years, and also all of the testing that has occurred in previous Remake versions.
I found it easier to start from scratch, especially because these files are untouched. It really helped with some things and of course some things needed to be fixed again. Testing can be done again, it's not really hard to test things, but it needs some time.
You're also losing all of the improvements made to the TSK campaign by Litude and others in the fan-made TPR Service Releases
Same as The Remake I'm fixing TSK, not TPR. In TSK there were some things, which weren't in TPR. And because of that I'm working with original files and original game.
We usually edited the original mission scripts by hand so as to reduce the change of something breaking (rather than using the KaM Remake map editor which can cause some unexpected changes when it loads an original mission, especially in regards to the AI)
I haven't found any problems using Remake MapED, because of some new features it's better, at least I feel it that way. If you wan't me to fix it only by text, I can do so, no problem
Hopefully in the long term your fixes will result in TSK being much better designed for KaM Remake.
I will do my best! All I need is some testers. Most people played it and now they don't want to play it again, because they are more focused on multiplayer. It's really a pity that singleplayer part of this game has almost dissapeared. (I personally like singleplayer more, because I'm not very good at multiplayer
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 20 Nov 2014, 10:56
by Lewin
You're also losing all of the improvements made to the TSK campaign by Litude and others in the fan-made TPR Service Releases
Same as The Remake I'm fixing TSK, not TPR. In TSK there were some things, which weren't in TPR. And because of that I'm working with original files and original game.
I mean the TSK campaign in SR3. There were a lot of important changes made in the service releases, and I think it would be unwise to throw that all away. Here's a complete list of changes in
SR3: (note: this is ignoring all the changes in SR1 and SR2, so this list is not exhaustive)
The Shattered Kingdom Campaign
- The fisherman's is now not buildable until the second mission
- The town hall is now not buildable until the ninth mission
- The siege workshop is now not buildable until the eleventh mission
- Mission 1: The yellow team now handles axe fighters properly
- Mission 2: A defense position for scouts had been totally misplaced
- Mission 3: Fixed a bug where the enemy ambush could get delayed
- Mission 4: Added one more defense position for lance carriers to the southern yellow team
- Mission 5: You are now allowed to build a barracks again
- Mission 5: Soldiers of the purple team will return to their base after an attack
- Mission 5: Slightly decreased defending area of blue soldiers
- Mission 5: The blue team now has some more coal
- Mission 5: The blue team now handles lance carriers properly
- Mission 5: You now also have to defeat the enemy soldiers to win
- Mission 6: All enemy soldiers will now always attack you
- Mission 7: The enemy attacks now include the correct amount of troops
- Mission 7: All enemy watchtowers will now get occupied
- Mission 7: You are no longer allowed to build watchtowers
- Mission 7: Allied player will now correctly attack buildings of the enemy
- Mission 7: You now also have to defeat the enemy soldiers to win
- Mission 8: The initial attack now includes the correct amount of barbarians
- Mission 8: Useless barbarians that used to starve have been removed
- Mission 8: A butcher's and a tannery have been added to the northern enemy
- Mission 8: Added one more lance carrier defense position to the northern enemy
- Mission 8: Decreased the defense radius of the northern enemy so that he won't attack you when your soldiers are a bit up-north
- Mission 9: Defending positions of the enemies have been redone
- Mission 9: Your enemies start with more powerful soldiers
- Mission 9: Added three inns to your enemies to prevent starvation
- Mission 9: You will now actually get attacked by the enemy
- Mission 9: An enemy weapons workshop has been replaced by a weapons smithy
- Mission 9: Replaced one enemy farm without fields with a weapons workshop
- Mission 9: Fixed one bakery that didn't appear due to uneven terrain
- Mission 11: You now have to defeat all enemies to win
- Mission 11: The enemy will now cut the stone mountain in the south
- Mission 11: The southern purple team now handles lance carriers properly
- Mission 12: You now have to defeat all enemies to win
- Mission 12: Added an inn to the northeastern team to prevent starvation
- Mission 12: A farm was not visible due to uneven terrain
- Mission 12: Made the northeastern enemy more aggressive
- Mission 14: Fixed one enemy defence position that was facing into the wrong direction
- Mission 15: Fixed misplaced enemy gold mines
- Mission 15: Fixed misplaced enemy armory workshop
- Mission 15: The build-up enemy now places troops by the watchtowers
- Mission 15: The build-up enemy will now actually attack you
- Mission 15: Made the northeastern enemy more aggressive
- Mission 15: Added an additional inn to your enemy to prevent starvation
- Mission 15: You now have to defeat all enemies to win
- Mission 16: Defending positions of the enemies have been redone
- Mission 16: Fixed misplaced enemy iron mines
- Mission 16: Fixed one enemy weapon smithy that wouldn't appear due to being placed on top of a tree
- Mission 16: Added significantly more iron and coal to the teams in the middle of the map
- Mission 16: Made the teams in the middle of the map more aggressive
- Mission 20: The enemy now sends all attacking soldiers into the start fight
- Mission 20: Defending positions of the northern enemy have been redone
Sure, a few of those changes aren't relevant to the Remake (like blocking town hall/siege workshop), but stuff like the AI fixes and goals are hard to notice unless you test the mission hundreds of times in different ways. I think you should at least go through this list and apply the relevant changes to your fixes.
We usually edited the original mission scripts by hand so as to reduce the change of something breaking (rather than using the KaM Remake map editor which can cause some unexpected changes when it loads an original mission, especially in regards to the AI)
I haven't found any problems using Remake MapED, because of some new features it's better, at least I feel it that way. If you wan't me to fix it only by text, I can do so, no problem
No you can use the KaM Remake map editor as long as these changes are thoroughly tested (which they will be in the beta testing for the release after this one)
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 20 Nov 2014, 14:47
by Michalpl
Mission 14 Remove thoose roads and AI will be fixed
Mission 15 AI nr 5 builds without a query as of rc3 and maybe reduce food amount to force ai to building bigger city?
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 20 Nov 2014, 17:14
by Vatrix
I mean the TSK campaign in SR3. There were a lot of important changes made in the service releases, and I think it would be unwise to throw that all away. Here's a complete list of changes in SR3: (note: this is ignoring all the changes in SR1 and SR2, so this list is not exhaustive)
Ah, ok, I will look at it.
Mission 14 Remove thoose roads and AI will be fixed
Mission 15 AI nr 5 builds without a query as of rc3 and maybe reduce food amount to force ai to building bigger city?
Not sure if it is good to let AI build it's own village, because there are still differences between TSK, TPR and Remake AI. I think I will build their city.
Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes
PostPosted: 20 Nov 2014, 23:27
by Lewin
Mission 14 Remove thoose roads and AI will be fixed
Mission 15 AI nr 5 builds without a query as of rc3 and maybe reduce food amount to force ai to building bigger city?
Not sure if it is good to let AI build it's own village, because there are still differences between TSK, TPR and Remake AI. I think I will build their city.
I think it would be best to let the AI build their city, that's sticking closer to the original campaign. When I first played TSK I remember being amazed when I saw the AI building their village in mission 9. The AI builder in the Remake is very different yes. If the storehouse contains sufficient resources it will not build houses to produce that resource. So you could make it more like TSK by reducing the number of resources in the storehouse. You can also control the rate at which they produce soldiers. I understand it would be hard to balance though...