Post 26 Feb 2013, 11:49 by Litude
The groups of axemen that are on a team of their own (player 4) were so originally. I tried merging them to the actual yellow player but for some reason this changed the AI behavior at the start of the mission so much that I reverted the change and kept them on their own separate team. (IIRC they woudln't even attack the second tower which I absolutely still wanted them to do since trying to save it is one of the most memorable parts during the start of this mission.)
The reason why the yellow player had two groups of axemen added is that they originally had no defense positions for axemen. Once I added them, the axemen that are supposed to attack you at the start instead insisted on returning to your base in order to fill the empty defense positions. And so I had to add some more axe fighters to make sure the defense positions would already be occupied.
You should also note that I only added 4 axemen (2 per group) to the yellow team and removed 4 lance carriers from them to somewhat balance it, so their attack force is nowhere near double.
If you're wondering why I added an additional attack type, it was to make sure the AI would attack with all troop types and not end up having a bunch of e.g. lance carriers stacked in his base.