Post 02 Oct 2016, 02:12 by Ben
Use the "b" key to select "beacon"
Also, for refference, there are many hidden hotkeys for the game:
-ctrl+number sets a reference hotkey to a building or troop. For example, ctrl+1 while a school is selected will bring your school up when you press 1 (very useful for recruit production during fights)
-RMB (right mouse button) on a unit in the school will fill the queue with that unit.
-RMB on a unit in the queue will remove the clicked unit and all others down the queue from production.
-SHIFT+LMB on an order in a weapon/armor producer will add +100 to the order.
-SPACE to go to last beacon
-ENTER to bring up chat
-ESC to close chat
I probably forgot some
I used to spam this forum so much...