I did try to not make any implications, but this is not entirely possible. So I took the chest as a reference because of the simple reason that this resource is the limiting and thus most precious resource in the game.
I don't really like to take the MV because it's calculated in with a different aspect which I will explain soon. There are so many arbitrary numbers in there, for example why a basis of 2 for non-renewable compared to renewable? Why the +1 for a process step? These numbers are optimized for trading, not for an exact analysis of the game.
But we just have to agree on a collective basis, so why not try the MV once? I like your calculations, let's go on with it
I see one point in your calculations that I can't accept. And this is the fact, that you take 20MV for an iron military unit. This price clearly was set for trading purpose only. It's way too high because of the simple reason that you cannot trade all your iron resources. In this price, there already is included a share of the smithies, the citizens etc. etc.
So I'd agree with your calculation, but we have to decide whether we completely rely on the trading costs, but then we have to neglect the building costs. Or we have to rely on the building costs.
Let's do the latter. So let's calculate one iron military unit. For that, you need one coal (2MV) and one iron. For the iron, you need one coal (2MV) and one iron ore (2MV). So Iron has 5MV. Thus one military resource has to have 8MV.
The horse will be calculated analogous to the pig, which means 4 processing steps and 4 corn. This means costs of 8MV for the horse, too.
So let's do your calculation for K1:
1 knight = {1 Recruit (2.5 MV) + 1 sword (8 MV) + 1 shield (8 MV) + 1 iron armor (8 mv) +1 horse (8 MV) }+ [3 blacksmtihs (7.5 MV) + 1 weapon smithy (2 MV for stone + 4 MV for timber) + 2 Armor smithy(12 MV) + 2 iron smelter (5 MV) + 2 Iron smithy ( 12 MV) + 1 farm (6 MV) + 1 farmer (2.5 MV) + 1 stable (6 MV) + 1 animal breeder (2.5 MV) + 2 iron mines (8.66 MV) + 4 coal mines (17.33 MV) + 6 miners (15 MV)]
The costs in {} are the cost for a single soldier. The costs in [] are the costs for the building etc., this costs will be shared by all soldiers if we calculate K=
The number inside [] is 100,5 MV
The number inside {} is 34,5
So K1 = 135
Let's do this for P1:
1 pikemen = {1 Recruit (2.5 MV) + 1 pike (8 MV) + 1 iron armor (8 mv)} + [2 blacksmtihs (5 MV) + 1 weapon smithy (6 MV) + 1 Armor smithy (6 MV) + 2 iron smelter (5 MV) + 2 Iron smithy ( 12 MV) + 2 iron mines (8.66 MV) + 4 coal mines (17.33 MV) + 6 miners (15 MV)]
The number inside [] is 75
The number inside {} is 18,5
So P1 = 93,5
So PK1 = 135 / 93,5 = 1,44
which - solely by chance! - is the exact same number that I get when I take chests as the basis for all cost.
For PK= the costs for houses can be neglected, because the number inside {} is multiplied with infinity. We get then
PK= equals 34,5 / 18,5 = 1,86
OK so far. We've already mentioned the bonus speed for cavalry. Let's keep that at the back of our mind.
There are two additional features that have not been approached so far.
1. the overall fire power of units. So far, we mostly concentrated on the counter only, but this is only half of the story in a regular game. Knights don't only attack sword fighters or pikemen (they are to be avoided, obviously), but also other troops. For example scouts, axe fighters, militia, archers or crossbowmen. Or even civilians (and houses).
And for attacking the non-specialized units, you can rely on the attacking power.
The attacking power for a knight is 55
The attacking power for a pikeman is 35
Comparing only these two values we find the ratio of 1.57 (which is close to PK3 btw.)
If you'd want a fair trade, you'd have to normalize the PK= to the firepower, let's call it the normalized firepower nPK. Therefore you'll find
nPK= = 1,86 / 1,57 = 1,18
This number is the 'power per cost'. And this means, that a knight is only 18% stronger than a pikeman compared to the cost (in the case of infinite built knights). If you don't build infinite knights, this number is even lower.
This firepower is real. If a knight wants to kill an archer, he has to hit him 3,6 times on average. If a pikemen wants to kill an archer, he has to strike 5,7 times. You find this nPK= in this difference. This value is real, whereas the PK= is only a theoretical construction.
2. the likelihood to benefit from lifepoint recovery.
A knight has 4 lifepoints. He can profit from recovery if he lost one already. At this stage, he has 3 lifepoints left.
A lifepoint is recovered each 41 frames iirc. I'm not sure if this value has changed since. And I'm not completely aware of the length of a single attack, iirc it was like 8 frames or so.
This means, if a knight survives 5 attacks (with his 3 lifepoints left), he'll get one lifepoint back.
The knight has an armor value of 3, most of the times he is attacked from the front, thus the multiplier is 1. Let's assume the stronges standard-unit attacking the knight, that's the crossbow with an attack unit of 120 (all other are lower!!). The change that a hit takes away one lifepoint therefore is 120/3 = 40%.
The change that the knight dies is therefore p(live) = (5 over 3) * 0,6^3 * 0,4^2 + (5 over 4) * 0,6^4 * 0,4 + (5 over 5) * 0,4^5 = 68% {die note (5 over 3) is not the fractionbut the binomial coefficient}
So the knight survives the hardest attack with a chance of
If the attacker is weaker, the chance is even higher.
Let's do the math for the pikeman. He has only 2 lifepoints left andneeds to survive 5 strikes. The chance to survive is
p(live) = (5 over 4) * 0,6^4 * 0,4 + (5 over 5) * 0,6^5 =
Again, if the attacker is weaker, more pikemen will survive and gain one additional lifepoint.
For the sake of comparison, let's assume the attacker is just a pikemen/scout/axe fighter, which all have an attack value of 35, thus the hitting chance is 11,7%.
The likeliness to survive for a knight and pikemen are:
p(live, knight) = 99%
p(live, pikemen) = 89%
So still you'll lose one pikemen out of a group of ten but all knights survive.
So, let's conclude:
The power per cost ratio is 18% more expensive for a knight. But for this 18% you'll get:
- twice the speed, which allows you to run away, flank the enemy troops, be less likely to be hit by arrows
- the likeliness to benefit from lifepoint regeneration is much higher, it never drops below 68%! So the knight can already be seen equivalent to having > 4,68 life points whereas the other iron troops have an equivalent of > 4,34 lifepoints,
which is 1,3 life points in difference, not only 1! Of course this depends on the attacking group, but never is less than 1,1 life points. If attacked from the side, the benefit for the knight is even above the 1,3 life points.
-> thus more knights survive a real battle; and as we learnt (ask Lewin) already one troop will make a huge difference because he will start to attack the enemy from the diagonal or even the side, thus benefitting by a factor of 2 up to 5.
Or summed up:
real lifepoints for knights is approximately 10% higher than the real lifepoints for the other iron troops, thus reducing the 18% cost overrun to small 8% (rounded). In this calculation, the vulnerability agains pikemen is already included!! And for the 8% you'll get a unit that has double the speed compared to the pikemen and the rest of all troops.
Therefore the knight is already perfectly balanced!
Just for the sake of comparison: if you take the +1lifepoint for the knight and not the pikemen, first of all the power increases (by 25%) and second of all, it even more benefits from lifepoint regeneration, making it almost impossible to get killed by a single attacking unit.
Therefore the power to cost-ratio goes well below 100%, so
lp+1 makes the knight the cheaper unit compared to pikemen. Plus it has the increased speed! This means you'll get a benefit for even lower cost - that's far away from being balanced.
All these later conclusions have already been made with infinite troops calculations. If you go to a finite number of troops, the ratios are even worse for pikemen, making them already to a weaker unit than discussed here.