new .map decoding (as exported by Krom's editor)
Appended to the end of the file (after the 0xFF) there is "ADDNTILE" in ascii, followed by:
0x04 (unknown, always 4 so far)
unknown byte - unknown, but seems to depend only on the size of the map
0x00 - meaning unknown, never seen other than 0
0x00 - meaning unknown, never seen other than 0
unknown - also only seems to depend on the size
unknown - also only seems to depend on the size
width*height bytes that indicate what brush is used:
1 = grass
17 = water
not researched the rest seeing as the unknown bytes have to be right for the editor to accept the map - whether or not it is actually original
you may wonder what use this is? well who knows, maybe someone feels like decoding it, or maybe someone wants to make original maps easier to edit? (map2pro can still be used but I was too lazy to get the brush into right)
I don't really feel like wasting time on this, but if I ever get bored I may - because security through obscurity is the root of all evil, and all maps should be equally editable as soon as they on on your harddisk - it's your harddisk afterall!