Mini Games
If you have made a mini game and want it added to this topic send Skypper a PM
Description: Singleplayer bullsh... I mean, silly little gamemode. Most likely everyone here heard about Space Invaders, and I managed to fit this game into the Remake. The rules are easy to understand: you have a row of builders, and if you order a builder to make a road, one tile above him, a knight/scout will be spawned above, and will march all the way north, trying to kill all the "invaders" (which are a moving target) on his path. I recommend playing it at x3 speed.
Link to original topic viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1697
Snake by Tef
Hi, I guess you all know this classic game? I figured we needed a Kam Remake SNAKE!!!
Just a tiny singleplayer game I made for you all. Should keep you busy for a minute or two
Off you go now! Go catch that snake!
Original topic viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1755
Zombie Apocalypse by Skypper and andreus
Description:Fighting Mission/Game witch spawns every 90 seconds a army that you need to kill and the next 90 seconds again.
The enemy army will grow bigger and bigger.
You will get every 90 seconds weapons and 5 recruit's if you play MP, if you play SP you get 10 recruits and double weapons.
Game will be able as multi player 2 vs AI and Solo
How long can you survive!?
60 waves for now, if people like the game mode i will make more waves
High scores in points
1. Cmowla cmowla 45193 SP
2. Andreus 30839 SP
3. Seti, R.A Woloszek, R.A Luki, R.A Kamykos 37193 (37193/4= 9298) MP
4. Bence791 8149 SP
5. Dicsoupcan, Woloszek, sebas and Thommerd 30276 (30276/4= 7569) MP
6. Thommerd, Omigoshe, Pawel95 and Sebas 19825 (19825/4= 4956) MP
7. Thommerd, Islar, Pawel and Sebas 16378 (16378/4= 4095) MP
8. ChrisEggII 3706 SP
9.Skypper 3251 SP
Dark Ravines and Dangerous Hills! by Skypper
You start with a small base and some troops
Survive the enemy waves as long as you can
The amount of weapons and recruits is every time growing up to 20 recruits
30 waves for now and only a SP mission
properly there will come a MP to and more waves
A time clock
Bigger map
"random spawns"
New waves
High scores in points
1. Bence 1910
2. woloszek 1910
3. Skypper 1910
Sea siege Map: woloszek; Script Luki, andreus; Dynamic script andreus; Ideas: woloszek, Luki, Kamykos, andreus.
This map shows the great sea siege.
Players 1 and 2 should defend the fortress, player 3 should help the allied village.
You must defeat 25 enemy waves. The map uses interesting dynamic script with bonus system.
For more information see Readme.htm in mission folder.
Town Defence by Skypper
The goal:
Survive the enemy hordes as long as possible.
New features of this map:
A option to choose game options (Pleas comment if you like this option).
Random spawns.
Every 10 minutes a new wave.
Unlimited waves.
Option start the enemy waves after 80, 60, 30 minutes.
Enemy multiplier 1.1, 1.3, 1.5,
Gold ore bonus 30, 15 , none.
Iron ore bonus 10, 5, none.
Coal bonus 40, 20, none.
Plan to do:
Point system for killed units.
timer to next wave.
larger map