Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
PostPosted: 08 Jul 2020, 12:02
by jebaldinho
Should mounted units, or at least light cavalries, be able to disengage from melee combat? Like bowmen and crossbowmen do. They can just walk away from enemy melee units. Can you guys teach AI how to use it efficently?
Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
PostPosted: 25 Jun 2021, 14:22
by thunder
They can just walk away from enemy melee units.
Let's ask what the horses thinking about just moving out from a battle
Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
PostPosted: 27 Jul 2021, 13:10
by The_Crow_
this is an great idea and should be added to the game...just to avoid chaos battles on the field