Post 26 Nov 2012, 17:49 by Humbelum
Hi guys,
I like the idea of a marketplace for trading between players. Delay sounds good. Caravans would be more interessting, maybe a vagabond edit or a serf walking with a horse, add some wares and a cap/hat to the serf. It should be a unit you can control, so you can decide which way is the savest for you. 3-4 Items per caravan are realistic and horses would become more important too.
A flag near the marketplace would be helpful to show where you have to deliver.
However I would like to trade with my enemies too. "Give me 20 golds or I attack you"
You would need a setting for your units to ignore the enemy's caravans. If he kills them he gets only 1 of 4 items.
Would be nice to get a blackmail in a singleplayer mission from your enemy and you have to decide if you pay or not
funny ideas