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Adding Music to TSK




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Post 10 Apr 2008, 15:42

Rayth, stop choosing complicated ways. Download WinAmp ( it's free) and run it in background mode along with KaM. End of solution :)
i do know where to get winamp as i use it to run my radio station tyvm -.-



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Post 02 Jun 2008, 17:01

There is one REALY easy way how to do it.But before i write it,i know one issue with it(i tryed it like 5min before this post).I just started new campagin(TSK) and after i clean my town of enemy,i just start those songs,the game turn slow like lagging :D,but after maybe a minute it became normal.

So here is how to make it:
People who already been able to see and modifie .xxx of files skip first part.
1.You need to go Control Panel and then folder Folder Option(in slovak language Mo?nosti slo?ky) and there are 4types of options in a row.(sorry my english isnt so good to name them)Click on Second(display,indication,image dunno how correctly name it) and you got there many sub options.Follow by this screen or just uncheck the 7th option(counting only those that you can check and uncheck)
If you do it right,save and exit,now you can see the .xxx of files(for example .mp3 , .pdf etc).
2.Now go to your KAM instalation folder and go to Data-sfx-songs(path should be like this C:\Program Files\KaM - The Peasants Rebellion\data\sfx\songs)
Now there are 15songs.Dont forget to backup them.Remove them or just move them to some other location.Now move to that data/sfx/songs your songs which you want to listen while playing,and rename them.For example Rihanna-Dont stop the music rename to track_00.sng , Crazy Town - Butterfly rename to track_01.sng and so like that.You can store there 15songs or maybe more i dont tryed it out yet.

Its realy easy to do but its hard to make tuturial for it in English.Sorry for my bad English.If you dont understand some parts just write it down and also Quote those parts you dont understand.Can make and post screens if you realy dont get it after all :D

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Post 02 Jun 2008, 17:58

It is very easy, indeed. But not very handy. Replacing these files has some disadventages:
- If you rename a .mid, .mp3, .wav or .wma or whatever to a .sng file, it will become much bigger.
- The next song does not automatically start if one has ended!

It is better to use Windows Media Player or so.



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Post 02 Jun 2008, 18:27

How can a file become much bigger by changing the extension..?

The Dark Lord

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Post 02 Jun 2008, 20:13

Oh wait, I made a mistake there: the files which I ripped from the cd are much bigger (Struggle is like 28 MB). :wink:



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Post 02 Jun 2008, 21:14

It is very easy, indeed. But not very handy. Replacing these files has some disadventages:
- If you rename a .mid, .mp3, .wav or .wma or whatever to a .sng file, it will become much bigger.
- The next song does not automatically start if one has ended!

It is better to use Windows Media Player or so.
About that renaming .mid, .mp3 etc i know that it will keep original size.And i know that too,that next song does not start automatically which is sometimes for me good,i also want hear how citizens works etc :D.
Anyway , i post it only because they wanted they mp3/wav etc songs play in KAM with/without using winnamp so this is easiest way how to do it.
I am using this couze i only add there 3songs which i love and i like that original songs from KAM too so i enjoying it.

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