Moorbach's Guard
Posts: 1044
Joined: 15 Apr 2012, 12:11
KaM Skill Level: Fair
Location: In the Market
[EE] Europe Elites
Welcome in the Europe Elites KaM Remake player's database. This group is became for players who would like to use a tag which guarantee for them that they are trusted players and can make performance anytime on any map. This EE list guarantee the player knows something about the citybuilding and a little about the fighting. It's not counting which clans member you are, EE just a list of member, a groups of passed players on basic level.
If would like to member of this group then don't have to do more than only measuring your skill and send us a replay about your "exam" games. Send it to in this topic or into the facebook group. Or sign it to one of our members who know where need to sign up.
Facebook: KaM Remake EUROPE group
gogle docs of the members (Yeah already there are lots of players who passed this) ... edit#gid=0
In the future there will be more levels also with higher ranking.
Entrance Exams into [EE]:
These are simple tests which use measuring your building and fighting skills.
The Building challange is on Golden Cliffs loc 3. Basicly it's an easy location.
You have to play alone a 60mins game on this loc. The speed is not counting(x1x2x3...or faster). We need only the replay as results and two statistic screen(1st is the PT barrack, 2nd is the lost citizens at 1:30)
Conditions of the passing: (have to pass every points)
-minimum 20 bowmans in the barrack
-minimum 20 swordman in the barrack
-minimum 5 horses (could be traded also) in the barrack
-minimum 40 recruits in the barrack
-minimum 3 towers which are ready up
-after PT do not touch the city until 1:30:00, the city still has to stay in alive. No more builds, no more village management after PT, leave the city to do his job alone. This need for checking the food supplyes. Exercise: don't lose more 20citizens until 1:30:00. (Only units training legal-from school and from the barrack- because the hungry recruits will eat out your city from food;) )
The Fighting Challenge is on the Maze:
Reach first outpost below 20 minutes. Reaching means get to the outpost and defeat every enemy unit that's defending it.
Once you do that, make a screenshot with your nickname (important! just press "t" while making screen or have player's list opened) and time of game. Like this:
Zoom in (real dimensions: 1366 x 666)Image
Have to pass each challenges 'The building' and 'The fighting' also for membership.
Other Chllanges are avaiable in the gogle docs.
Well, challenges be accepted!