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TPR Does Level 8 have a time limit?

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007, 19:19
by tywanda
I have been working on level 8 of TPR for quite awhile. I am not sure if it the program acting up or just the way it was written. It is not crashing now but it will go automactially go to DEFEAT at around 7 hours of play. I am not finished with the game, but it ends and I cannot get it going again. So is there a time limit on winning at this level or is a malfunction with the game? If it is messing up any advice how to fix it. I have already downloaded 1.58 SR2 and I have not had any of these kinds of problems with the other levels. Any help would be great! Thanks

PostPosted: 15 Sep 2007, 21:27
by Litude
Sounds really strange, never experienced such problems myself. While it should be possible to make time limits for missions in the game, I don't think Joymania ever made use of this.
I take it you haven't tired restarting the mission? I think there might be something that always happens during this time in the save that you have. Then again the game starts acting really weird after 7 hours anyways, unit response times can be like 1-3 seconds and the computer army is most likely soon filling the whole map unless you have been actively fighting him. So I wouldn't be to suprised if the game suddenly decides to declare you defeated.

Time limit

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2007, 16:34
by Twyanda
Well I finally limped through level 8 of TPR with all the crashing and computer going to defeat. I think that maybe it was the fact that I had distroyed the wrong bulidings intially, not just military ones. Or maybe not. I would just keep restarting the game and saving it alot until I finally got to the end. Thanks for your suggestions. I hope the next level is without computer problems, I have enough of my own just trying to win the game!