Is this list meant to be an overview? Or shall we discuss about it?
Both. Tom will keep the first post up to date as an overview, and people should use this thread for discussing new ideas or the ideas listed here.
Before I go ontopic I'll bother you one more time about the woodcutter thing.
If I remember correctly Lewin said the woodcutter will randomly cut and plant trees and not first cut all trees and then plant them all again, like it is now.
I didn't really mind before, but now I came up with a problem which is the reason why I now think it shouldn't be changed: what if an area where you want to build is blocked by two trees? The woodcutter cuts one, that's great, but before he cuts the other one he first plants a new one! Disaster! :evil:
Obviously I think this should somehow be avoided.
You have a very good point there. We have made the woodcutter more likely to cut trees when there are a lot of trees available (so if you place him in the middle of a forest he will go mad cutting them all down for a while) but you are right, you cannot use woodcutters to clear and area for building then demolish and rebuild him outside your village (I have used this tactic a few times in multiplayer games)
I will discuss this with Krom and see if we can figure out a solution/justify why it should be this way.
I thought townhall, siege weapons and walls were accepted, but just didn't have high priority.
Certainly not. I think all of these things don't fit in KaM and kind of mess with the balance/gameplay style. So they'd need to be planned in such a way that avoids these problems, hence they are open for discussion.
Some playtime clock should be implemented in the game.
That's on the todo list already, but thanks.
In editor there should be coords when you are moving mouse over the map, so u can know where exatly u are building something.
And when u choose custom map in editor there should be empty map with NO trees.
I agree with both of these and have added them to the todo list. As you've probably seen the map editor has been on the back burner for a while.
I'd quite like to see a few different speed settings. I used to play a game called Anno 1602 around the same time as KaM, and you could use the following:
F5 = normal speed
F6 = slight speed up
F7 = fast mode
Shift + F7 = super fast mode
I agree and I've added it to the features list. There are hundreds of little niceties like this that we could do but I don't want the features list to become too cluttered at this stage. (we are still implementing core elements, polishing will come later)
Another idea: if your ally disconnects you can command your ally's troops. Or perhaps you should get them (as in: own them; so you can feed them as well), but then I think you should also get his village and that might be troubling when your village isn't connected to your ally's village.
Or perhaps you are able to command them and you can also feed them with your ally's serfs, but you can't control the rest of his village.
We'll do this when we allow players to share control with their allies. Disconnected players could automatically become controllable by anyone on that team.
I also thought it would be fun to have two players controlling one player at once. You'd have to be in close communication over Skype or by sitting next to each other. So many times in multiplayer I lose focus on my economy while controlling my army, and vice versa. I think it would be cool to have one person managing the economy and training new troops as requested by the person controlling the military. That way your village would not be forgotten when you attack.
These options could be disabled by the host in the lobby of course.
It's allies'

I'd always thought the possessive noun of ally was ally's, and the possessive noun of the plural allies was allies'. But I see you are right, (even my dictionary is highlighting it red for me) how embarrassing that a Dutch guy is teaching me my own language
Well this thread was definitely a good idea. i believe it is prudent, then, for me to post "my official
opinion" on the "open for discussion" topics, yes?
Wow Ben, you basically just wrote down exactly the way I feel about the "open for discussion" items!

If anyone wants to know what I think about the open for discussion items, please read
Ben's post above.
P.S. Will there ever be a need to make a registered account for playing on the Remake? This would be useful since it would deter people from changing their name, which would allow people to quickly "screen out" the players who have been--annoying, shall we say?-- in the past.
If this happens, we could always allow people to sign in as a Guest.
I've thought about this, but right now it doesn't seem necessary. Once the game is less frustrating to play (with auto reconnect, file transfer and enforced peace time) I think things will calm down a bit. It's certainly not a priority at all, and it would be a fair bit of work to implement.
But if we ever did this I would want to have a way for people to play without an account, as I hate games that force you to sign up before you can play online.
The point is, walls are not necessary. it breaks the game's mechanics, and besieging a base is monotonous enough as it is.
Forcing people to use siege equipment would also devastate the offensive party. No more maps without iron: buying it would be too expensive. The defending player just needs to sit back, kick his shoes off, and laugh as the enemy tries for hours to get enough siege equipment to break down a wall.
Walls would need to be planned very,
very carefully in order to prevent them from being unbalanced.
Besides, it is changing the game too much. Leave it for a mod I say.
Again, my opinion

I agree 100%. Siegfried also summed it up nicely on some other topic. KaM needs more things to encourage offensive tactics, (as opposed to defensive, I'm not proposing we need rude or insulting tactics

) we don't need more reasons to camp at your village and build up towers/walls/archers.
Can walls die? No.(except when siege weapons are working)
Can soldiers die? Yes.
Actually I just see that as a very good reason NOT to have walls. A defence that is difficult to destroy will just bog the game down in drawn out sieges.
I don't think the KaM engine is well suited to sieges like that, we'd need elements like siege towers, battering rams, guys with ladders, tunnellers, etc. that you see in games like Stronghold (I'd say sieges in Stronghold work fairly well and the engine is well suited to that)
Thanks for your comments everyone.