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Vatrix's Campaign Fixes



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Post 02 Dec 2014, 16:11

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

Sorry, I somehow missed your post.
I have an idea for mission 12, I added script to block some wares in storehouses to stop those annoying traffic jams, but with this script cities look dead after some time, just some serfs moving, but most of them don't have work. So let's go to my idea for making script for infinite iron, coal or gold in mountains for these villages, that would mean no iron/gold/coal in storehouses and more serfs moving! Of course after some time this script stops changin tiles in mountains, so these resources will be infinite just for a while :O . Tell me your opinions or another ideas how to solve this problem :wink: .

And next:
Finally I'm at mission 14, where is still my biggest dilemma about AI's building. I know I'm speaking about it over and over, but please think about it for a moment. In this mission player can't see AI building it's village, so there is an option for me to build nice village for it (I don't like to do that, because I love when AI is building it's city in TSK) or there's second option, to let AI build it's own village, but for that I need special option for AI to set where it can build in THIS release. Second option means more work for Krom and Lewin and moving release date, but for me it means last TSK problem solved in very nice way. First option gives devs some rest for a while, but we won't have building AI for some time in this campaign. I tried to balance AI's supplies to make it build right, but in 7/10 cases it didn't work right. Any other ideas? I really would like to see fixed TSK campaign in Remake, what about you? :-)

mission 12

for npc 4 it's ok.
But npc 2 and 3 can be taken over, thus giving the player more resources.

mission 14

give the npc's a ready to go village for now.
the devs deserve some rest, and not a lot of people play the campaign.
so in the release after this one it can be fixed for real.

in my opinion the gains don't outweigh how much we need it.

i'm very happy that you are so dedicated :D
You're right about mission 12, so I will make this script only for player 4.

AI in missions 14-16 will temporarily have pre-built villages and after this release it will be turned back :wink: .

And last I want so say: I'm happy that you're happy.
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Post 11 Dec 2014, 16:38

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

So campaign The Shattered Kingdom is finally fixed!

Download fixed missions in first post.

If you find any bugs or problems, please write me here and I'll look at it. :wink:

For those whole love also The Peasants Rebellion, I have very pleasing information, after I get some rest from playing campaigns over and over again I will fix TPR, too!

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Post 12 Dec 2014, 18:05

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

Good evening/afternoon whatever your time's right now^^

I'm currently using the version r6720 of your awesome KaM Remake (didn't download the file in the first post here)

So I dunno if this is already fixed or not also i just flew over this topic so I don't know for sure that someone hasn't mentioned this already.

but bbT:

I'm currently playing The Shattered Kingdom Mission 18, which works somewhat fine (at least with the start) ^^

I watched it in replay mode (Only played 14 minutes out of almost 2 hours) and there's a huge traffic jam going on in the village on the right side which is only food supply

Made a prtsc of it:

Edit: Forgot something because of this he barely keeps his army alive (some Soldiers still died but not that many)

Also the AI seems to not recruit Soldiers but has a huge stock in his barracks, normal?


I really appreciate what you guys have done and that you keep this game alive.


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Post 12 Dec 2014, 18:11

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

This fixes aren't yet in The Remake, If you want to play my fixed missions, you must download it in my first post in this topic and extract it in your KaMR folder. :wink:

I really appreciate if you go through it and write me here if this fixes are good, I really need more testers for it.
I fixed The Shattered Kingdom and The Peasants Rebellion here!

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Post 12 Dec 2014, 18:15

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

whoopsie my bad :D

Sure i'll give it a try but I probably don't have time in the upcoming weeks^^


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Post 12 Dec 2014, 18:16

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

whoopsie my bad :D

Sure i'll give it a try but I probably don't have time in the upcoming weeks^^
No problem, just write me if you find any bugs, problems or whatever :D
I fixed The Shattered Kingdom and The Peasants Rebellion here!

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Post 15 Dec 2014, 14:41

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

Well had some time for the first 3 missions.

I haven't played the first few missions for ages so I don't remember everything how it was in the original.

Mission 1

If you stop your militia the yellow enemy will automatically attack them instead of finishing to destroy buildings (intended?)

Yellow keeps attacking after 24 minutes which is fine by me
Does he really need almost 30 Serfs? 20 would be enough in my opinion
Too less gold chests in the storehouse, after 46 mins he almost runs out (around 35 left)

I do remember though that the blue AI had more axefighter right of his inn i think 2x8 or 2x12 and another 1x8/ 1x12 group below his storehouse

Map: There's one field on the brigde where your woodcutters can plant, not that it matters but for good looks^^

Mission 2

Wasn't the enemy yellow instead of light blue?
AI has a bit to less gold chests I think a few more wouldnt hurt.^^
What's the repeating attack settings?
They attack at 8 min but after that?
I wasn't attackted anymore and won after playing 2h (except one time he attacked with some bowmens but after destroying a blueprint fisherhouse he retreated again)

Mission 3

Almost lost because of shitty placing my troops... haven't played that mission for a while :D

Mission is fine as it is^^


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Post 15 Dec 2014, 15:50

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

the ai's have a lot of serfs because the original kam did not have all the efficiency patches the remake has ;)

yes mission 2 is lightblue, yellow comes from mission 03.
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Post 15 Dec 2014, 20:08

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

I just compared mission 1 from you and mission 1 from the original game.

I noticed 4 differences right away.

1. there are 2 of your axeman squads coming from below, 1 of them walks straight up but is halted by a yellow lance. in the orgininal this isn't so. they can walk pretty much till the mill before encountering an enemy
2. the leather axeman squad that attacks the tower should be 3 leather axeman and be from the yellow AI.
3. the tower that is under attack should be harder to save. (less hp? )
4. the yellow lance squad that comes from across the bridge should be earlier, at about 15 seconds from the start they should walk out of the fog of war and at about 25 seconds they should be on the bridge on the place where the fight is going on.


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Post 15 Dec 2014, 22:10

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

Mission 1
If you stop your militia the yellow enemy will automatically attack them instead of finishing to destroy buildings (intended?)
This is caused by my script, where I set timeout for enemy unit attack, maybe I should make them attack, when you attack them. I tested this the way I played original, so I forgot to check alternatives, like when you stop your militia (but who can let Lauenburg to destroy his city?). I will fix it, thanks ;)
Does he really need almost 30 Serfs? 20 would be enough in my opinion
I like killing serfs, it just makes me feel more powerful (6) .
Too less gold chests in the storehouse, after 46 mins he almost runs out (around 35 left)
Same as in original, but in TSK there wasn't set any leather units timer - AI trained troops in random intervals, so it feeled like he has much more gold.
I do remember though that the blue AI had more axefighter right of his inn i think 2x8 or 2x12 and another 1x8/ 1x12 group below his storehouse
Nope, I looked at original TSK and TPR SR3 and blue really has almost no army. - it's first mission, so it wasn't supposed to be hard ;)
There's one field on the brigde where your woodcutters can plant, not that it matters but for good looks
I'm planning to fix all MAPS, but for that I need more time and mapmaking-practise.
Mission 2
Wasn't the enemy yellow instead of light blue?
AI has a bit to less gold chests I think a few more wouldnt hurt.^^
Again TSK settings and Remake balance, maybe I need to dig more into it.
What's the repeating attack settings?
There is no repeating attack, here is only first attack, second attack at 1:00 with about 40 soldiers and third "huge" attack at 2:15 with 50+ soldiers. If these don't work please let me know and I will try to fix it better.

Please can you also add your replay here, if possible?
1. there are 2 of your axeman squads coming from below, 1 of them walks straight up but is halted by a yellow lance. in the orgininal this isn't so. They can walk pretty much till the mill before encountering an enemy.
Yea, that 1 fu**ing guy who stops them near the inn. I will try to fix that, thanks.
2. the leather axeman squad that attacks the tower should be 3 leather axeman and be from the yellow AI.
There are 3 leather axemen, but they are blue, because I need them to attack buildings, which is set for blue player (yellow player has to attack units). Another way to do that is too comlpicated (me nad scripting... :O ).
3. the tower that is under attack should be harder to save. (less hp? )
I lowered it's hp by 80 points, so now you have to attack blue (yellow in TSK) axemen very fast.
4. the yellow lance squad that comes from across the bridge should be earlier, at about 15 seconds from the start they should walk out of the fog of war and at about 25 seconds they should be on the bridge on the place where the fight is going on.
I missed that, thanks :) .
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Post 15 Dec 2014, 23:51

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

This is caused by my script, where I set timeout for enemy unit attack, maybe I should make them attack, when you attack them. I tested this the way I played original, so I forgot to check alternatives, like when you stop your militia (but who can let Lauenburg to destroy his city?). I will fix it, thanks ;)
Well just wanted to see what the AI would do if I do nothing^^
I like killing serfs, it just makes me feel more powerful (6) .
:O ... Okay xD
Same as in original, but in TSK there wasn't set any leather units timer - AI trained troops in random intervals, so it feeled like he has much more gold.
It's just for Players who are playing the game for the first time and maybe need more time and meanwhile the AI runs out of gold^^
Nope, I looked at original TSK and TPR SR3 and blue really has almost no army. - it's first mission, so it wasn't supposed to be hard ;)
Hmm, ok I really do remember him having more axefigthers but never mind then^^
Mission 2
Wasn't the enemy yellow instead of light blue?
Also never mind^^
Again TSK settings and Remake balance, maybe I need to dig more into it.
Same as answer before
There is no repeating attack, here is only first attack, second attack at 1:00 with about 40 soldiers and third "huge" attack at 2:15 with 50+ soldiers. If these don't work please let me know and I will try to fix it better.
Well if that's the case I probably got a fix for you because I got extremely lucky. He really attacked me at 1:00 but his bowmen only destroyed a building print and that canceled almost the whole attack otherwise he would have kicked my butt xD
Please can you also add your replay here, if possible?
Sure: Saves.rar

Mission 1+2 and 4 but Mission 4 is about 5 hours just wanted to see what the yellow guy does and if there's really a huge attack... but were just small ones


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Post 16 Dec 2014, 06:12

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

and the one field where woodcutters can plant trees was also in the original.
But if that becomes bridge it looks better I think


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Post 16 Dec 2014, 07:40

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

and the one field where woodcutters can plant trees was also in the original.
But if that becomes bridge it looks better I think
You're right :)
I fixed The Shattered Kingdom and The Peasants Rebellion here!


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Post 16 Dec 2014, 10:44

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

I found some more things that are different from the original in maps 2 and 4.

I did find a rather big differnece] in map 2
On minute 7:30 there is an attack, this is correct with the original.
BUT, the squads that attack are spawned next to the squads that are already standing there.

So first it's like this:

then it is like this:

This is wrong in 2 ways:
1st, you can see them spawn if you explore a bit since it's the front line.
2nd, yellow shouldn't get the spawned squads. the 2 squads from wich they are cloned are supposed to attack.
so when the spawned squads attack the other squads are still standing there wich shouldn't be.

So there are 2 possible solutions:
Either make the 2 squads attack and remove the script that spawns the 2 squads.
Or if that's not possible then within on 1 tick the squads already standing there should be removed and on the tick after that the squads that are going to attack should be spawned.

map 2 and 4:
in the original you get acces to the buildings in the order: School -> tavern -> Stone Quarry -> Woodcutter
in your maps you get acces to the buildings in this order: School -> Tavern , Woodcutter -> Stone cutter.

It's a really small issue but still, if it's possible to change that would be great.

The starting in map 4 is also slightly different

in the original (right)
There are 10 more bread and sausages in the storehouse
20 less fish in the store house
and the whole tavern is empty
Last edited by zombie01 on 16 Dec 2014, 18:11, edited 1 time in total.


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Post 16 Dec 2014, 11:31

Re: Vatrix's Campaign Fixes

Yeah, but in the original TPR/TSK they don´t eat as often as they do in the Remake, right?

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