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PostPosted: 12 Jul 2008, 23:28
by Wpnfire
I've been thinking; on a lot of the forums I've been on, which is kind of a lot, they would usually have something resembling a cult or gang. In a cult, or 'a group of people bound by the same devotion, person, thing etc,' you can have wars with other cults, or just brag about how you're in a cult; whatever. So if this sounds appealing to you, well, quite frankly, I don't have much ideas for this, so post any ideas for possible cults or usergroups and we will go from there. This would require a lot of work, so take time to think about this.

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008, 01:54
by Lewin
I don't really have time for that. We could start a programmers user group, but really, this site is too small for stuff like that.

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008, 06:09
by Merchator
Hm, here are 5, maybe 6 or 7, active users...
The Idea is nice, but, in fact, its not necessary.

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008, 07:35
by The Dark Lord
It's not a bad idea, but as Lewin and Merchator said, we are with too few.

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008, 09:30
by Thunderwolf
we'd need a lot more (active) users for that...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008, 13:04
by Wpnfire
K. I didn't really have much ideas for this anyway. Maybe later then. K, going back to AoEIIIWC. XD perfectly understandable if you don't know what that is, I'm just to lazy to type it all out.

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008, 14:02
by Litude
As said by the rest, we are ways too few for such an idea to work out. Besides, I don't really see how such an idea would work in a community like this.

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2008, 12:23
by n1h0k3r
as allready said, there are not enough active users. with a better off topic board and boards about other things, users will come. we'll just have to wait awhile...

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2008, 12:53
by dsavi
Indeed. I love secret usergroups, I'm not going to say much but I will say I have had lots of fun with private forums. :wink:

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2008, 05:02
by Cless Albane
If we're going to have cults, I demand to be the Leader of the Cthulhu Cult. 8)