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Remake 6720 And NEwer


Al Collins


Posts: 10

Joined: 05 Aug 2019, 04:18

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Post 22 Apr 2020, 00:32

Remake 6720 And NEwer

Like most everyone here, I have played this game, seemingly forever. I bought the original boxed set with the booklet. Finding this site was like winning
a little lottery!! It has brought renewed fun and entertainment into this old man's life. First & Foremost I want to give a HUGE THANK YOU to anyone & everyone responsible for this site & the newer versions.

Naturally I DO have a suggestion, that I am sure has likely been thought of by others. On version 6720 and newer, it sure would be nice if there was a Difficulty setting. I cannot play the campaigns as there are just too many chapters I cannot win!! Naturally they do not have a warehouse, so the "cheat" cannot be used.
And on one scenario, I ended up cheating like 3-4 chapters in a row.. which is not fun. But I am not ale to win. I am overwhelmed almost immediately.

So, a difficulty setting would be so very useful, and would restore "playability"to us who truly love and greatly enjoy the game, but are not computer savvy and do not know the tricks on how to win. And, I suppose you could even make a tougher setting that would make it a challenge for the super players who can win at will. There were a couple of old games that had levels in it. One was shareware. The setting determined how many or how few troops you had. Naturally, more soldiers = easier time winning. Another castles game set in England/France was called" Castles II Siege & Conquest" It was a DOS game..( which was the original P/c operating system for you younger folks. ha!) , and the difficulty setting determined the aggression of the computer. Again, if you have more time to build defenses, raise an army the game gets easier.

If Mr. Krom, or anyone else sees this & has questions, please let me know. I'll gladly do whatever I can..


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KaM Remake Developer

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Post 29 Apr 2020, 18:28

Re: Remake 6720 And NEwer


Nice to hear kind words from you :)

You said that you struggled with tactic missions since you don't know how to apply cheats there. You can apply cheats in KaM Remake if you press F11, then go to `Debug` and click on `Debug Cheats`. Then whenever you press 'V' on your keyboard you will get the victory.

KaM Remake development continues and difficulty levels were introduced in newer Beta (not released yet) version. You can find this version on the official Discord channel of KaM Reamke, here:

Community is quite active on Discord, would be glad to see you there.

All the best ;)

Rey, KMR dev

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