Food values ans consuming sequence in inn
Hi folks, i was wondering what de feeding values are from Sausage/Bread/Fish/Wine. How
much % will they put into the health bar? I know for soldiers 1 item of food no matter what is, the bar will fill up to 100 %.
For example: 1 wine barrel will fill the bar of 1 soldier to 100% but by citizens it's very different depending on what they eat in the inn.
My question is: how much % fill is for each different item of food? Sausages/Bread/Wine/Fish
1 more question: Is there a connection between the sequence of consuming food in the inn?
Example: if the inn are 100% full with all food items, choose they first always Sausages then bread etc etc.. Or choose they random items?
like wine plus fish, or bread plus wine of all kind of combi's?
Hope to see some usefull answers
much % will they put into the health bar? I know for soldiers 1 item of food no matter what is, the bar will fill up to 100 %.
For example: 1 wine barrel will fill the bar of 1 soldier to 100% but by citizens it's very different depending on what they eat in the inn.
My question is: how much % fill is for each different item of food? Sausages/Bread/Wine/Fish
1 more question: Is there a connection between the sequence of consuming food in the inn?
Example: if the inn are 100% full with all food items, choose they first always Sausages then bread etc etc.. Or choose they random items?
like wine plus fish, or bread plus wine of all kind of combi's?
Hope to see some usefull answers