Differences between the remake and the steam version.
I'm Fair-D
I'm looking to get into the KAM community and to learn how to play competitively.
So i guess it's nice to meet you guys. If you would be so kind to teach me how to destroy your village that would be awesome

Of course if you decide to show me by example when you completely wreck my shit the first 50 games that's fine.
In order to learn and progress my understanding of the game i decided to practice the game in the TSK campaign.
I find it hard to not accidentally exploit the weakness of the AI or other game mechanics.
I challenge myself every level that i will build for 60 minutes (which represents peacetime).
And then i try to beat the level with whatever army i have.
I've watched shout casts from Ben and To and some tutorials from Dicsoupcan.
I find it extremely difficult to get a decent army in 60 minutes.
So i wonder, am I really this bad at the game?
Or could it perhaps have to do with differences between the remake and the steam version?
Here is what i know/think is different:
- Unlock order:
I think it is a huge time save to be able to build the Inn later and start with a woodcutter planting trees so that you can have the sawmill and quarries build when you need them.
However, when I calculate how much time it saves I'm still a bit late with my first metallurgist/farm.
- Starvation:
I'm not sure on this one, but i just can't seem to produce enough food. Even when i'm building really small and going leather only (5 farms, 3 piggies). With only about 40-50 serfs and 20 laborers.
I'm somewhat forced to build another farm for a baker or some vineyards but I simply don't have the time or resources to spare.
Has consumption habits or food production been changed in the remake? How do you guys dance on the edge of starvation like that?
- Combat:
In the single player campaign I'm a bit distracted by combat in the opening minutes. Even though my school is running and my laborers keep working i can't really micro. This should be different in real multiplayer.
At the end of an initial fight i usually have a a pretty decent amount of troops to spare. If i'm not trying to build a PT army then feeding these units would be no problem.
However, do you think it's better to sacrifice these units and focus on building? or should i feed them and include them in my PT army (as if I made them).
To me, feeding them seems wasteful because it greatly slows down construction. Not to mention the difficulties i have fighting starvation.
So far I haven't been able to get decent armies in 60 minutes time with one exception.
I did manage to build about 30-40 axe fighters and 30-40 crossbowmen. But that was only once.
Well, thanks for reading all of this stuff. I'm looking forward to your answers and to play the remake with each other in the near future.