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Food production




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Joined: 23 Jul 2019, 20:34

Post 24 Jul 2019, 09:41

Food production

Hi all,

I discovered Remake literally a week ago after I finished two original campaigns and was looking for any additional content.

I played a few single missions and it is so much fun with this AI who is attacking you and sending a whole army after your single archer - my compliments to the Remake team!

However, when I was playing original campaigns I often struggled with food production what often caused some starvation. While in Remake, where I have a population of around 100 people, 2 vineyards, 2 bakeries and 1 butcher are far more than enough.

I don't believe that my planning skills suddenly increased so much, so can you let me know is it some bug or is that something that changed in relation to the original? Is it possible to fix it or to easily change some statistics (no IT skills at all so easily is crucial :P)?

Thank you!


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Post 24 Jul 2019, 11:56

Re: Food production

Hello, KaM Remake dev here )

"100 people, 2 vineyards, 2 bakeries and 1 butcher" - thats entirely possible.

100 people consume ~2.5 units of abstract food per minute (unit eats once every 40min on average). Where's top production for listed houses per minute is 2 wine, 5.6 bread, 4.25 sausages which equals to 2*0.3 + 5.6*0.4 + 4.25*0.6 = 5,39 food units per minute. Quite enough for citizens and army.

Those values were taken from KaM and just slightly tweaked.

Production (including Food) largely depends on steady wares flow. Perhaps you got more skilled in Remake and planned your cities better?

If you believe there's a bug, please make 2 identical towns in Remake and Vanilla games and compare their production / food consumption )
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Post 25 Jul 2019, 13:31

Re: Food production

However, when I was playing original campaigns I often struggled with food production what often caused some starvation. While in Remake, where I have a population of around 100 people, 2 vineyards, 2 bakeries and 1 butcher are far more than enough.

I don't believe that my planning skills suddenly increased so much, so can you let me know is it some bug or is that something that changed in relation to the original? Is it possible to fix it or to easily change some statistics (no IT skills at all so easily is crucial :P)?
The Remake AI (In this context, AI refers to the pathing, decision making of farmers, movement, etc.) generally performs much more efficiently. Take a look at how laborers stumble around a construction site in the original game then compare it to the Remake, for example. All of these little interactions not only make for a higher total production, they also enable the human player to better predict how the city will run. This extra control will enable experienced players to get more out of less or, in your case, more out of more :D

The simple explanation is that food was tweaked quite a bit in the Remake. Two changes that I can remember are wine fields grow much faster allowing you to make as few as nine wine field tiles for maximum output and people now only consume as maximum of two food items at a time in the Inn (in the original game, people would sometimes superfluously consume an extra food item when fish was available.)

Bonus advice: You could comfortably feed a population twice the size of your city's with as much food production you had. Top level players have cities of about 160-200 people being fed with something like 3-4:2 swinefarms:butchers, 1:1 mill:bakery, 1 fisherman, and sometimes 1-2 vineyards. Bread is absolutely the biggest contributor to food, as it should be, since it has a long production chain and only has the benefit of moderate status replenishment. In your case you had two bakeries. You could literally feed your army with that, something top players almost never do.
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