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Music in the Menu

PostPosted: 11 Oct 2011, 11:01
by Lewin
Hi guys,
Krom and I are discussing whether there should be distinct "menu" and "game" music in KaM. Should the main menu only ever play the main theme Spirit? Please vote in the pole and post your reasons/arguments below.

PostPosted: 11 Oct 2011, 11:22
by T*AnTi-V!RuZz
I voted for option 3: "Play all of the tracks in order (starting with "Spirit")".

The first option would probably drive me crazy, because even though I like Spirit, if I keep hearing the tune I'd go mad. Even when I'd not, I'd want a seemless loop, which is almost impossible with a tune like Spirit. In the autorun of KaM TSK Spirit also loops, but horribly.

The second option wouldn't be so bad either, but it would get boring. Yesterday I was helping my brother out in the menu, and he was complaining the music had stopped. I didn't notice it until he said it, but I think the music in KaM is one of it's best features, so it would be a shame not to use them.

I voted for option 3 because I think that's the best option, but only if the music doesn't stop playing while starting a game. As far as I can remember, this was the case in KaM TSK (not sure though).

Please don't shoot me :D

PostPosted: 11 Oct 2011, 11:29
by Siegfried
Voted for 1, because I thought that you are at the main menu only for some seconds.

Then I realized, that probably you stay in the lobby for quite a long time - and all the time "spirit" ...

Unfortunately I cannot change my vote now :wink:

PostPosted: 11 Oct 2011, 11:30
by T*AnTi-V!RuZz
Voted for 1, because I thought that you are at the main menu only for some seconds.

Then I realized, that probably you stay in the lobby for quite a long time - and all the time "spirit" ...

Unfortunately I cannot change my vote now :wink:
What if you could change your vote.. Option 2 or 3?

PostPosted: 11 Oct 2011, 11:51
by Siegfried
What if you could change your vote.. Option 2 or 3?
Option 3.

PostPosted: 11 Oct 2011, 14:39
by GreatWhiteBear
Eh, is there any possibility to get the music that plays in the first movie in TSK campaign?

PostPosted: 11 Oct 2011, 15:12
by The Dark Lord
Personally I would like Entree to be the menu music. That's how it originally was, right?

@GWB I like the music in 'M2' (I believe that video plays after mission 4) very much! It would be awesome if someone makes KaM music out of it. Some sort of remix. :p

PostPosted: 11 Oct 2011, 17:19
by xzaz
Voted number 3.. specially when you are in the lobby of the multilayer.

PostPosted: 11 Oct 2011, 23:04
by Lewin
Personally I would like Entree to be the menu music. That's how it originally was, right?
Just checking that we're talking about the same tracks: (names from the English translation anyway)
I have never heard of Entree playing first. (it is track number 16, Spirit is number 1 on my CD) Please confirm that's what you meant.

I thought I'd post my opinion after some other people so as not to influence anyone. In my opinion EVERYONE would turn the music off after the 27th repeat of Spirit while waiting in the lobby. It is not designed to be background menu music, it's too short, melodic and repetitive. Sure I know that all KaM music is a bit annoying, but it would be 1000x more annoying just repeating one 1:32 track. Even without the multiplayer lobby to consider, sometimes I minimise KaM or walk away from the computer. If Spirit keeps playing over and over it would drive me crazy. So option 1 is out for me.

I dislike the idea of stopping the music. It seems inconsistent and means that most of the time the menu will be silent (especially the multiplayer lobby) then the music suddenly starts again when you begin a game. The music should keep flowing continuously the whole time IMO. So option 2 is also out for me.

To be honest I don't see anything "wrong" about hearing other tracks on the menu. I would also HATE it if, when I quit a game, the music I was half way through stops and returns the Spirit. (which would be the case if we have distinct menu music as in options 1 and 2) I remember in KaM after finishing a mission and returning to the menu, the same music kept playing. (on pause during videos though)

Krom disagrees, he thinks we should have distinct "game" and "menu" music because most other games do. But I'll let him put forward his own arguments.
Please everyone explain your points of view.
P.S. I do think the music should stop during videos and probably on the campaign story screen because it would be hard to focus on the narrators voice with music over the top.

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2011, 13:40
by The Dark Lord
We're definitely talking about the same tracks. I remember I was confused when I found out that Entree was number 16 because it was the first track that was played.
Also, when you listen to it you will notice that the drums fade in and in my opinion it really sounds like music you could start with.
I am absolutely sure that my TSK (unpatched?) played this track first, although when installing the game it plays Spirit.
Sure I know that all KaM music is a bit annoying

Edit: I can't check my TSK right now but I downloaded the demo and it plays Entree.

Edit 2: I think the music should fade out and pause when you read/listen to a briefing, and when you start the game it should fade in and continue from where it was. In TPR it would continue to play (muted) so when you were done reading/listening, the song already ended. I always hated that.

Edit 3: The name 'Entree' also suggests that it is the first song. Entree is the German (and Dutch (and French too: entr?e, I actually think we stole it from the French)) word for entry/entrance.

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2011, 14:52
by Litude
Entree has definitely always been the main menu music in TSK. I think some early (<1.20) demos did have Spirit as the menu music though.

Also voted for option 3, it's the way it has always been and I don't really see any reason why it should be changed.

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2011, 23:02
by Lewin
Krom and I have discussed it and decided to go with option 3. The music will start with Spirit and then continue though each track in order regardless of whether you are on the menu or game. There will be no change of music between the two. On the campaign story screen (and maybe a few other special places if needed) the music will fade out and pause then fade back in afterwards. (resuming from where it left off) Thanks for voting and commenting everyone, it's good to see what other people think.

Wow, looks like I never noticed that entree was first, I'd always thought it was Spirit. Maybe my version is strange... although I remember the music stopped working when we upgraded to Windows 2000 from Windows 95, so I haven't actually played TSK with music since I was like 8 :P I've always thought of Spirit as the "KaM theme tune". And it's the first track on the CD...
I think the Remake will still start with Spirit, after all TPR starts with a different tune to TSK so the Remake can change it IMO. I also dislike the idea of starting at track 16 but I'd like to keep the original track order. Please let me know what you think about all this.
Don't get my wrong I think the music is a great part of KaM and I usually play with it on, but when you're implementing a new music library and testing it by hearing the first minute of Spirit over and over 20 times you get tired of it :P Actually Spirit is my ringtone on my mobile which sounds a bit lame I guess, but I'm hoping that one day someone will turn around and be like "HEY you play Knights and Merchants??!" :P

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2011, 23:52
by The Dark Lord
I've always thought of Spirit as the "KaM theme tune". And it's the first track on the CD...
I think the Remake will still start with Spirit, after all TPR starts with a different tune to TSK so the Remake can change it IMO. I also dislike the idea of starting at track 16 but I'd like to keep the original track order. Please let me know what you think about all this.
Well I still prefer Entree to be the menu track, but if you and Krom decide otherwise that's okay. It's not my remake after all. :wink: And I think that Spirit is a great track as well.
I was about to suggest that you could start with Entree and then play Spirit, but if you do not want to change the order forget about it!

In that case I would definitely vote for option 3, because I've been hearing Spirit so often these times that I can't bear any repeats. :P
Don't get my wrong I think the music is a great part of KaM and I usually play with it on, but when you're implementing a new music library and testing it by hearing the first minute of Spirit over and over 20 times you get tired of it :P Actually Spirit is my ringtone on my mobile which sounds a bit lame I guess, but I'm hoping that one day someone will turn around and be like "HEY you play Knights and Merchants??!" :P
I don't think that's lame at all. And maybe you'll get rewarded one day. xD

If there is anyone out there who's good at composing new tracks, I would personally love some new melodies in KaM-style.

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2011, 14:14
by Lewin
Yeah I think we'll leave it as Spirit.
I don't think that's lame at all. And maybe you'll get rewarded one day. xD
Thanks for the reassurance, I thought people might think I'm a bit KaM-crazy. I guess I must be to spend most of my spare time programming the Remake :P As a matter of fact, my programming tutor at university played KaM, he noticed me debugging the Remake in class :P He was very impressed, his view of my programming abilities seems to have increased a lot since then... :P

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2011, 17:46
by The Dark Lord
Woah nice tutor you have there!