News Archive
Higher Resolutions Now Supported & More Walkthroughs | 26.12.2008 |
The long overdue update to clean the background code to be independent from the set resolution of 1280x1024 has now finally been finished, so the backgrounds should now be properly centered in all resolutions. I still recommend anyone to use 1280x1024 for optimal view, but both higher and lower resolutions should now have properly centered backgrounds and some tables I apparently had forgotten to center that I hadn't noticed. So was that all? Nope, our dear friend WFTonyD15 has been busy writing walkthroughs for The Shattered Kingdom campaign, and the walkthroughs for mission five, six and seven have now been added, meaning that the walkthrough now properly covers the first seven missions! |
Merry Christmas! | 24.12.2008 |
It really is that time of the year again, yes it's Christmas! Whether you like it or not, and no matter how you spend it I hope you enjoy your holidays and stay safe! :)
View petition results. |
Petition for release of the game source code! | 2.12.2008 |
It is apparent within moments of playing Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion that the game can't shine with all it's beauty due to the excess number of bugs present in it. During the past few years, numerous attempts have been made by loyal fans of the game to fix a number of these bugs. However, some major bugs still remain that are practically impossible to fix without access to the original source code of the game. It is obvious by now that neither ZuXXeZ nor Joymania will be issuing an official patch to fix these issues and therefore the remaining option is to get the source code in the hands of the community, so that these issues could be fixed by the fans.
This is where you come in the picture. We need your help to make our voice heard! By signing the petition we have made, your vote could make a difference and make the people at ZuXXeZ realize that there is a community out there with a deep desire to fix the game they all know and love!
0.9f2 of Thunderwolfs mission builder is here | 17.9.2008 |
This is already somewhat old news, but it went past me unnoticed so chances are not everyone else knows about it either. Thunderwolf has released an update to his mission builder upping the version number to 0.9f2. As one could guess judging by the version number, the update merely consists of some small bug fixes and some smaller improvements. |
Now it's time for the mission editor! | 16.9.2008 |
Version 0.8 of the mission editor that Lewin has been developing has now been released. It consists mainly of bug fixes as according to reports the previous release had numerous bugs included. It does support one new thing, graphical placement of AI starting positions, but due to the stability it has compared to the previous version of the editor upgrading is highly recommended! Find the editor from the downloads section like usual. |
Lewin's LIB editor sees another update! | 10.8.2008 |
Lewin has released another update for the LIB editor of his, this time it's version 0.8. New features include the ability to easily edit deleted strings and add new ones. A search ability has also been added plus buttons which allow you to insert special characters used in the Polish alphabet. As usual, the updated version of this tool can be found from the downloads section.
24.8.2008 Update: |
They still live! | 4.8.2008 |
When I went browsing the Coreplay website today, I found out that a minor update had taken place. We now know that Coreplay is a licensed developer for both the Nintendo Wii and the Microsoft Xbox 360. No additional information or screenshots were released of their projects.
The best LIB editor just became so much better! | 30.7.2008 |
The LIB editor by Lewin has just been updated to version 0.7.1. This new version fixes most of the flaws that were present in the previous version, adding support for German, Dutch and Polish languages and now supporting all the known types of values for formatting messages. Some smaller bugs were also fixed, so in case I wasn't clear enough, I recommend everyone who uses the tool to update to this version! |
A new demo of The Shattered Kingdom available | 28.7.2008 |
All German speaking people, rejoice! The German version of The Shattered Kingdom demo has found its way onto the website. It is quite an early version of the game itself (0.91) so it won't quite give you the correct picture of the game, but could be quite interesting nonetheless for people who like to see how the game has evolved. You can find the demo from the advanced files part of the downloads section. Here is a direct link to the download.
Some updating done on the website | 26.7.2008 |
I'm in quite the rush whilst doing this update, but I've added the most recent version of Krom's mapeditor (0.5g), which fixes a bug that prevented people from using maps created by the editor in multiplayer games. Additionally, an utility created by Lewin has been added to the advanced tools section which can be used to convert old maps to the format which also works for multiplayer maps. Some new information has also been added to the decoding section. This time there's a new document about the LIB files and another more comprehensive document explaining the commands that are to be used whilst scripting a mission, both courtesy of Lewin. |
Yet another update to Lewin's editor | 17.7.2008 |
Lewin's editor received an update to version 0.7 today. A critical bug that prevented editing the clear ups has been fixed, and now you can also see the clear ups graphically in the editor. As another "bonus" feature to this bugfix update, graphical placement of screen centering has also been added. The new version of the editor can as usual be found within the downloads section. You can discuss the editor and the new version over here. |
Service Release 3 - A minor update, any interest? | 14.7.2008 |
Sometime ago, I was developing an unofficial update to The Peasants Rebellion unsurprisingly called Service Release 3 (Please note that this is not to be confused with the Service Release 3 made by pawel95, which turned out to be a hoax). Whilst reading the reaction at the German forums it seemed like there generally was not really much interest in getting another patch, unless it was capable of fixing some of the major bugs in the game. The reason I'm making this news post is to ask the community here whether interest for such a patch would actually exist? Please discuss this in the comments section of this news post! |
An update to Lewin's mission editor! | 13.7.2008 |
Those who follow Lewin's website actively have probably already noticed it, but for those who do not, Lewin's editor has received an update! The newest update brings the editor to version 0.6.8 and a new welcome feature that sure is going to make mission editing ways easier is the ability to place units and animals graphically. A major fix was also included to remove a memory leak so people with slower computers might notice an improvement in performance. For anyone using the editor, updating is highly recommended! |
ELP4 now available for The Peasants Rebellion! | 13.7.2008 |
The English translation for The Peasants Rebellion has quite recently been updated. There were a lot of grammatical and spelling errors present in the official scripts. This pretty much proves the fact that there was not any real effort done at any point during development to create an official English version of the game and more than likely some shoddy script that was meant to be temporary ended up being used in the released game.
Now, two years later most and hopefully all of these errors that appeared in the official scripts have been fixed. As a point of note, the English translation included in Service Release 2 is exactly the one which uses these shoddy scripts. In other words, this means that anyone who is playing the English version of The Peasants Rebellion should patch their game with the English Language Pack 4. You can find ELP4 from the downloads section. |
Uhh... I guess you didn't see this one coming :P | 12.7.2008 |
Well well... It has been a long time since my last update (once again). Longer time followers of the site probably know that this has quite become a bad habit for me. Just a quick look trough the news archive reveal a lot of holes where numerous months have passed without and update. I do still intend to start keeping this site alive.
This update is not too big, but to my knowledge the download section should now finally and hopefully be up to date. Some people also threw up theories that I had died in an accident or something (I think and hope most of those theories weren't completely serious :P), so making a news post started being a necessity.
So anyways, the newest editor versions from both Krom and Lewin have finally found their way here, plus some new cool LIB hacking tool Lewin had managed to cook up whilst taking a break from his editor =) Other than that, I did manage to do something about the decoding section, but quite honestly I can't really remember if I finished off the update completely or not. Besides reading at the forums it seems like tons of new information has been discovered about the construction of several game files. |