Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
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Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
What about the proposals on page 174?
Reason: "Rey" not "Ray"
Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
1) Can you add information that the building is closed? Sometimes the building closes for economic reasons, and later it forgets about it and the production stands.
What about empty house then ? Or Closed for worker (new feature)? Can we put all that info into 1 tablet somehow?
It could be nice and really helpful, but at the other side - too many tablets could spoil UI a lot.
As an option I could suggest to show them on some UI event - button on stats menu or when stats menu are opened
2) Is it possible to add a "stop building" button in buildings, so that the builders go to build another building?
It better to fix it via better delivery policy. Just give almost ginished building higher priority in delivery and that is all
3) Is it possible to do that when we demolish the building, we get half the material? It would be a helpful example when there is no material for the stonemason.
However, the new developer, Ray, is much less concerned with adding to the game. So there is hope yet for your ideas.
And yes, hope will never die
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Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
My nickname is Rey, Ben
This might not be the topic to say this in, but I do implore you to be conservative with your additions to the Remake. You can always add new features later. It's very hard to take them back out without causing an uproar. Remember that KaM is meant to be an indirect-control city builder
Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
It's very hard to take them back out without causing an uproar.
No worries, I am not going to make Warcraft version of KMR.
But still, some reasonable city management is ok from my point of view, f.e. new resource 'take out' feature for houses.
Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
You can still use Back To Lobby feature, as many people do, just before end of PT, f.e. That is why this feature will have lower priority, then others.
Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
a) the first builder wanted to build on,
b) the first builder wanted to walk through, and he can't go around the second builder easily, because another building is behind the second builder.
In case a), the builder will stand and wait until the other builder goes somewhere else. In case b), the builder will go a longer route around the building. Both things are a bit annoying. Don't you guys think it would be better (and is it possible/feasible to do?) if the first builder could simply pick another tile to work on instead of waiting/walking the long route?
Another thing, concerning serfs and builders behaviour when making a building: I thought about giving serfs a walking priority when they bring stone/wood to a building in making, and a building builder is blocking their way. The builder would stop using the hammer for a while, let serf go through while not losing focus on the building, then continue using the hammer. This is a rough idea and the actual ingame implementation needs to account for the fact that usually there is a lot of serfs walking to a building plan etc. This idea would eliminate two problems that are completely random in this game (you can't really use micro against that) - when your builders lose focus and switch to build another, distant building; and when a traffic jam appears near a building site, because the serfs are unable to deliver the resources there. What do you guys think?
Moorbach's Guard
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Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
Just a simple idea about the map list to the game.
Today I noticed that the new betas and releases contain a bit outdated maps.
Would be cool if there would be a button which could download the files from the KamRepos or MapDatabes from the forum.
So if a mapmaker would have a new modified map then he could refresh here on the forum.
- The forum would always have the latest maps as mapmaker could upgrade the maps here.
- The New releases could have a smaller size as less map would have to be included.
-Need an always available site where all the maps, campaign are there.
The KamRepos could be managed by the mapmakers who owns their maps. So if a user uploaded a map then could delete it and upload it again, or could sign this map is outdatedm there is new version etc...
The game always would have the latest dedicated maps.
Frequently find maps which are one sided modified. For example a player given extra resources to his location meanwhile the rest of the players has disadvantage etc...
It's needs lot of work.
Another idea:
If a player want then freerly can registrate his nick name. It would not be obligatory! But after this could have make player statistics. Played hours, type of games, PT,speed, win/lost/left games, opponent player, preferrred maps etc... So If the player accept or registrated his nick then could get these type of personal stats.
This would need only a nick name and an e-mail address from the players. Most of them is registrated on the forum too. Or better, using the nick and the e-mail address from the forum for speciel overall player stats.
Okay this is just for further discussion
have a good day!
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Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
If a player want then freerly can registrate his nick name. It would not be obligatory!
Moorbach's Guard
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Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
If this happens, I'll be sure to jump on registering names for sado, The Dark Lord, Koczis12, Ben, and Prince Lothar.If a player want then freerly can registrate his nick name. It would not be obligatory!
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Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
Auto pause at the end of PT in replay viewer - I dont care about this idea (not a hate, i think its useless for me).
Pause in mutiplayer games - This idea is great but only if another player can unpause game. Cause some go for food or toilet or hes/her parents ask them for something. No each player want w8 for them.
Split hungry units from group (Discuss how to implement) - NO. If players dont want feed 30 units at one time, then dont link them.
Town Hall - I understand why creaters of remake remove this building but i have custom Campaing which i cant win without town hall. So add if you still think its op then remove it from MP.
Siege Equipment - Sige weapons yes. One of most op units in game. As createors of remake i think too its so OP but i have idea how to balance it. Remove od massive decrease dmg to units and increase dmg to Building. Result in MP will that playes cant play in wall of towers + 50 crossbowman or bowman as defensive army.
Shared control - If this is intended as one player can control n multplayer 2 basis or help hes friend to learn play is good Idea but in MP will be good if player can shutdown this option.
Take over disconnected players' army/village - This option i never saw in any game what i played. Its so imbalance if some player in your team
have great and you are under heavy fire you can in one time take hes village and attack from behind or on enemies village.
Move Vagabond from Town Hall to Barracks as a trainable unit - I dont understand why if you want add one unit you can move all of them or not ? you will still need gold or after treamtment horses, axes and leather armor(or without armor).
Ability to use marketplace to send resources to allies. - As in another strategies is this great idea. If is your ally in trouble with food or weapons you can support him. If you dont know fights you can also support your ally from start of game for protect. I agree .
Ability to Delete an ally's buildings after he/she disconnects/is defeated. - This option is applicable only if you dont want lose time and wait for enemy which destroy him.(its doesnt matter for me).
Additional players in lobby (to allow more spectators) - Yeah this is too good idea 2 spectators are sometime a little
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Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
Split hungry units from group (Discuss how to implement) - NO. If players dont want feed 30 units at one time, then dont link them.
Re: Official KaM Remake Ideas topic
Like horses with shields and spear or horse with bows but will not work i think
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