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BEAUTY is a product of Photoshop (?)

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2010, 07:58
by Alanbach
I`m preparing movie to my university project about living in the CIVILISATION OF BEAUTY and youngness where`s no place for ugly and old people.

Most of You propably don`t know that ALL pictures in the magazines are modificadet by photo programs. We can see only plastic cute people. (The same in simply magazines, Playboy nakd sessions, newspapers etc.)

After watching this, I want to know Your opinion:

WHEN we can modify pictures? Is that a cheat? Watching magazines where You see product about beeing beauty and seeing plastic, modified model.. isn`t that cheat???

PostPosted: 04 Sep 2010, 05:10
by Nicolae
In current events class last year we discusedthis topic. We used historical pictures for example. A famous picture is actually tweeked, and without that nudge it would not have become the work of art it is today.

As for magazines, it seems that people have become less in the fit for common sense. People don't stop to think about things like that. For example: Sue picks up a BodyCentral magazine, and she says, " oh that dress looks so cute on her. If only i could look like her. If only i could be beautiful like that." Then she goes ahead and buys the dress. Only to find out that she the dress doesn't make her look beautiful.

So, my veiw point upon this subject is that its one of those "secrets of trade". if people arnt smart enough to recognize those, they could get a handful of probs on their hands.