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PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 00:47
by EDMatt
Tower kills should be implemented into the stats at the end of the game and not added into the overall kills.

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 01:12
by Nissarin
Regarding that... I guess there could be a lot more information displayed in the stats (which was probably suggested a lot of times already) but there is not enough space. So, would it possible to implement something like this - when player clicks on the column the detailed statistics are shown ?
Perhaps even more than one level, e.g. click on units trained - get number of ranged/melee, iron/leather, click on "melee" column - militia, axeman, swordman, etc.. Obviously there should some "back" button (or better - "path") but this could be quite intuitive as opposed to some very long list (pages/tabs/scrolled window).

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 01:14
by EDMatt
Regarding that... I guess there could be a lot more information displayed in the stats (which was probably suggested a lot of times already) but there is not enough space. So, would it possible to implement something like this - when player clicks on the column the detailed statistics are shown ?
Perhaps even more than one level, e.g. click on units trained - get number of ranged/melee, iron/leather, click on "melee" column - militia, axeman, swordman, etc.. Obviously there should some "back" button (or better - "path") but this could be quite intuitive as opposed to some very long list (pages/tabs/scrolled window).
Dont hijack my thread.

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 06:15
by Krom
@EDMatt: Whats the point of that?

@Nissarin: Good idea. We also plan to allow to chat after game end, so you could discuss charts.

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 09:04
by FeyBart
Dont hijack my thread.
...or post a good idea he feels fits best in this thread?

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 10:29
by The Dark Lord
Tower kills should be implemented into the stats at the end of the game and not added into the overall kills.
Very good arguments.

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 15:24
by Ben
Nissarin went off topic as the first reply, and Matt wasn't pleased. I don't blame him.

I like this idea, but I don't know if it is very important. One could just as easily say that we should have "Normal Soldier Deaths" and "Militia Deaths" because you'd get a lot more deaths if you train militia. The point is: Stats will always be deceiving.

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 17:00
by Da Revolution
I'll go extremely off-topic. Ben 1000 posts!!!

Anyway Matt you lost many units again because of mulb's towers? I don't think that stats will add much.

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 17:03
by pawel95
Well than you should add 100 more features. There is also a difference when I have 30 troops made, and someone made 100 in same time. When I have only Knights and the other guy has only milita, i could still win :P And so stats are always not that direct to understand.

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 17:08
by The Dark Lord
Nissarin went off topic as the first reply, and Matt wasn't pleased. I don't blame him.

I like this idea, but I don't know if it is very important. One could just as easily say that we should have "Normal Soldier Deaths" and "Militia Deaths" because you'd get a lot more deaths if you train militia. The point is: Stats will always be deceiving.

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 17:23
by Ben

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 17:30
by The Dark Lord
The forum exploded. :P

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 18:58
by Ben
Is that the conversation you, Revo, and Disco were having about me? :P

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 22:53
by dicsoupcan
yup :mrgreen:

Re: Stats

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2013, 22:56
by EDMatt
I'll go extremely off-topic. Ben 1000 posts!!!

Anyway Matt you lost many units again because of mulb's towers? I don't think that stats will add much.
OFFTopic go away
Well than you should add 100 more features. There is also a difference when I have 30 troops made, and someone made 100 in same time. When I have only Knights and the other guy has only milita, i could still win :P And so stats are always not that direct to understand.
That has nothing to do with my suggestion,
Nissarin went off topic as the first reply, and Matt wasn't pleased. I don't blame him.

I like this idea, but I don't know if it is very important. One could just as easily say that we should have "Normal Soldier Deaths" and "Militia Deaths" because you'd get a lot more deaths if you train militia. The point is: Stats will always be deceiving.
The forum exploded. :P
Trolled , not exploded
Is that the conversation you, Revo, and Disco were having about me? :P
Have it elsewhere