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Is Dragon Age : Inquisition Good?



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Post 12 Jan 2015, 09:59

Is Dragon Age : Inquisition Good?

Someone here played it? Is it good?
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Post 13 Jan 2015, 16:58

Re: Is Dragon Age : Inquisition Good?

My brother just bought it on Xbox One. I saw him playing it a little. From his reactions and what he said about it, I think you will like it if you enjoy games like
- Donates Inferno
- World of Warcraft
- Two Worlds
- Diablo

It seems to be a "flashy" game where most of the hype comes from fancy graphics and flashy, chaotic battles. For example, when you pick up items off the ground, your character actually bends over and takes a moment to "feel around" on the ground to pick it up. I personally hate those kind of mechanics. There are also a lot of cutscenes though not quite as much in the Assassin's creed serious (wtf? why don't those idiots at Ubisoft just make a movie already...). Anyway, the dialog seems pretty good and the cutscenes are at least partially interactive so they aren't boring.

My thoughts.
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Queen of the Iron Age

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Post 18 Jan 2015, 22:44

Re: Is Dragon Age : Inquisition Good?

I played it on pc and it's good but still not better than DAO in my opinion. But if you are fan of DA then you will be happy to continue the adventures. There is link with the earlier parts. Charakter creator is the best in this game, i spend over 2 hours to create my first hero. The world is big, main storyline drags on for 50 hours so..

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