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Lance Carrier

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Post 03 Jul 2008, 00:38

Introduction topic

If you're new here, say hello, and if possible tell us your view on Knights and Merchants or just tell us a little about yourself.


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Post 03 Jul 2008, 07:44

Also, if you want to post links then spam your first 5 posts here. :wink:


Lance Carrier

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Post 03 Jul 2008, 15:16

Just make spam topic.


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King Karolus

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Post 10 Jul 2008, 15:25

No excess swearing, Rudius. Thank you for understanding :wink:


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King Karolus

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Post 22 Sep 2008, 18:48

Removed all spam from the topic and handed out bans for the spammers, now maybe we can finally get the topic back on track?


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Post 26 Sep 2008, 00:42

Alright, I am Lewin Hodgman. I am 16 and from Australia.
I speak only English and a very little bit of German. In Australian most people only speak English, because that's really the only spoken language. In Europe everybody seems to be able to speak 10 languages, I feel jealous. :wink:

I started playing KaM when I was about... 7? (can't remember) It's still my favourite game now. I found the online community in August 2007.

Things I've done for the KaM community since then:
- Made tools (mission editor, LIB Decoder, Map2Bitmap, Map Validator)
- Made a site with a page for KaM fan made missions
- Helped with SR3

My funniest KaM story was when I played the TSK tutorial for well over 24 hours. (over many months) I had buildings on every part of the map! (the WHOLE tutorial map) I was very young and found the campaign too hard. :wink:



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Post 26 Sep 2008, 18:24

Wow no spam :shock:
Well I'm Harold. I'm 18 and from the Netherlands (Europe)
So* I speak:
German (but not very well)
French (even less well)
A couple of words from the following languages: Polish, Spanish, ancient Greek, Latin
Currently learning: Japanese (didn't see that one coming did ya)
Does that count as "speaking 10 languages"? :lol:

*: the first 4 languages are mandatory subjects.

I'm studying Computer Science at the university of Utrecht, I've already made ?400 with programming :lol: (?200 prize money from winning a programming competition and ?200 from a 1-hour job writing a decoder for a partially corrupted file of unknown format)

I also play Halo 1 PC, because it's free, and the gameplay still rocks - with 16xAF-override in your GPU drivers it doesn't even look bad either (without AF the ground is all blurry though, and you can't turn it on in the game itself, so you have to override it)

I can program in:
C#, z80 assembly, C, Haskell (although it's not a practical language) (x86-64 assembly if I have to, Java if forced or paid, C++ also but IMO it's a little "dirty" with crazy syntax too many underscores and too many ALLCAPS words)

I hate DRM and anything that looks like it (*points at Krom's proprietary+undocumented map formats*) so Apple, Blu Ray, HDCP and Vista are on my "hate list"

The Dark Lord

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Post 26 Sep 2008, 19:07

Does that count as "speaking 10 languages"? :lol:
No, for I can only count 9 languages. :wink:
Btw, we can all understand some foreign words...

I mean, if I say ''profiel'', everyone could translate it to ''profile''.


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Post 27 Sep 2008, 09:59

Currently learning: Japanese (didn't see that one coming did ya)
Konichiwa! (something like Hello)

Watashi wa Okami no Kaminari (I am Thunderwolf)

* Okami no Kaminari would translate as Wolf of Thunder, but anyways...

We're not really NEW here though...
~old sig
MissionBuilder v0.9f2 UPDATED!!
Defend The Outer Colony. fight for your king and uncover the secrets of this land.
Temporary version at
"You can't defeat me, I've played Knights and Merchants"

Sir Peter


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Post 08 Dec 2008, 19:32

Hello there everybody! It's nice to finally join here! As you can see, my name is Sir Peter (and Peter is my real name), I'm from Croatia and I am here for because I have played this game (and I'm still playing it) since I was a 6 years old kid. It's the first ever computer game that I played ^^. Oh yeah, by the way, I'm 15 now. Oh, I can remember those days when me and my older brother were trying to win the DEMO game, now so easy but then, it was so hard... those were the days...

You are also looking at the proud member of The Hive Workshop, Warcraft III Modding Site! I would like to send you a link, but I can't... it says I need 5 posts in order to link something... my nickname there is FrIkY. There I learned how to mod some stuff, like skins, icons, models...
I accomplished 1,444 posts there, but now I'm a little bit inactive. Ask me anything about Warcraft III!

These are the games that I played:
Warcraft III ROC/TFT, World of Warcraft+BC, Knights and Merchants+TPR, Stronghold+Crusader, Age of Empires II, Age of Mythology+The Titans, Civilization 4, The Elder Scrolls Morrowind and Oblivion... and a lots of more which I can't remember right now...
Ask me anything about these games too if you need.
Hmm... What do I know about Knights and Merchants? I know how to play the game and how to win. I also know some few things in the KaMMissionEdit-0.2. I finished both Knights and Merchants Campaigns.

I also know how to use PhotoImpactX3, I made some Wc3 skins and icons with it. My avatar was Photo Impacted ^^.

Ok, I think that's it from my introduction, I hope I'll find some friends here and have a good time!


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Post 09 Dec 2008, 00:59

Welcome, Sir Peter! It's nice to have some new forum members around. I'm sure you'll meet everybody and get to know us better.

Here are some useful resources in case you're interested:
English Fansite - Has some very interesting information plus all the tools and other downloads you might need.
My mission sharing site - A place where you can find fan made missions to play. (if you're bored with the campaigns) Also the home of my mission editor/music page.
Petition to release the source code - We as a community are trying to get hold of the source code, and you can do your bit by signed this petition.
Krom's map editor - The easiest map editor around.
German fansite/forum - Probably not much use unless you speak some German, but quite a few of the forum discussions are in English.

Hope you find some of these interesting,

Sir Peter


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Post 09 Dec 2008, 14:01

Thanks for the welcome! I downloaded a mission, called "Two Old Friends". Those missions uploaded over there can only be played as a campaign mission?

Oh yeah, 1 more thing... I don't have the ordinary English KAM, my KAM is on Swedish or Danish... I'm not sure... but I got used to it and everything works fine, as it should.



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Post 09 Dec 2008, 14:23

You can get the English texts on the german fan site easily - if you want to (you can still get them there even if you Don't want to, but that's a useless waste of time)


Sword Fighter

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Post 09 Dec 2008, 15:51

Welcome peter!
Thanks for the welcome! I downloaded a mission, called "Two Old Friends". Those missions uploaded over there can only be played as a campaign mission?
Seems like you have choosen an excellent mission :D
Have foun around here!


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King Karolus

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Post 09 Dec 2008, 17:38

Hey and welcome! :)
Oh, I can remember those days when me and my older brother were trying to win the DEMO game, now so easy but then, it was so hard... those were the days...
Heh, guess I'm one of the only people who started off with the full game :D. Actually I was at a friend as it was his birthday and he wanted to show off this great new game he had gotten as present. Been hooked ever since that day, I can't imagine what my parents felt like when I was constantly nagging them that I had to get it. Chirstmas was just a few weeks off so it didn't take long before I had my own precious copy :).
Oh and you were not the only one struggling, I still remember the joy when I beat the first mission... Eventually I did get up to the eighth mission were I got stuck for a couple of years.
Oh yeah, 1 more thing... I don't have the ordinary English KAM, my KAM is on Swedish or Danish... I'm not sure... but I got used to it and everything works fine, as it should.
I'd guess your copy is Dutch because as far as I know, no Danish or Swedish translation was ever made of the game, especially not for TPR.
If you want to, the language of the game can be changed. Firstly you need to patch your game with this and then you can download this which will make your game English once installed.

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