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Name of Enemies in Game. Need assistance.



Lance Carrier

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Post 28 Jun 2006, 17:13

Name of Enemies in Game. Need assistance.

Okay, I just started writting the Guide today after having been busy with other things in my life but I finally got some free time now. I beat the game the other day I believe it was Monday. Anyway I just went through to find names and such of the leaders anyway I'm missing a few, and require some assistance any help is good.

Red Team: King Karolus
Yellow Team: Baron of Lauenburg
Blue Team: Ruler of Walheim
Purple Team: Johann von Moorbach
Green Team: ??????? Never mention?
Black Team: Prince Lothar
Brown Team: Barbarian Chieftians
White Team: Tyranny (Free People of the King)



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Post 30 Jun 2006, 02:54

good ideas


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King Karolus

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Post 01 Jul 2006, 17:18

Actually I've never even thought about that. I always assumed the colors played no other role than to show which teams soldiers you're fighting, but now that you mention it, it all starts making sense...


Lance Carrier

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Post 01 Jul 2006, 23:19

Yeah, I've basically decided to name the Green Team the Imperial Guard as they show up the same time as Prince Lothar. Basically they protect Prince Lothar's army and towns in mission 14 or create a diversion and don't last long anyway. Eh educated guess I suppose.

And I just finished writting mission walkthroughs for missions 1-4, I'm working on number 5 right now and expect to go all the way to 7 by tonight. I will do 8-13 Tommorow, and then 14-16 Monday, 17-19 Monday Night.

I'm not seeing my lady till later in the week and its a holiday weekend so I'll be home, plus I have no life the World Cup is going on.

Tony :D


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Post 12 Jul 2006, 10:54

So how's it going with walkthroughs WFTonyD15 ? (Or may I call you Tony ?)
I'm playing TSK again and some walkthroughs may be nice to have :)
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Post 12 Jul 2006, 12:32

Hey!! Still waiting patiently to get your walkthroughs, im on 18 atm but will do walkthroughs after i finish all the levels. I might even make them downloadable.

This site is getting better and has much more resources as we now have 10 members!!! May it continue to grow; we owe so much to RealHotDog = legend!!

Lol i must admit i have not done much K&M thru world cup either



Lance Carrier

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Post 12 Jul 2006, 17:57

Heh, the walk throughs have been fun. I just got a little lazy recently with the World Cup and all keeping me jumping around and acting crazy. But I did finish, lets see 1-7 Are all done. Mission 8 is taking a bit longer because I'm typing them all in word and even on average timing mine was 6 hours so its two - three pages.

I recently went through and did all the battle missions and some others so thats 9, 10, 12, 13, 17 & 19 so that got alot from me. Many of the latter missions cant be beaten with your starting army so it takes me longer then a few paragraphs to explain.

So all I have left is 11, 14. 15. 16, 18, and 20.

Oh and I've got a buildings guide, along with some other stuff I'll probably be sending to Hot Dog by the End of the week or so.



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Post 19 Aug 2006, 01:07

i think it all makes sense but when in mission 3 they say that NOW the Yellow are going to kick your ass but in mission 1 they attack you :shock:


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King Karolus

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Post 19 Aug 2006, 18:29

Uh, I don't get what you are trying to say.
It would make it easier to understand your text if you used punctation! Hmm... Maybe I should make a rule out of it? I know a few forums that do and I hate trying to interpret someones post.



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Post 22 Jul 2011, 11:00

I know that no one will read that but I feel need to write it.

I've thought about that and I've found somenthing strange. If you win mission 12, where you fought last time against purple opponent, you can see animation in which is someone, who looks like barbarian chieftan more than like Moorbach, who was teacher of Lothar, taken to the king's tent. And in the briefing to mission 9 is said that only two of barbarian leaders should win against you (I hope it's same in the English version, cause I have czech translation in game). I have an idea: The purple with minimap color set to 20 (the purple from missions 5-7) is Johann von Moorbach and the second purple with minimap color 232 (missions 9-12) can be barbarian chieftan. I also found that in mission 5 data file under the player's 1 (blue) starting script is writen that:
SET_NEW_REMAP 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
It isn't valid, because there are no !'s, but if you will write them there, blue opponent will have the same colour like the green ones, which are unknown. Maybe the green one is Moorbach!
If you win mission 15 (last mission with greens) you will see animation of fight between two warriors. I didn't know what can it mean, but it can be fight between Moorbach (?green) and you (king's leader)

Yes, maybe I used so much imagination, but it goes together. If you look on the map, you'll see that the green one first appears in mission 12 and disappears in mission 15 and if you will imagine line which will connect all flags of missions where he is, you'll see land, which he owns and there will be posiblity, that he can be in mission 5, cause it was very near his land, maybe inside it!

PS: Please excuse my english, I cannot speak that language very well.
PPS: If you think it's stupid idea, say it. But it is the best I found



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Post 23 Jul 2011, 23:52

Lord Walheim, Walheim's captain/lord! :D I don't know who he and where are he, but Walheim is our enemy :D We play in this village/city/province after Lauenburg, but before the barbarians invasion.
,,To the four cardinal points swish the sword, we lend a helping hand to the rabid word.'' /Auróra/
,,Defend the undefended, defeat the endless. Break through the barrage, ad hoc born, ad hoc be.'' /Ossian/

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