The Final Frontier 8p
Golden Cliffs - has a large centre part where all different strategies are possible so isn't fixed to one style of gameplay.
Back in the Desert - is known for it's variety of different starting locations.
Dead of Winter - is very well fit to play in the latest release where foodchanges require more space for extra farms while there is still enough room to place the extra woodcutters.
Cursed Ravine - has the same resources for each player.
Paradise Island - versatile gameplay because of the 4 leather only locations.
Some of these maps are too small to build a complete village, or give too much advantage for a defensive playstyle while others are limited to one succesfull strategy only.
So the plan was to make a map large enough for all possible buildorders, open enough to eliminate camping only games, create different starting locations, have exactly the same resources per team and create a large centre part where different strategies can be used.
An overview of the complete map (256 x 176)

It's supposed to be played left vs right. Each team has 2 players in the middle who can rush to iron pretty easy if they want, they have more recources nearby then their teammates on the corners, need less space so start with less citizens and a little less starting timber and stone. Downside is that their base is pretty open so harder to defend.
The 2 players in the corners of each team have much more space to set up their base so begin with more citizens and more timber/stone. And because they rely more on leather troops they can built a farm from start although they have the possibilty to set up an iron weapon production but the ironmines are too far away to reach early in the game. I've tried to mirror the locations to keep both teams evenly balanced without making it look symmetric.
Location 1 mirrors location 8. They only need to defend the large bridge and can use the small bridge to quickly send help to their allies in the middle if needed:

Location 2 mirrors location 7. They can get to the ironmines very early but they also have the most open base:

Location 3 mirrors location 6. Still early to get ironmines up, their base is also a pretty open:

Location 4 mirrors location 5. They need to defend the large bridge and a small passage to the centre of the map:

Resources for middle locations(2/3/6/7):
They can set up 5 ironmines maximum holding a total of 500 iron ore, they can mine a total of 400 gold ore and have 1500 coal on their locations. They can get 1025 stone from their rock before it's depleted.
Resources for the corner locations(1/4/5/8):
They can set up 3 ironmines maximum holding a total of 300 iron ore, they can mine a total of 400 gold ore and have 1300 coal on their locations. They can get 1200 stone from their rock before it's depleted. Because these locs also need more timber in the end they have acces to more trees.
Picture showing the centre of the map:

As usual, suggestions are always welcome,