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Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2013, 14:09
by Remake 2012

This time I present new iIdea/Suggestions:

Soldiers in Tower/s

In the game we have towers. The towers is sitting helper and throwing stones. But the tower is very high! Certainly accommodate a few more soldiers. My idea is that each tower had additional capacity for warriors (max 5 ?). With the option "leave immediately."

Example. The tower comes five swordfish Sword Fighter. They are sitting and waiting for the enemy. A player may let them go at any time or wait until the enemy destroy towers. (As it appears after the destruction of the strongholds).

For what?

- The enemy is not so quick to attack the village (when he sees five towers might think that there are 25 units of the army!
- The towers will be more useful. And even more dangerous.
- Hide the actual number of troops - we can do an ambush.
- You can add more options to "no throwing stones" and such options unlock when the enemy will be right in front of the tower. : D

Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2013, 14:39
by Lewin
Example. The tower comes five swordfish. They are sitting and waiting for the enemy. A player may let them go at any time or wait until the enemy destroy towers. (As it appears after the destruction of the strongholds).
Coming soon in the KaM Remake Aquarium Demo:

Swordfish towers!


Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2013, 14:46
by Shadaoe
You killed me Lewin ! :P
How comes every of Paker's topic ends up with a really funny image editing ?

Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2013, 14:49
by EDMatt
Example. The tower comes five swordfish. They are sitting and waiting for the enemy. A player may let them go at any time or wait until the enemy destroy towers. (As it appears after the destruction of the strongholds).
Coming soon in the KaM Remake Aquarium Demo:

Swordfish towers!

everyone has a troll inside of them..
and Lewin finally found the troll within himself ;)

Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2013, 14:50
by Ben

Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2013, 15:42
by sado1
A bit of an explanation... Polish name of swordfish is "włócznik", which literaly translated means... spearman. PAKER, next time after you use Google Translate, at least take a look at the output xD

Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2013, 16:00
by Remake 2012
Example. The tower comes five swordfish. They are sitting and waiting for the enemy. A player may let them go at any time or wait until the enemy destroy towers. (As it appears after the destruction of the strongholds).
Coming soon in the KaM Remake Aquarium Demo:

Swordfish towers!

I write "miecznik" - its swordfish - is ok, but ( fish?) not a warrior with a sword ? :/
not matter -_-

miecznik (swordfish warrior) :

/// OK ..

Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2013, 16:41
by sado1łócznik
OK, this fish is also called "miecznik". But still... there's no such a thing as "swordfish warrior"! Swordfish is a fish which in Polish is called "miecznik". You were looking for the word "swordman"...

Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2013, 17:34
by Da Revolution
Poor Paker got trolled by google :(

Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2013, 19:43
by Remake 2012

What about Soldiers in Towers idea ?

Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2013, 19:54
by Skypper
I don't like to put men in towers.
i like if my towers and men work together.

Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2013, 02:17
by Ben
Nah, towers don't need soldiers in them. That's for games like Stronghold :D

Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2013, 08:42
by Menszu
Ok time to give you first serious responce : D Yet short and negative
- The enemy is not so quick to attack the village (when he sees five towers might think that there are 25 units of the army!
- The towers will be more useful. And even more dangerous.
- Hide the actual number of troops - we can do an ambush.
- You can add more options to "no throwing stones" and such options unlock when the enemy will be right in front of the tower. : D
- Well, it enemy sees your barracs is he not so quick to attack couse you might have 25 units in there?
- It's better to have more dangerous army than more dangerous towers. Generally I doubt anybody would waste 5 units which could turn the tide of battle in the field.
- You can always make more sophisticated ambush by smart manouvering than jack in the box style soldiers going out from the tower.

- That's second idea and I think quite usefull. Might be good to consider a button in the tower interface which prevents it from shooting. This way a quick reacting defender might let the rushing militia in, and kill them with his troops not wasting stones. Worth voting, yet I think it will criple most common tactic to deal with the towers. Maybe if the catapult will be present it might be good to buff the towers in this way, to encourage dealing with them using siege engines.

Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2013, 09:59
by Skypper
towers are strong enough they dont need extra ability's.

Re: Soldiers in Towers

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2013, 19:08
I would love to have a few crossbow/bowman in my towers....they seems to have the ability to create bows and crossbows, but when it's up to the towers they still trow stones like some primitive soldiers, I would actually love to have this idea incorporated in the game :)