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Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign



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Post 17 Feb 2017, 10:44

Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

Hi everyone,

I noticed that the Town Hall and the Siege Workshop are not available in the remake.
I know its because of the multiplayer balance, but it could be available in the campaign at least...
May I do it coding?


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Post 17 Feb 2017, 11:13

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

Honest reason, in my opinion, is that the remake developers just don't like the town hall or siege workshop. As for if you can code them, the remake is open source. You can edit and recompile all you want.
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Post 17 Feb 2017, 11:35

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign



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Post 17 Feb 2017, 18:50

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

Honest reason, in my opinion, is that the remake developers just don't like the town hall or siege workshop. As for if you can code them, the remake is open source. You can edit and recompile all you want.
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Post 09 May 2017, 22:07

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

Hola quería saber si ¿existe un parche para devolver los edificios y algunas caracteristicas borradas en KAM REMAKE del original ? , ya que ahora no hay Taller de asedio ( catapulta y balista )(siege workshop), Se acaban los Peces , falta el edificio ayuntamiento (town hall). En el panel de construir quedaron muchos cuadrados sin nada dentro.

-Aparte ¿no hay IA que construya sola sus edificios y cree ejercito , etc ???

-¿No hay un edificio que te permita crear las unidades que no estan en el castillo ??Ej: Hondero, Barbarian, Warrior,Rogue ,Rebel, Vagabond ,Catapult ,Ballista

- Antes ¿los peces eran infinitos ? o ¿los quitaron ?

Eso no mas , esta excelente que agreguen cosas , pero quitar edificios y unidades o botones. Yo creo que deberían considerar si las demás personas querían probar o comprobar , como funcionaban esos edificios o unidades y poder utilizarlas . Si eliminan algo yo lo siento incompleto al juego.
Desde ya muchas gracias y espero me puedan ayudar , en serio quiero tener el remake , pero con todas sus características sin nada eliminado por balances ni nada ! Uno en multijugador puede convenir , estas cosas no las vamos a utilizar para jugar limpio, esa es mi opinión y petición !!! Saludos !

Hello I wanted to know if there is a patch to return the buildings and some features deleted in KAM REMAKE of the original? , Since there is now no siege workshop (catapult and ballista) (siege workshop), the fish are finished, the town hall building is missing. In the build panel there were many squares with nothing inside.

-Apart there is no AI that builds its buildings and creates army, etc. ???

- Is there a building that allows you to create units that are not in the castle? Ex: Hondero, Barbarian, Warrior, Rogue, Rebel, Vagabond, Catapult, Ballista

- Before, were the fish infinite? Or did they remove them?

That's no good, it's great to add things, but remove buildings and units or buttons. I think they should consider whether other people wanted to test or check, how those buildings or units worked and to use them. If they eliminate something I feel incomplete to the game.
From now thank you very much and I hope you can help me, I really want to have the remake, but with all its features without anything removed by balances or anything! One in multiplayer may agree, these things we will not use them to play fair, that is my opinion and request !!! Regards !


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Post 10 May 2017, 06:45

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

Hello I wanted to know if there is a patch to return the buildings and some features deleted in KAM REMAKE of the original? , Since there is now no siege workshop (catapult and ballista) (siege workshop), the fish are finished, the town hall building is missing. In the build panel there were many squares with nothing inside.

-Apart there is no AI that builds its buildings and creates army, etc. ???

- Is there a building that allows you to create units that are not in the castle? Ex: Hondero, Barbarian, Warrior, Rogue, Rebel, Vagabond, Catapult, Ballista

- Before, were the fish infinite? Or did they remove them?

That's no good, it's great to add things, but remove buildings and units or buttons. I think they should consider whether other people wanted to test or check, how those buildings or units worked and to use them. If they eliminate something I feel incomplete to the game.
From now thank you very much and I hope you can help me, I really want to have the remake, but with all its features without anything removed by balances or anything! One in multiplayer may agree, these things we will not use them to play fair, that is my opinion and request !!! Regards !

Well, thanks for the dynamic scripts there are some possibility already to play with TownHall in multiplayer games and add townhall to AI in SP mode too.
Several forms are out there:
-3rd school is acting like townhall-costs are gold+traing time. This is just simulate the TH trining method.
-Build barrack (if i remeber well another building has to be enable repair button) what will be switched to townhall and select the wanted troops.(the map has a revealed and closed areas where you have to sign what troops you want) Costs are gold. This script is almost perfectly gives back the original townhall feelings. The building, the costs, the training effects only the unit selection methos is a bit different.
-TH troops from barrack. Costs are real weapons. It is a test how the TH troops would be workout from barrack.(opinions are different)
-there is 4th form too but now the details not pop up into my mind...sorry.

These scripts can be added to Single player maps too. Giving these type of troops to AI is also possible by dynamic scripts.

Siege is not avaiable even with dynamic script either. (?)

My opinions after many researches, talks, listen other players and developers opinions etc... is
-the original TH is IMBA
-The gold way is very cheap, should make minimum 3 times more expenise. would have to be compareable with marketprices.
-TH troops from barrack would be fun on normal training way without using dynamicc script tricks. It could give new strategy ways, more s...storm after PT, scouts could be back at some strategy. (Avaiable TH maps signed with NM 2.3)
-The TH troops from destroyed houses and unemploment citizen's transformation could be a good/playable way too.

There are many topics where these were discussed, but seems no one could agreed in one way. Somebody wants the original TH, somebody wants the news, somebody just would disable the whole thing...etc.
(most players are praying for TH on original way-there are alternatives already....)

The Siege is an easy question. I think it could be added on the origina way. Those units strengh is their weakness too. Huge hitting power but weak defence and slow speed and very high costs. I rather would choose 5 xbows+ 5milities than 2 catapults or ballista....



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Post 16 Nov 2017, 08:01

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

I registered just to complain about the lack of Town Hall and Siege Workshop, however, before I did that, I decided I can just play the vanilla. I started the vanilla game and Oh, My, God. It's unplayable. I got so used to the changes in Remake that I can't play vanilla anymore. I can't! I won't! Even simple stuff as making the road in vanilla is a major pain in the ass, you have to manually click every single tile, forget about making a long road fast. The resolution is crap of course, I can't imagine building a big town when I can see only 3 buildings max at the same time. I never got to the later missions in vanilla back when I was a kid playing it so I had no idea there even were siege engines. I hope they'll make it to the Remake one day.


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Post 16 Nov 2017, 10:12

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

Town Hall is on its way, during in-dev testing now. Siege workshop will be the next.
But these 2 buildings could have huge impact on game balance, so lots of balance test should be done after that.

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Post 16 Nov 2017, 17:22

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

Blahblahblahblahblah blah blahblah blahblahblah. Siege workshop will be the next.
Blahl blahblah blah blahblah blah blah blah blahblahblah blahblahblahblah blahblah blah blahblahblah blahblah blah.
Siege workshop will be the next.




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Post 16 Nov 2017, 19:41

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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Post 18 Nov 2017, 18:21

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

I've been back-and-forth on this debate for a long time, but these days I just want to see new things in KaM. I'm very excited to hear this :)
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Post 19 Nov 2017, 10:55

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

...and adding them to the multiplayer only few steps from the campaign :wink:
I hope it will happen very soon!
But I rather only would add them via script or as the TH units are added also. As the slow build order is scripted too.(-few maps planned for the old build order, anyway more balanced then the fast opening...) So why not a mapmaker could decide add them to the map or not? Enable/disable in the mapeditor. These units definitely would destroy gameplay on many maps. Experienced this with the TH units already. On few maps can have sense to add them, but mostly not. I really prefer the scripted way.



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Post 19 Nov 2017, 13:02

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

Great work. Wow :O :O

Thanks (6)

Better would be if the TH unit had created a castle. Weapons will be created by a carpenter / blacksmith in his arms workshops. :wink:

^ ^ ^
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Post 19 Jan 2018, 20:40

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

I must thanks too. Now i can play The Cruel King :D and create my own campaing



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Post 09 Apr 2024, 01:07

Re: Town Hall and Siege Workshop in the Campaign

Hola encontre un video de alguien intentando volver todo a la normalidad en las campañas que es lo que todos queriamos pero al parecer no ha logrado que esto sea completo. Porque salen bloqueados los edificios. Alguien que hable español, lo habra probado ? que hayan hecho una review o algo ?

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