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Battle Mission Competition

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2009, 02:31
by Lewin
Hi Everyone,
I am running a new mission on my website. Here are the details copied from my website, I hope as many of you as possible can enter a mission.


This is a competition for the best battle mission. The competition starts on 6th of September 2009, and ends on the 31st of October 2009. (extended due to small number of entries received)

Requirements of your mission
1. The mission must be your own work, or made in collaboration with another person who is also stated as the author. You cannot use original Knights and Merchants missions or maps.
2. The mission must not already be on this site. (must be a 'new' mission)
3. The mission must be single player.
4. It must be a battle mission, as defined bellow.

Definition of a battle mission for purposes of this competition:
1. The mission must not allow the construction of buildings by the human team. (i.e. the mission type must be set to All Fighting)
2. The mission should require mainly tactics involving troops. (e.g. setting up a defence, sneaking behind the enemy, flanking etc.)
3. AI teams (enemy and ally) are allowed to have buildings, but destroying them should not be the primary goal of the mission.
4. The human team can have buildings, but they must not play a major role in the mission. This means they should not have a usable barracks or school house, and the purpose of the village should be primarily decorative or for the story.

Examples of battle missions
- Most of the original battle missions from the Knights and Merchants campaigns, all of the TSK ones. (Some TPR missions do not qualify due to use of the barracks, etc.)
- Inland Encounter from this site.
- Battle in the Pass by Ben.
- Trade Routes by Judy S.

Examples of missions that do not fit the definition of a battle mission for the competition
- Race Against the Clock by The Dark Lord. (it is an excellent mission but involves too much interaction with your village)
- Mission 1 from The Peasants Rebellion campaign. (you get to use a barracks)

These rules and definitions are negotiable, please ask me if you have any questions or think that there is a problem with the criteria.

Missions will be judged on the following factors
- Quality of map
- Quality of script
- Originality
- Story
- Entertainment value
- Difficulty (for the competitions a hard mission is usually better than a really easy one)
- Need for complex tactics and quick thinking
- Adherence to criteria of a battle mission

As in previous competitions, there will be no prizes, only the honour of winning.

To enter your missions either upload them on the site and say in the comments that you are entering it in the competition, or email it to me. Missions will not appear on the site until the judging has been completed and the results released. Let me know if you have any questions or are unsure about anything.

Good luck, and happy scripting!

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2009, 10:52
by Thunderwolf
Nice, perhaps this will get some more attention to kam...

Maybe I'll enter, but I'm not sure yet, as I still don't have a functioning kam under vista... But I'll see...

EDIT: btw. this competition is under fan fiction, whilst the christmas competition was in map design...

Close date extended!

PostPosted: 02 Oct 2009, 07:11
by Lewin
Close date extended!

I extended the closing date to the end of October (31st) due to the small number of entries received. So far I have 4, but I am aiming for 6+.
So please, if you haven't, take part and enter a mission.

PostPosted: 02 Oct 2009, 11:42
by Thunderwolf
Then I might be able to enter this one. I don't have much time, but if the date's extended, I should be able to make the new mission work out the way it should. It won't be a 'special' mission like my other entries though...

PostPosted: 10 Oct 2009, 18:07
by Ben
I am tring to convince 2 people I know to make missions for this compitition. I'm not sure but I htink at LEAST one will make one.

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2009, 11:38
by Humbelum
Are there any results yet?

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2009, 23:40
by Lewin
No, we are still in the process of judging. I've been very busy with school and other things, so it's a slow process. I've played about half of the entries, but I haven't written the reviews for any of them yet. It'll probably take another 3 weeks or so before the results are released. (some time in December)