powah tournament 2v2
We are glad to inform you that first full KaM Remake tournament “Powah tournament 2v2” is finished.
It was long and sometimes hard time for us. But now it is over and we hope there will be a lot of good things in future. We hope more people would like to take part in creating KaM Remake events like this tournament.
Now lets go for the most interesting part of this post. “Powah Tournament 2v2” awards…
1) The champions titles goes to Mulberry and Da Revolution. Simply because they won this tournament. Also we have got here special prize “Powah golden sosauge” for the biggest amount of sosauges produced during the tournament! That’s for you, Da Revo!
2) The 2nd place and prizes: "For will to victory " , "The most friendly team of the tournament" goes to koczis12 and BigChuj. Congratulations!
3) "The Die Hard prize" goes to winners of loser bracket kruciprdel and czechboss for the biggest amount of games played and for the longest way in tournament. Thank you!
4) “The new talents of the tournament” and “The kindest team of the tournament” prizes goes to team: Luki and woloszek! We love you!
5) "The inspires of the tournament" prize goes to Florek and Romek as players who found out the idea of tournament during the beta-testing of Remake RC. We also want to award “The best team play” and “The best builders” prizes to this team. Congratulation, friends!
6) “The bravest team of the tournament”. Welcome on this hmm… stage! [R.A]Frans and [R.A]Mike! Hurray, guys!
7) “The good teamplay and high tactical skill” prize goes to Maslo and Kolouch! Thank you for participation!
8) "The harmonie of old and new" prize goes to ImmortalFen and Kirelareus for the great mixing of oldschool and newschool style of playing. Congratulation!
9) “The Powah oak forest” prize goes to our oldest players, brothers To and Fu. For their strength on the growing and developing KaM traditions throught years.
10) “The strongest young team of the tournament” prize. Mixons and Boris that’s for you! Thanks for your participation!
11) “The Powah veteran eagle” prizes going to teams: Jeronimo and T*AnTi-V!RuZz, Kamykos and Joker. You were the stongest from old players. Stay and fight! Congratulations!
12) “The Powah unity wine barrel” prize. This teams was united by players from different part s of the world and countries. Wich is a symbol of KaM Remake international nature. The prize going to bucek100 and The Dark Site, King of War and King of Love. Stay united!
13) “The Powah desire” prize for the desire of participation. Goes to teams: Itlerion and NL Vortex Damage, ‘Maurice and Yoven, Jesua Christ and Alhdaron, jarob5, HardStyle. Thank you for particiption!
14) “The comeback militia” prize going to GreatWhiteBear and BiuW. Thank you for remembering of this awesome game and participation in our tournament!
15) “The kings knight” prize going to players from different teams. NaruTo and Sreba, we remember you as strong decent players. Thank you that you were brave enough even after your teammates let you down.
16) “The romantic fairy horse” prize going to The Dark Lord and Beerzoepper. For the unique build orders without marketplace and for the great fantasy! Also we want to give special prize “Powah partizan” to The Dark Lord for his annoying knights and great fighting skill!
17) “The golden raspberry” prize for Recti and Fkl for their courage. They expected to win the tournament after the draw. Good luck, our confident friends!
18) And the main prize! “The Powah potato” prize for players who left the tournament and their teammates. Congratulations to: pawel95, wisnia_pl, Wojcieszko, DevilishKnight. You have your potato! Enjoy!
Best regards for everyone who is doing the KaM Remake history, for all of you: players, creators, programmers, admins, stonemassons and woodcutters! We love and respect your work and your interest in Remake! We wish have fun and good luck to you in your real and Remake community life!
Welcome all KaM Remake players! We have the honor to announce the first multiplayer event for teams, called "powah tournament", which (if everything goes well) will be the first part of a bigger series called "powah tour" (maybe with prices in future!). The idea was born during beta tests, to give possibility for players to choose the best team from our community. As 2-2 games are based on good relationships and tune, we have hopes that the tournament will take place in a friendly and good atmosphere.
- it’s a 2-2 team tournament
- the limit for participant teams is 24 (in case of huge interest the limit can be set higher).
- ladder with loser bracket (depends on the amount of teams – 4 or 5 rounds)
- maps will be chosen from a maps pool by an elimination system
- locations will be chosen by locations choosing system
following rounds will be played in best of 1 (team wins 1 game goes to the next round):
- all games in winner bracket except semi-finals and final
- all games in loser bracket
following rounds will be played in best of 3 (team wins 2 games goes to the next round):
- semi-finals and final in winner bracket
Maps pool:
- Across the Desert - 60pt
- Border Rivers 4p - 55pt
- Golden Cliffs - 60pt
- Warfare in the Wilderness - 60pt
- Wilderness - 60pt
Requirements for competitors
- KaM Remake r3392
- account on knightsandmerchants.net/forum
- not required, but handy if you have Skype
- stable internet connection (ping up to 900)
- every additional thing that organizers ask you for
- you must play bo1 match in 5 days and bo3 match in 7 days
(about link below: sign up you and your friend only once – if you sign your team, your friend doesn’t have to do the same, cause you will be twice on our list)
Registration for the tournament takes place only by using the following form:
Signing up means that you agree with all tournament terms.
Tournament rules
- 5 days to play bo1 match and 7 days to play bo3 match
- each team will have an assigned number in order of registration
- contact between players will mostly proceed by private messages on forum
- teams will decide about the exact date of the games
- every problem should be reported and then decided by a judge!
Posting results
- match results have to be posted by the winning team
- match results should be posted in the special topic called “powah tournament 2v2: results”
- to confirm a victory the winning team have to add one screenshots with statistics and one replay from each game (remember: you have to destroy enemies barracks, storehouses and schools for achieve victory!)
Maps rules:
Across the Desert - 60pt:
- locations choosing system – loc 3 is banned (don’t choose loc 3)
Border Rivers 4p - 55pt
- locations choosing system (or if both teams agree then all players set random locations)
Golden Cliffs - 60pt
- locations choosing system
Warfare in the Wilderness - 60pt
- team with lower registration number picking locations 1 and 2
Wilderness - 60pt
- locations choosing system (or if both teams agree then all players set random locations)
The maps elimination system consist in each team eliminate one map from the available maps pool by starting with the team with the lower registration number. In each next game of the match players will make a new elimination, but without the map played before. Let’s look at an example:
team 1 - we won’t play Across the Desert
team 2 - we won’t play Border Rivers 4p
team 1 - we won’t play Golden Cliffs
team 2 - we won’t play Warfare in the Wilderness
So the map which is left is Wilderness!
If it’s bo3 the players in the next game will repeat this procedure but without the map which was played yet – Wilderness in this example (in third game teams will start eliminations with 3 maps only).
Locations choosing system consist in players choosing locations, starting from player of team, which was second in the map elimination system. For example, if team 1 started eliminating maps, then team 2 starting choosing locs:
Chosen map is Wilderness
team 2 – we will play loc 1
team 1 – we will play loc 3
team 2 – we will play loc 2
team 1 – we will play loc 4
Gameplay rules
- you are not allowed to scout enemy bases with laborers during peace time
- you are not allowed to build towers if an enemy building will be in its range
- you have to set your autosave on
- manual save game is not allowed
- scouting from your base to your allies base with laborers is allowed
- if someone losing connection all players have to wait at least 2 minutes in hope for reconnect
- if someone was dropped, all players should immediately rehost the game - if this player isn't back in 5 minutes then, that players’ team will lose the game (in critical situation you still can appeal, try to contact a judge or send screens + replay)
- if someone left the game, that players' team will lose the game (you can appeal to a judge if for example an error has occurred)
If case any accident occurs - make a screen (with chatbox if related to quit/lost connection), then follow instructions. Every conflict situation should be reported to judge!
If player or team broke tournament rules it/they will get penalties:
- game lose
- match lose
Also organizers reserve the rights to cancel player or team participation before or during tournament.
All questions, notices and problems should be send on following address:
or by private message to “powah tour” account on knightsandmerchants.net forum.
Mulberry – coordinator
- languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English
Florek – judge
- languages: Polish, English
- Skype: florek_pl
To – judge
- languages: Dutch, English
- Skype: leeuwgie77
Also we want to thank Lewin alot – your help with registration form, ladder and announcements is very important for us and improving the tournament a lot.
If you don’t have any teammate and want take a part in this tournament – please contact us, we will sign you on the list below and try to find you someone to create a team with.

See you on the battlefield!
LADDER (updaiting all the time)

LIst of contacts: (accounts on this forum)
1. Florek, RomeK (Florek, Romo)
2. koczis12, Bigchuj (koczis12, namor)
3. czechboss, kruciprdel (vojta_f, kruciprdel)
4. Kirelareus, ImmortalFen (Kirelareus, Immortalfen)
5. Mulberry, Da Revolution (Mulberry, Da Revolution)
6. Itlerion, NL Vortex Damage (Itlerion, NL Vortex Damage)
7. Kolouch, Maslo (Kolouch, Pavka)
8. woloszek, Luki (woloszek, Luki)
9. Jeronimo, T*AnTi-V!RuZz (Jeronimo, T*AnTi-V!RuZz)
10. bucek100, The Dark Site (bucek100, The Dark Site)
11. Kamykos, Joker (Kamykos, Joker)
12. NaruTo, wisnia_pl (NaruTo, Brak)
13. jarob5, HardStyle (jarob5, HardStyle)
14. Recti, Fkl (Recti, Fkl)
15. Wojcieszko, DevilishKnight (wojcieszko, DevilishKnight)
16. King of War, King of Love (King of War, King of Love)
17.`Maurice, Yoven (`Maurice, Yoven)
18. Mixons, Boris (Mixons, Boris)
19. pawel95, Sreba (pawel95, sreba3)
20. Beerzoeper, The Dark Lord (Beerzoeper, The Dark Lord)
21. To, fu (Leeuwgie, Leeuwgie)
22. Jesua Christ, Alhdaron (jesua christ, Alhdaron)
23. [R.A]Frans, [R.A]Mike (Frans, Mike)
24. GreatWhiteBear, Biuw (GreatWhiteBear, GreatWhiteBear)
Please invite judge in your game to help you with maneging the game.